Always Been You


Jensen hadn’t meant for the kiss to get so intense. All he had wanted to do was to calm her down a bit. To taste her beautiful lips for a few seconds. But it had escalated.

It had always been that way with them right from the beginning. Those had been special times, times when he’d taken her in his arms and kissed her until the world melted from existence. Anytime he touched her, they couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other. All rational thought flew right out the window. He loved the way she always responded to his touch… Like she was made just for him.

Like right now.

Katherine relished the taste and texture of him. A moan of protest curled up her throat when he finally pulled away. Her brain barely had time to register the fact that he had unclasped the halter top of her dress and the material now bunched at her waist. Her bare breasts trembled from the sudden rush of air and she felt a moment of self consciousness.

But then he caught one nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed, and a bolt of pleasure pierced her brain. Her lips parted on a gasp and then he kissed her again.

Her hands dropped from his shoulders and traced a path down the hard wall of his chest. She pressed her palm over his erection, feeling him through the fabric of his trousers. She was this close to the zipper when his phone rang.

They moved away from each other. He took his phone from his pocket and checked the caller ID. It was Elaine.

“It’s my sister,” he said as they arranged their clothes. “I guess we should go back”

“Yeah we should, ” Katherine said, breathing hard.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine,” she said.

She was aware of his hand on the small of her back as they headed for the hall.

“Where the hell have you been?” Elaine asked when she saw them come in. Her gaze went from Jensen to Katherine and then back to Jensen. She frowned “You know this is your party, right? We shouldn’t be looking for you”

“Yeah I know” Jensen replied. “Relax… You are overreacting”.

Jensen gave the final speech and said goodbye to most of the guests. Then he returned to Katherine who was at the bar.

“Getting drunk?” he asked, slightly amused.

“Yeah I am,” Katherine replied. “I needed that.”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

He smiled. “Does it have anything to do with me?”

Katherine gave him a look. “You really have to ask?”

“Well, are you ready to leave? Or do you want to drink some more?” he asked.

“No, I think I have had enough. Take me home” Katherine said.

The ride home was really quiet. Except for when Jensen, out of concern, asked her if she was really okay. To which she replied that she was fine.

They got to her house and Jensen packed in the driveway. “Where is Tim?” he asked.

“He’s with my mom,” Katherine replied. They both got out of the car and he walked her to the door and went in with her.

Jensen had barely had time to shut the door behind him when Katherine backed him up against the nearest wall.

Before he could draw another breath, her mouth covered his and her small tongue thrust between his parted lips.

He moaned. She wanted him all right. He thought. The proof of that stood trapped within his arms, evidenced by the blatant desire reflected in a pair of pansy soft eyes.

He didn’t fall back against the wall and demand to know what she was doing. He didn’t push her away. He didn’t do anything, except…kiss her back.

His arms gathered her close and he kissed her with even more intensity. The kiss seemed to go on forever and when he finally pulled away, Katherine couldn’t seem to catch her breath.

He moved away from the wall and grabbed her. In seconds, he released the halter of her dress and stripped her, baring her to him. His big hands lifted, cupping her, molding her to him. To his pleasure. And hers.

She grasped his shoulders, clung to him, her ability to think, to move, to breathe a thing of the past as he lowered his head to her flesh. All she could do was stand there with increasingly wobbly knees and receive each lick, suckle and draw of those sensual lips and tongue. And enjoy them.

Unable not to touch the lure of his hair, she swept her fingers over his head.

“Oh,” she whispered.

“Fuck, Kat , you are so beautiful.” he said.

Pulling his mouth away from her breasts, he dragged a hot, wet path up her chest, her throat, until he recaptured her mouth. This kiss was hotter, wilder, as if the tether on his control had frayed, and suddenly, her one purpose was to see it snap completely.

Her fingers found his nipple and she squeezed gently through his shirt. She was rewarded by a deep moan from him.

With a small whimper, she trailed her hand over his shoulder, chest and torso, not stopping until she cupped his rigid length through his pants.

Damn. She shivered, both need and feminine anxiety tumbling in her belly and lower. He more than filled her palm. Reflexively, she squeezed his erection. God, he was so thick, hard…big.

A rumble emanated from his chest, and his larger hand covered hers, pressing her closer, clasping him tighter.

His hips bucked against her palm in demand, and she gladly obeyed. Even as his mouth ravaged hers, she stroked him, loving the growl that rolled out of him. Wanting more.

Impatient, Katherine attacked the clasp of his pants, jerking them open and tugging down the zipper in a haste.

Nothing mattered but his bare, pulsing flesh in her hand. Touching him.

But just as she reached for him, an implacable grip circled her wrist, stilling her frantic movements.

She stared up at him, her eyes hot and luminous, mirroring the desperation he felt inside. But there was something else -the insecurity she tried so hard to hide since she got back.

It was still there because she was still there.

Still the same Katherine Kavell.

Still hopelessly and desperately in love with him.

The thought struck and his heart missed its next beat.

“We can’t do this, Kat,” he said. “Not yet”. Then he moved a few steps away from her.

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