A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 49: The Deadly confrontation

Before we begin this chapter, I just want to apologize for not updating this novel for a long time. I promise now that you’re all going to get a daily update till this novel is over. Thank you, and enjoy reading this chapter:

Chapter 49:

After Alejandro left the room, Marisa began dressing up. As she wore the black gown which she picked from the closet, her mind went back to the intimate moment she and Alejandro shared. Images of how Alejandro fucked her flashed in her mind but she quickly shook the erotic images off her mind and finished dressing up. As she finished dressing up she heard a knock on the door. She diverted her gaze to the door before saying, “Come in,” The door creaked open and a maid stepped inside the room, shutting the door quietly behind her as she walked into the room. “Good evening, ma’am,” the maid greeted Marisa with a slight bow. “Is it evening already?” Marisa muttered with a surprised expression on her face. She was surprised at how fast time was. The maid noticed the surprised expression on Marisa’s face and she wondered why Marisa had that expression on her face. Marisa glanced at the clock on the table standing close to the bed and she checked the time. The time was 5:30PM. Marisa remained silent as she wondered how much time she had spent in Alejandro’s empire. It had been more than ten hours since Alejandro captured Marisa from the church, and Marisa couldn’t help but wonder how her son is doing. But Marisa’s mind felt at peace because she knew her son was with her best friend, Clarabelle, and as long as he was with her, he would be safe. “Are you okay, ma’am?” The maid asked, feeling worried by Marisa’s silence. Marisa nodded and chuckled. “I’m fine. I was just surprised that it’s evening already,” she replied. “Oh,” the maid simply muttered. “By the way, what brings you to my room?” Marisa asked. “Lord Alejandro instructed me to bring you to the dining room for dinner. He wants you to eat with him,” the maid replied. Marisa frowned when she heard Alejandro’s name. “He abducted me and now he wants me to have dinner with him? What a complicated man,” Marisa muttered under her breath, too quiet for the maid to hear. “What did you say ma’am?” the maid asked. “Nothing,” Marisa replied with a fake smile. “Let’s go,” Marisa said. “This way ma’am,” the maid gestured and led Marisa out of the room. The both of them walked through the dimly lit corridor which was beautifully decorated with portraits of beautiful flowers. Marisa glanced at each portrait which was used to beautify the hallway and she couldn’t help but admire them. As Marisa and the maid continued walking through the hallway, Marisa noticed the dozens of guards positioned at every corner of the hallway. The guards were all dressed in black-tailored suits and they all had a dangerous look on their faces. Marisa quickly took her gaze off them as they walked further down the hallway. They descended the stairway and finally arrived at a the dining room. The maid bowed before taking her leave. Marisa was surprised to see Alejandro’s twin brother, Alexandro at the dining table. A frown appeared on her face when she also saw Blade at the dining table. Alejandro himself was also present, and a smirk appeared on his face when he saw Marisa. He stopped eating and took a moment to admire Marisa in her black gown. The gown clung to Marisa like a second skin and it fitted her perfectly. The gown also exposed her cleavage and it showed her shape and curves. Mere staring at Marisa, Alejandro began feeling turned on by her. He felt his dick rising gradually in his black trousers but he maintained composure. “Marisa, come have a seat,” Alejandro said with his usual deep voice. Marisa gazed at Alexandro and Blade for a while and she hesitated for a while before proceeding to sit on the empty chair beside Alejandro. As Marisa took her seat beside Alejandro, Blade angrily dropped the fork she was eating to eat. She felt really pissed off that Alejandro gave Marisa the opportunity to have dinner with them. “What’s the meaning of this, Alejandro?” Blade asked with an angry voice. Alejandro ignored Blade’s question and he began dishing out the meal for Marisa. Blade felt more infuriated as Alejandro dished out the meal for Marisa. Marisa on the other hand was surprised by Alejandro’s action. She was surprised that he was dishing out the meal for her. “Eat up, sweetheart,” Alejandro said after dishing out Marisa’s meal. Alejandro’s twin brother, Alexandro, observed the scene as he continued eating his own meal. He had an expressionless face and it was hard to guess what was going on in his mind. As Marisa began eating, Blade stood up and angrily took Marisa’s meal then poured it on the ground. Marisa gasped in shock as her meal splattered all over the ground. “Hey, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Marisa asked in anger as she rose to her feet. “Did you just say that to me?” Blade asked, and Marisa moved closer to her with a furious gaze. “Yeah, I asked you what the fuck is wrong with you. What are you gonna do about it, huh?” Marisa retorted bravely. Alejandro and his twin brother, Alexandro, said nothing as they continued eating. “You just arrived here today and you’re already feeling like the queen. You’re already feeling like you own this empire, right? But guess what, I’m gonna make you know your place in this empire, bitch,” Blade said, and Marisa scoffed. “You can’t hurt me,” Marisa asserted confidently. “Is that so?” Blade’s smirk turned wicked as she swiftly delivered two sharp slaps to Marisa’s face, leaving a cut on her lip. Marisa winced in pain, holding her cheek. “Now, think I can’t hurt you?” Blade taunted with a sinister smile. Marisa attempted to retaliate, but Blade intercepted, delivering a punch to Marisa’s face, causing her to stagger backward from the impact. Marisa’s head throbbed with pain as she stumbled backward from Blade’s punch. The room spun momentarily as she struggled to regain her balance. Despite the shock and pain, she clenched her fists, ready to defend herself. “You think you can just come in here and do whatever you want?” Blade’s voice dripped with malice as she advanced towards Marisa, her eyes blazing with fury. Marisa steadied herself, her jaw set with determination. “I won’t let you intimidate me,” she declared, her voice wavering slightly but her resolve unwavering. Blade lunged forward, aiming another blow at Marisa, but this time Marisa was prepared. With a swift movement, she dodged Blade’s attack and retaliated with a quick jab to Blade’s stomach. The unexpected strike caught Blade off guard, causing her to stagger backward. Marisa seized the opportunity to regain her footing, her adrenaline pumping as she prepared for whatever came next. Before Blade could recover, Alejandro intervened, stepping between the two women with a stern expression. “That’s enough,” he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. Blade glared at Alejandro, her chest heaving with anger. “Don’t fucking interfere, Alejandro. None of this would have happened if you hadn’t brought her here,” she spat out, pointing an accusing finger at Marisa. Marisa met Alejandro’s gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew that whatever she said next could have serious consequences. But she refused to back down. “I’m sick of all these shit,” she said angrily, her voice steady despite the anger coursing through her veins. Alejandro’s eyes flickered with something unreadable before he turned his attention back to Blade. “I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior in my presence, Blade. Apologize to Marisa,” Alejandro stated, his voice cold and authoritative. Blade’s face twisted with fury. “What the fuck are you saying, Alejandro? You want me to apologize to this bitch?” Blade asked in anger. “I said apologize to her right now!” Alejandro commanded with a louder voice. “I’m not going to apologize to anyone,” Blade retorted. Alejandro became infuriated, and in a split second he brought out a gun from his waistline and pointed it at Blade. Marisa gasped at the sight of the gun and she gulped nervously. She wasn’t expecting the matter to escalate quickly. “Oh, now you pointing a gun at me because of her?” Blade asked and scoffed in disbelief. “I said apologize to her right now!” Alejandro said as he cocked the gun. Blade’s defiance wavered as she stared down the barrel of Alejandro’s gun, a bead of sweat forming on her brow. The room grew tense, the air thick with apprehension. Marisa, wide-eyed and trembling, struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. She had never imagined things would escalate to this point. Alejandro’s grip tightened on the gun, his resolve unwavering. “Apologize, Blade,” he repeated, his voice cutting through the silence like a sharp blade. Blade’s resolve remained unyielding, her defiance palpable even in the face of Alejandro’s gun. She met his gaze with steely determination, refusing to back down. “I won’t apologize to her,” Blade stated firmly, her voice laced with contempt. “I’d sooner take a bullet than grovel to her.” Alejandro’s expression hardened, his grip tightening on the gun. The standoff intensified, the tension thickening with each passing moment. Marisa, caught in the middle of the escalating conflict, felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She had never anticipated such a volatile turn of events. As the standoff continued, Alejandro’s jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. But he remained silent, his eyes locked on Blade, waiting for her next move. Blade, undeterred by the threat of violence, stood her ground, her defiance unwavering. She was prepared to face the consequences, whatever they may be. As Alejandro’s twin brother, Alexandro, rose from his seat, he attempted to defuse the escalating situation. “Lower the gun, Alejandro,” he urged, his voice calm but firm. But Alejandro remained resolute, his attention fixed on Blade. “Stay out of this, Alexandro,” he snapped, his tone sharp. “I won’t lower this gun until she apologizes to Marisa.” Blade, undeterred by Alejandro’s ultimatum, continued to provoke him. “Pull the trigger then,” she taunted, her voice dripping with disdain. “I’m not apologizing to this woman.” Sensing the imminent danger, Marisa intervened, positioning herself between Alejandro and Blade. “Please, Alejandro, lower the gun,” she pleaded, her voice quivering with fear and desperation. But Alejandro’s anger raged unabated. “Move aside, Marisa,” he demanded, his tone cold and unyielding. Marisa reached out, her touch gentle as she cupped Alejandro’s face in her hands. “Please,” she implored softly, her eyes searching his for any sign of compassion or reason. As Marisa’s touch softened Alejandro’s resolve, a flicker of uncertainty crossed his face. He gazed into Marisa’s eyes, torn between his anger and her plea for peace. “Marisa…” Alejandro’s voice wavered, his grip on the gun loosening slightly. He struggled to reconcile his emotions, the weight of the situation bearing down on him. Blade seized the opportunity to further anger Alejandro. “Don’t listen to her, Alejandro. Shoot the fucking gun and let’s end this shit because I ain’t gonna apologize to your bitch,” she sneered, her voice dripping with contempt. But Marisa remained steadfast, her gaze unwavering as she continued to appeal to Alejandro’s humanity. “Please, Alejandro,” she repeated softly, her touch gentle yet insistent. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Alejandro’s rigid stance began to soften. With a heavy sigh, he lowered the gun, the tension in the room dissipating like a storm passing. Marisa released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, relief washing over her. She stepped back, giving Alejandro space to lower his guard. As the adrenaline of the moment subsided, Marisa couldn’t help but feel a sense of gratitude for Alejandro’s restraint. “Fuck you and your bitch, Alejandro!” Blade spat angrily before storming out of the room. Blade’s parting words echoed through the tense silence, leaving a bitter taste in the air. Alejandro watched her leave, his jaw clenched in frustration. He really felt like killing Blade at that moment but he managed to keep his anger at bay all because of Marisa. Marisa, still reeling from the intensity of the encounter, glanced at Alejandro, concern etched on her face. She knew that the fallout from this confrontation was far from over.RêAd lat𝙚St chapters at Novel(D)ra/ma.Org Only

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