Zero and Beauty's Breath (A Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club Series Book 3 - 4)

Chapter 36 (Beggar)

Chapter 36 (Beggar)

I'm just tired of them treating me with kid gloves.

My stomach chooses that moment to roll and I start feeling like puking my guts out.

The sudden change must show on my face when After pushes Zero aside and looks at my face for a

few beats, then she takes the cold drink and gives me a speculative stare.

“What?” My voice is accusing and I don't even know why.

“Call me fucking dumb, and the timing shit, but this is the third time this week you had that look when

you drank coke. My sister had that look a few times, wanna know what it was?” Her big brown eyes tell

me she really wants to say it, and I shake my head.

“Not really, but you gonna tell me anyway.”

“You bet your ass I am.”

“What the fuck are we talking about?” Zero bellows and we both face him.

“Nothing, I am going to let you figure this shit out on your own first, then I am going to tell you I knew it

all along.” After says to me, thinking better of what she was about to say.

The heat is scorching and I bend down to tie my laces of my boots.

I stand up as my phone vibrates. I slip it out of my denim pocket and see Killer's name flashing. I ignore

Zero's forward eyes and swipe right to answer.


“Get your asses back here now, just found Stacy Ferns, she's dead,” Killer's words leave that ice-cold

feeling of rage in me.

This girl needs to be stopped.

“On our way.”

“Don't forget to put your gloves on.” I clip the phone off and relay the message to After and Zero leaving

the last part out.

We rush in silence to the bikes, and my stomach tumbles as we get closer to the road where we


“You ride with Zero,” After tells me as she grabs her helmet from her bike.

I wordlessly walk to Zero's bike, as he moves ahead of me, not pointing out that he has a girlfriend.

The last time I pointed that out was when I first jumped on his back. It feels like ages ago, but his dark

angry scowl and his words are still as fresh as though it happened just last night.

So I shut my mouth, minding my own business.

“Can we keep this between us,” he says as he hands me his helmet and I slip it on and wait for him to

get himself on the bike.

I don't answer as it doesn't need one. He wants me to keep it quiet from Quinn, and I want to tell him it NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

is not me who he should be worried about telling her shit.

Wisely I remain silent, and hold his shoulder, swinging my leg over and scoot back enough, holding his


“Why are you holding me like a fuckin' stiff,” he shouts and I roll my eyes, knowing he can't see me.

After walks toward us and gives me my gloves and I can say, I take them with a groan. Slipping the

green gloves on I place my hands back to Zero's hip.

“Put your fuckin' hands around me, I'm not going to be cruising.”

“Just ride the damn bike, and stop whining,” I snap.

But as usual Zero does what he wants, and grips my wrists and pulls it until my arms are wrapped

around him and my chest is partly touching his.

He thinks I am stupid, we both know that this isn't how I am supposed to hold him.

He revs his bike before I can say shit about it and turns and for some reason that just has me fuming.

He is such a fucking jackass, him, River and Killer.

First River, bossing me around, telling me what to do, buying me shit I don't want. Then Killer, trying to

control my every move and now Zero, first he fucks me, then he walks away and pretends nothing


Now, he wants to smile, and get my hands on him. One of these days, I am going to blow.

I never had a temper like the one I feel.

When I was on the streets, I had to be smart, when I was running from Lucca, I had to be invisible, and

when I started hunting my list I had to be quick and tight, one move could get me killed.

Now I feel anger, a new emotion, one like this is dangerous.

We stop at the beginning of the road waiting for After. Once her blue and white bike is next to us we


I love this part of being with the Bikers.

There is no feeling freer than the ride of a bike.

Zero telling me to keep my mouth shut and then hands on him like I am doing right now does dim the

beauty of the ride a bit, but it can't take the feel of the wind as I lift the shield from my eyes, or the

vibration of the bike as it hums between my legs.

We make good time as we get to the Clubhouse.

All the others are there, and what do you know, shit luck for Zero when Quinn is standing on the porch

with Chadley and Jade, in her nurse scrubs.

She doesn't miss Zero's bike or the fact that I am behind it. He parks it and I don't take my eyes off

Quinn, her face looks like she just witnessed a murder.

I swing my legs off his bike and pull the helmet off. I hand it to Zero aware that my hood is still on.

“Thanks for the ride, asshole,” I tell him, and his fingers brush mine as he takes his helmet from my

outstretched hand and a small barely there grin surfaces.

My nostrils flare as his gaze becomes serious as it locks on the person behind me and I don't need to

be a smart ass to know it is Quinn.

“Why couldn't you ride with After,” Quinn says in a shout as I pull my gloves off and turn to her.

Her curls are all loose and open, she resembles a doll in nurse clothes.

I look at her, and smile. It is funny how she thinks I'm a threat.

If she only knew how Zero fucked me and left me to go be with her, I doubt she'd even give me a


“Quinn now isn't the time,” Zero says, and I move to leave but she grabs my arm and I stop.

My eyes slowly track down to her hand on my arm, which she drops, and I scowl at her.

“I ain't never fought for a dick before and I ain't certainly going to stand here and waste my time while

you do it.”

My head turns to look at Zero and his eyes are hard glints pointed on me.

“Sort your woman out, I'm not allowing her a next time.”

My threat is clear and I ignore Spade, Texas and After watching the show down.

Killer comes into view as I step away from Quinn and Zero.

“Why are you walking away Beggar. The only person here that needs sorting out is you,” Quinn purses

her lips together, and a few whistles go around me.

I pull my hood down, “I don't like this shit, seen it on the streets more than enough. Women want to

fight for their men, thinking it makes them better, but I don't see why fight for a dick when he doesn't

want you. Even if he did, no man is worth your dignity. I ain't got any, but I'm sure a pretty thing like you

does, so I suggest you step back. I ain't fighting for no man, but I will fuck you up if you give me a

reason too.”

This is the most I have said to Quinn, and I don't know why, I normally keep my shit tight, quiet, mind

my own thing. But she doesn't seem to get that, so I explained it to her, hopefully, she gets it now.

All of The Satan Snipers are watching and the guys, which I can hear is mostly Spade and Storm are

whistling and chortling.

Quinn's doughy expression changes like somebody caught her in the middle of a murder scene, and if

she doesn't leave me be, she'll surely be the victim.

“What the fuck is happening here? Why are you asses still outside,” Killer walks toward us and Quinn

seems to shrink back in his presence?

Zero doesn't lift his head to anyone as he puts his helmet on his bike and walks toward the house. The

way he is crunching his boots I know he is angry.

But it shouldn't be because of me, his woman needs a leash.

I hear After snort as Killer comes closer to me and lifts my hand to pull my gloves from my clutches.

“I am not a baby,” I snap and pull my hands away as he takes the gloves away.

“At least you listened.” He says completely ignoring my outburst and Quinn which I do too with the


Thing is, she is upset and while it is understandable, I am not the person to be upset with.

Zero could've said no, but he didn't.

So she is pointing her anger at the wrong person when she should be looking at the man sleeping next

to her.

She must see that I am not going to give her my time because she spins around and walks into the


“Let's get inside, got a fuck load to discuss.” Killer walks away and stuffs my gloves in his leather pants.

His chains dangle from one side of his butt cheek.

I am a woman and I got to admit that Killer is a hot man, even if he is the devil in a sexy coat.

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