A Night With The Ruthless Mafia Don

Chapter 48: BLADE

Minutes after the intense passionate encounter with Marisa, Alejandro could be seen inside the bedroom, dressing up. Marisa on the other hand was inside the bathroom, having a bath.

After dressing up, Alejandro glanced at the bathroom door, wondering why Marisa was taking too long in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Marisa was sitting in the bathtub in the bathroom, thinking about her life and everything she had been through ever since she met Alejandro.

She recalled the day she met Dave at the hospital. She remembered how Dave kept her company during her son’s surgery, and how he made her feel at ease throughout the hours she spent at the hospital during Jeffrey’s surgery.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she recalled the little moments they spent together when he was still alive. More tears flowed down her cheeks when she remembered the day he proposed to her. That day marked the first day in five years that a man proposed to her.

The fact that Dave was the only man she’d ever fallen in love with caused her so much pain and grief that she started sobbing while seated in the bathtub. Ever since she gave birth to her son, Jeffery, Marisa never had the chance to be in a relationship. Her son, Jeffrey, was her topmost priority, and she was always working day-to-day to ensure he had a good life.

She loved her son so much to the extent that she was ready to give up her life for him, and that was what led her to making the decision of venturing into the hook-up business for a night just to get money for his surgery.

But now, she regretted making that decision because she wouldn’t have had an encounter with Alejandro if she didn’t make that decision, and Dave might still be alive. Her life might still be perfect if only she hadn’t spent a night with Alejandro.

Marisa continued sobbing in the bathtub. All she was feeling at that moment was guilt, pain, regret and grief. At that moment, she wished she could travel back in time to correct her mistakes and make her life as perfect as it was before she met Alejandro.

Seated in the bathtub, Marisa couldn’t shake the heavy emotions weighing on her. The water around her couldn’t wash away the guilt and sorrow etched in her heart.

She kept replaying the moment she decided to dive into the world of hook-ups to gather money for Jeffrey’s surgery. Initially thinking it was a sacrifice for her son, the unintended consequences now burdened her conscience.

Alejandro’s presence in her life felt like a constant reminder of the different path she could’ve taken. Regret clawed at her, fueled by the belief that if she hadn’t chosen that specific night, maybe Dave would still be alive, and life would be closer to perfect.

Marisa’s grief and self-blame intensified with every passing moment. She wished for a time machine to rewrite her life’s script, to undo the choices that led to this emotional web. The realization that her pursuit of financial stability had unintentionally cost her the happiness she once had left her feeling desolate.

Amidst her sobbing, Marisa grappled with complex feelings. Her love for Jeffrey remained unwavering, but it was intertwined with remorse for the unintended consequences. Her heart ached for the lost chance with Dave and the what-ifs that now shadowed her.

Marisa yearned for redemption, a chance to rewrite her story, and restore the harmony disrupted by a series of choices leading her down an unforeseen path.

Marisa heard the bathroom door opening and she immediately wiped the tears off her face with her hands. She turned her gaze to the bathroom door, and she saw Alejandro gazing at her with a stick of lighted cigarette in-between his lips. She immediately covered her breasts with her hands.

“As you can see, I am having a bath, so what do you want?” She asked Alejandro with a cold tone, trying as much as possible not to let him know that she was crying.

“Were you crying?” Alejandro asked as he stepped fully inside the bathroom while smoking devilishly.

“Me? Crying? I wasn’t crying,” Marisa replied, wondering how Alejandro knew she had been crying.

“Then why are you spending too much time here?” Alejandro asked as he stood majestically in front of the bathtub Marisa was sitting in.

“I just wanted to take a long bath, nothing more.” Marisa replied, keeping her breasts covered by her hands.

Alejandro said nothing as he took a long drag from his cigarette. He gazed at Marisa’s naked body as she remained seated in the bathtub. Marisa felt embarrassed as Alejandro continued staring at her lustfully while smoking.

Marisa felt really uncomfortable as Alejandro had his gaze fixed on her. The bathroom was silent, adding to the tension Marisa was feeling. All she wanted at that moment was for Alejandro to stop gazing at her and walk out of the bathroom.

“You don’t need to cover your boobs, sweetheart,” Alejandro finally broke the silence, and Marisa averted her gaze to him. She frowned at his words, and she watched as he blew out a huge amount of smoke from his mouth.

“I own you, sweetheart, so I have the right to see them.” Alejandro added with a smirk as he crouched in front of the bathtub.

“You have the right to see what?” Marisa asked, her frown deepening.

“Your breasts, of course,” replied Alejandro as he took another drag from his cigarette.

“I need some privacy, please.” Marisa said, shifting uncomfortably in the bathtub.

“Take your hands off those precious boobs.” Alejandro said with a commanding tone, causing Marisa to narrow her eyes at him.

“Excuse me?” Marisa furrowed her brows questioningly at him.

“I said take your hands off your breasts,” Alejandro replied, his voice more commanding and authoritative.

Mariss swallowed nervously and she shook her head in disapproval before saying, “I’m sorry but I can’t do that because I am not your pet or your toy, so get the fuck out of here.” She had a serious expression on her face as she said those words. Even though she was nervous and scared as hell, she managed to put on a fierce facade.

Alejandro smirked at Marisa’s response, and he rose to his full height. He walked over to her and held her chin. tightly, making her look up at his face.

“Sweetheart,” Alejandro began. “I love the fact that you’re acting brave, but you seem to be forgetting something…” He paused and stared deeply into her eyes, then he continued. “I own you, Marisa. I own every part of you, starting from your soft, succulent breasts to your sexy thighs and your divine honeypot. I own everything and nothing will ever take you away from me. Not even the devil; not even death itself. You belong to me alone.”

Alejandro’s words infuriated Marisa, and she angrily slapped his hand off her chin before rising nakedly to her feet. “How many times have I warned you never to call me yours? You don’t fucking own me, Alejandro. I don’t belong to you and I never will, so stop calling me yours. I won’t hesitate to slap you the next time you call me yours.” Marisa’s words were filled with anger, and she didn’t care if she was naked in front of Alejandro.

Marisa angrily hissed at Alejandro before grabbing a towel, then she stepped out of the bathtub. The moment she stepped out of the bathtub, she slipped and was about to fall, but Alejandro was fast enough to grab her waist, preventing her from falling on the tiled floor.

Marisa’s heart began beating fast in fright as she gazed at Alejandro’s face. She would have fallen on the floor and injured her head if Alejandro wasn’t there to save her. And the fact that they were now in a romantic position caused her heart to race even faster.

“Careful, sweetheart,” Alejandro said with a smirk as he stared deep into her eyes. “You’d have injured yourself if I didn’t catch you on time, and I hate it so much when you’re in pain. I feel hurt whenever I see you hurting.”

For a moment, Alejandro’s words warmed Marisa’s heart, but she immediately remembered that he was a cold-hearted Mafia boss who had no feelings for anyone.

Marisa immediately stepped away from him and she quickly picked up the towel which fell on the floor, then she wrapped it around her naked body. She gave Alejandro a last glance before hurrying out of the bathroom.

Alejandro chuckled softly, then he also walked out of the bathroom. Stepping inside the bedroom, he saw Marisa putting on her dress. She didn’t spare him a glance, and he also didn’t say a word to her before walking out of the bedroom.

As Alejandro walked down the hallway, the guards bowed and greeted him respectfully. He didn’t respond to their greetings. He just continued walking till he reached the training room. He stopped walking when he heard groans and noises coming from the training room.

The guards standing in front of the training room opened the door for Alejandro and he stepped inside. Once he was inside, he saw fifteen men lying on the floor, groaning on the floor in pains. He saw Blade standing in the middle of the room, sweating and breathing heavily. From the looks of things, one could easily tell that Blade was the one who beat the men.

“Bravo,” Alejandro said, and he began clapping as he approached Blade.

Blade turned around to look at Alejandro. When she saw him, she frowned at him and she took off her boxing gloves.

“Who is that woman you brought to thr empire?” Blade asked as she wiped off the sweat on her face with an handkerchief.

“You all should get up and get the fuck out of this place.” Alejandro commanded the men lying on the ground.

The men immediately stood up from the ground and they limped out of the room in pain. Once the men were out of the training room, Alejandro averted his gaze back to Blade, who had a frown on her face.

“You were saying?” Alejandro asked, burying his hands in his pockets.

“I said who was the woman who brought to the empire.” Blade repeated, her frowm deepening.

“Whoever I bring to this empire is none of your business, Blade,” Alejandro replied with a straight face, surprising Blade, but she immediately hid her surprise.

“Oh, is that so? So, I don’t have the right to know who you bring to this empire?” Blade exclaimed, feeling pained and angry.

“Yep,” Alejandro simply replied, maintaining his straight face.

“Who exactly am I to you, Alejandro?” Blade asked, closing the distance between the both of them.

“And why did you ask that question?” Alejandro asked in reply, looking down at Blade’s face since he was quite taller than her.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I asked because I don’t seem to understand who I am to you any longer,” Blade replied. “I am your childhood friend, Blade. We fucking grew up together and lived together for more than seventeen years, and yet you treat me like I’m an outsider? Who the fuck does that?”

“The fact that you’re my childhood friend doesn’t give you the right to invade my privacy,” Alejandro said with a cold yet dangerous tone. “If you dare to cross your boundary, l won’t hesitate to cut off your head and feed it to my crocodiles. Let that stick to your goddamn brain.”

Alejandro turned around as he finished saying those words, then he walked out of the training room.

“Argh!!!!” Blade screamed angrily, and she punched the nearest wall with all her might. She continued punching the wall in anger till her knuckles began to bleed. After a minute, she stopped punching the wall. Her hand was now covered in blood but she cared less about that. She was too angry to feel the pain in her hand.

“I swear, Alejandro, it’s either you choose me or no one else,” she muttered in anger as she breathed heavily. “You belong to me, Alejandro. You belong to me alone and no one else. I don’t care what it’s gonna cost me to have you all to myself. I swear, I’ll do anything to have you all to myself. I’ll even kill anyone who stands in my way. You can’t have any other woman apart from me. I swear with my life, no other woman will end up with you.”

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