Always Yours

Chapter 26

My dad was late. I had been standing outside the school grounds for almost half an hour. Alice left after lunch with Tommy so it’s not as if I could ask her. Her skipping school was becoming a bit of a habit, but it was none of my business.

Sighing, I chewed the inside of my cheek as I looked down the street. I didn’t want to walk home again but it didn’t look like I was going to have much of a choice.

Did I mention it was raining?

Hearing the honk of a horn I frowned when a car I didn’t recognise pulled up on the opposite side of the road. I prayed it wasn’t Franko.

“Aubrey come on”.

I sighed with relief when I saw it was my dad.

Quickly crossing the road, I jumped in the passenger side and threw my backpack in the back. “You’re late dad”. It wouldn’t have been that bad if it wasn’t raining but I was soaked.

“Sorry sweetheart I lost track of time. What do you fancy for dinner?”. He asked, pulling back onto the road.

“I have a shift at the diner so I can eat there. Are you still able to drop me off?”.

“Of course, what time do you start?”.

“Soon. I only have time to change and then we need to leave again”.

“Did you not work last night?”.

“I did but extra shifts mean extra cash and I need all the money I can get right now”.

“Just don’t wear yourself out okay”.

“I know dad I won’t”. At least I didn’t get the school spiel like I did with mom. School was the most important thing to them. I couldn’t fail, I wasn’t allowed to fail.

“School comes first Aubrey the diner comes second”.

And there it was.

“I know”. I sighed.

The rest of the journey home was quiet after that. I don’t see why school was always a big deal to them. Getting good grades and graduating high school wasn’t going to set me up for life.

I was going to do that, me, not school. I was going to work hard and get myself out of here as soon as I could.

“Do you want me to make you a sandwich to take with you?”. He asked, pulling into the driveway.

“No thanks”. I headed inside and went straight to my room to change.

I still wasn’t loving the uniform, grabbing my stripped shirt I tied it around my waist. At least tonight I would feel a little better that my ass wasn’t hanging out. Pulling on my sneakers I grabbed my purse and my raincoat and made my way downstairs.

My dad was standing at the front door holding a set of keys in his hand.

“How about you drive yourself to work?”. He smiled.

“Really?”. I grinned, taking the keys from him. “That car is mine?”.

“Yes, sweetheart really. She has a full tank of gas and she’s ready to go”.

“Thank you, thank you”. I ran out the front door excited to finally have my own car.

My own freedom. I wouldn’t have to rely on anyone ever again.

“Be safe and drive carefully. This is your responsibility now Aubrey”. He followed me outside.

My face hurt from smiling.

“Thank you, dad I really appreciate it,”.

“Be safe”.

“I will”.

It wasn’t anything fancy, but I didn’t care. If it got me to school and work, then that’s all that mattered. I clipped my seatbelt into place and reversed out the driveway.

Yeah, I was going to like this, I was going to like this a lot.

The parking lot for the diner was empty, which was strange. I know not everyone eats out all the time but there was always someone hanging around. Switching off my engine I got out and made my way inside.

Only the door was locked.

Rattling the door with my hand I waited. Surely, someone was here? If not, why wasn’t I informed the diner would be shut today? I’ve now wasted gas to get here.

Sighing, I turned about to make my way back to my car.

“Aubrey, hey”. Jen ran outside, grabbing my hand in hers, she hurried us both back inside making sure to lock the door behind us.

What was going on? Had I missed something?

“There’s been an accident”. She spoke.

“An accident?”.

“With the club”.

I made a face. I wasn’t sure why she was telling me this or what it had to do with the diner being closed.

“Franko’s been hurt”.

There it was. My insides tightened, the lump appearing in my throat. I shouldn’t have cared but I did.

“Hurt?”. I frowned.


Why was I getting upset? Franko meant nothing to me, only that wasn’t true, he meant everything to me. Trying to shut down my feelings for him wasn’t working no matter what I did.

He had managed to steal my heart.

“I-… I have to go”.

“No, sweetheart you can’t”. She grabbed hold of my hand. “You have to stay here so you’ll be safe”.

Safe? Why wouldn’t I be safe?

“Everyone involved with the club has to stay low. When something like this happens Blue calls a lockdown. I was waiting for you to get here so we can go to the clubhouse together”.

“But I’m not involved with the club”. I frowned. “I can’t go there”.

“You are Aubrey, and you know you are. I see you now have a car. That’s good because mine is being used by the club. Let’s go”.

I had no idea what was going on. I didn’t understand, but I didn’t argue with her. I handed her my keys and we left the diner.

I still wasn’t sure why I had to go with her. Should I be worried for my safety?

“Franko and I aren’t together”. I felt I had to voice my thoughts. I felt I had to make sure she knew that everyone knew. I had nothing to do with this, I wasn’t involved.

“Not yet sweetheart but until the danger is gone, we need to make sure you’re safe”.

“Why wouldn’t I be safe?”. I frowned. “And what danger, what’s going on?”.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“You’re important to Franko which makes you a target. Just trust me, okay. You’re better being here than anywhere else right now”. She pulled into the lot of the clubhouse and cut the engine.

“Target?”. I made a face. “A target for who? Why would anyone want to hurt me? Jen I can’t stay here”.

“Look it’ll only be for a couple of hours at most. Come inside and get something to eat”.

I didn’t move, made no attempt to remove my seatbelt. I knew I would be safe here, but I didn’t want to be involved in any of this, whatever this was. I wasn’t clued up on what being part of this club meant.

I heard stuff and read newspapers, but I didn’t know exactly what went on around here.

“Aubrey?”. She spoke.

“Where’s Franko?”. I asked.

“He’s safe now come on we better get inside”.

I didn’t know what to make of it. I stood awkwardly by the bar area, my hands clutching a can of coke. No one spoke to me, or even looked my way but I was aware of my surroundings.

Woman and children and a few men scattered about.

I hadn’t seen Jen since we got here. She had disappeared somewhere through the back. I kept my gaze to the floor; I didn’t want to get caught staring at someone and for them to get the wrong idea. I didn’t know these people, so I had no idea what they were capable of.

But every so often the door would open, and I would lift my head to see who it was.

It just so happens that this time it was Tommy but just like the rest of them he didn’t stop to talk, the most I got was a glance and a nod of the head.

I wanted to go home.

“Aubrey, right?”.

I lifted my gaze, my eyes landing on a girl, maybe a little older than me, great. Another girl here to throw threats my way no doubt.

I nodded.

“Franko’s girl?”. She asked.

“No”. I shook my head.

“Oh”. She frowned. “Anyway, are you hungry?”.

“Do you know when I can leave?”.

“Ray give us a minute”. Tommy spoke.

“Aubrey if you want something to eat come find me”. She smiled.

“You alright?”. Tommy asked.

I shrugged. “Why am I here Tommy?”.

“You know why”.

“I don’t”. I sighed. “And I’d really like to go home”. I was okay for now because my parents thought I was working but if I’m not home when I’m supposed to be they’d come looking.

They worried.

“Look just chill out and get something to eat. I need to go but I’ll be back later”.

“Tommy is he-…”. I paused sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. I was afraid to ask.

“He ain’t dead princess”. With that said he turned around and left the clubhouse.

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