Yours, Never Again

Chapter 35

Eloise’s povContent provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“In the past one month, you have stood by me, and supported me, that means a lot to me,” I said to Victor while he drove us to where we were going to have lunch. “I know it has been hard for you, taking the news of the miscarriage, managing me, your company, and even Silverberg.”

“It’s fine,” He focused on driving not sparing me a glance, is he annoyed?

“I’d like to pay you back”

“How? Eloise, How?” He interrupted me.

“Anything you asked for, just name it,” I challenged him.

“Even if I ask you to love and marry me?”

“You would not ask me to do that, would you?” I let out a small chuckle.

“That is exactly what I want,”

“Look, Victor, I don’t think I am worth loving you. I mean think about what had happened between us, how I handled the miscarriage selfishly, and how I hurt you four years ago, I don’t think I can.”

I paused to look at his face but before I could continue he spoke before me.

“Speaking of four years ago, you hurt me and made me the bad guy with your addiction and all. You were hurting, you always are. Are you ever happy?” I will never trust David. I could not even say anything to what Victor said.

“Look at how you handled what Sam did to you. That’s crazy, you should cry when you want to cry. I didn’t see you cry after we lost our baby but I knew you were hurting. You shouldn’t be doing this to yourself.”

“I appreciate your concerns, I will marry you. I am stronger than you think Victor. You should draw up a contract or something for handing the shares back.”

“I will, Chan will bring it over. I don’t want a loud wedding. We will only sign our marriage deeds and inform our parents,”

“That’s not how I want my wedding man, I want gorgeous stuff.”

“I am sorry Eloise, I can’t give that to you. You are marrying me not loving me.”

“I don’t get to wear a wedding dress?”

“You get full control of your company instead.”

“I really don’t know what to say.”

“We are both selfish people Eloise that won’t satisfy each other’s needs. We are here, let’s go in.” He got out of the car and I followed suit.

We ordered our food, it took a while before our food came in because they cook the food after the order is placed in this restaurant.

“So do you have anything to say to your fiancé before I hand him over to the cops?”

“No, and he is not my fiancé.” I scoffed.

“You haven’t broken your engagement,” I didn’t miss the scornful look on his face.

“How about you take me to him after lunch?” The waiters brought in our food and we ate not saying a word to each other again.

He drove me to his company.

“I thought we were going to see Sam.”

“Here we are.”

“Your office, you are crazy. Who does that?”

“Me and he is in the basement,” He took me to where Sam was and I asked him to excuse us.

“After you ran off with my money and used my company’s name for your fraud, you know what I thought?”

“You thought, you as the smartest woman in the industry got jilted by me,” Sam said laughing like a mad, I spat on his face.

“That’s where you got it all wrong. I thought about the same thing when I said your proposal, Silverberg’s image must not be messed with. After you were gone my new fiancee got you for me, now I get to decide your fate.”

“I will have him send you to the worst jail quietly, you will rot in jail.” The smile on his face changed to a scared look.

I am not sure if Victor will do what I said to Sam. How on earth is this kind of place in the basement of his company.

“I know how much you loved children Sam, how you care for pregnant women but do remember how you beat me up a month, I lost my baby, ” Tears slipped out of my eyes. “The worst I could do to you is jail, I hope you resent yourself for this,”

I didn’t expect myself to break down in tears like that, Victor came inside and he hugged me. He took me to his office.

“I have a friend in the prosecution, he will deal with this case like you want it to be.” I didn’t stop crying.

Victor helped me onto the couch, he sat beside me and he put my head on his chest.

“It’s okay to cry, Eloise,” He patted my back.


Victor was going through some files on his desk, I think I fell asleep on the couch earlier. I watched him work, this man deserves the world, a better woman.

He raised his head and our eyes met. “Ah, you are awake. David is coming to pick you up.”

“Okay,” The air between was awkward, tense. He continued with his work and I went to check through my social media account. I didn’t change my profile picture since his mom’s retirement ball.

If I didn’t post that picture, no one would know I was the lady he took to the ball. The netizens are really hardworking.

“Do you always work late?” I asked Victor when I was already tired of looking through my phone.

“Sometimes, I have an important meeting in the middle of the night.”

“You are not coming home tonight?”

“I will, after my meeting. You should move your remaining stuff to our house, we will are getting married tomorrow.” Aww, our house. The smallest thing always warm my heart, did he say our house?

“David will take you to size your finger for the rings”

“How about you?”

“I will go after I finish with my meeting. Pick the design of your choice.”

“I will handle the announcement of our wedding.” I stopped up from the couch and went to his desk side, I position my phone on his table and I sat on his lap. I set the camera timer.

“You should kiss me on my cheek,” I said to him.

“You should kiss mine,” He replied, “The time is up almost up,”

I turned to kiss him on his cheek, my lips met his lips instead of his cheek and the camera clicked that.

“You did that intentionally,” I accused him.

“Get off me, you don’t look like you weigh this much,”

“Shut up,” I stood up from his lap and I went back to lie on the couch. I sent the picture the Leslie and told her to announce our marriage in the magazine and our website.

“How do you feel about Sam?”

“Now that I know he is going to jail, I feel better, so are we going to make another baby?”

“Maybe,” His response sounded bitter, David then came in.

“What’s up people?” David said as he came in.

“Hey bud,” I greeted him, Victor ignored me.

“The two of you are trying to deprive your friends of them being groomsmen and bridesmaids.”

“We will have a wedding party during our first anniversary, aren’t we honey?” I said to Victor and he nodded in agreement. I doubt if David knew about our little agreement.

“Let’s get going, I am going to the club after I drop you at the club,”

“Drive carefully,” Victor said when we were about to leave. He cared and he was acting like we didn’t exist some minutes ago.

“I will,” David said and we went downstairs. As I wanted to open the door to David’s car I looked up to his office side and I saw Victor looking at standing by his window. I got into David’s car and he drove off.

“You know Eloise, Victor loves you,” David said to me after we picked out the rings. When we left Victor’s office, we were vibing to songs on this Made in Lagos Album by Wizkid, so we didn’t talk.

“If he doesn’t tell me that, there is no way I am believing that,”

“You do know he loves you, you can see his sincerity, then I won’t say much. You are my friend and he is also my friend. I have done that man all my life, you are the first lady he is putting efforts to impress,”

“Why are you telling me?”

“I am pretty sure he is the one marrying, you are not marrying him.”

I scoffed, “Did he tell you this?”

“He doesn’t say much these days, you should cut him some slack, try to help him out whenever you can, let’s ignore the fact that he has helped you a lot of times. You are now his wife, the rich society has norms for their household, you should fill in that spot without bothering him that’s the best thing you can do for him.”

He paused, then he continued. ” I won’t ask you to love him, love doesn’t work that way. I just hope you could open your heart to him, heal and help him heal too. That idiot has grey hairs already and he is just twenty-five,”

I laughed at the last sentence he said. ” I get your point, I will only try my best,”

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