Wrecked (Dirty Air Series Book 3)

Wrecked: Chapter 36

Liam pulls me away from our group of friends, leaving Sophie and Maya to chat Elena’s ear off while we wait for our Escape Room appointment.

“I wanted to tell you that it makes me happy to see you no longer flipping your shit every week. Love looks good on you.” Liam passes his debit card to the employee.

Instead of coming back with a snappy comment, I place my hand on Liam’s shoulder and give it a squeeze. “Thanks. I’m sorry I haven’t been the easiest person to get along with this year.”

The employee leaves us alone, mumbling something about checking if our room is ready.

“That’s an understatement. But with you taking the human equivalent of animal tranquilizers, I can’t blame you. Speaking of those pills, are you still using them?”

I cross my arms. “No.”

Liam’s eyebrow raises. “No like ‘No, I’m not taking them,’ or ‘No, I enjoy them from time to time like indulging in ice cream’?”

I chuckle. “No. I’m done with that shit. Permanently.”

He lets out a loud breath. “Thank fuck.”

“I still keep them around for any out-of-control panic attacks, but I switched medications.” I ignore the urge to tell Liam about Tom and my therapy sessions.

“Will you promise me one thing?”

I lean against the counter, needing something to support me for whatever Liam is about to throw my way. “What?”

“I’m happy for you and your relationship. I really am. But I want you to reassure me that even if it doesn’t turn out well, you won’t fall back into the cycle of pills and partying.”

I frown. “Not good how?”

“Relationships take work. They’re not easy.”


“And for someone like you, I worry that you might return to self-destructive ways to cope with the negatives in your life.”

“I promise you that I won’t, even if my relationship doesn’t work out or shit gets hard. I’m done with Xanax. And partying isn’t as fun anyway without you and Noah.”

Liam pulls me in for a hug, surprising me. “Good. Now let’s go kick ass and show Noah we’re the smarter ones. He’s all high and mighty, thinking he will win.”

The employee shows up a few minutes later to usher us into a hallway.

“Okay everyone, you’re going to put on these blindfolds, and we will help guide you into two dark prison cells. Split up into two groups with who you want to be locked up with. An alarm will sound, and the lights will turn on, indicating you can take off your blindfolds. Do not take them off until then. Search for clues to help get you and your friends out of the cells. You’ll have one hour. If you need a clue, use the walkie talkie your group leader has.” He passes us each a black blindfold.

“Reminds me of good times, right, Sophie?” Liam winks as he waves the blindfold in front of her face.

“You’re embarrassing me!” Sophie blushes and stomps to my side. “I’m joining Jax’s team now.”

“We’re all on the same team.” Noah scowls at the orange jumpsuit we were asked to put on.

Elena holds on to her blindfold with trembling hands.

“Are you okay?” I tap her hand.

She looks around before whispering, “I didn’t know we were going to be in the dark.”

“Do you want to not do it?”

“I can’t quit. That’s embarrassing.” Her cheeks turn pink at the thought.

“No one will give a shit. We can go do something else and explore Austin.”

Her eyes slide from her blindfold to mine, betraying her fear. “You’ll be in my group?”


Elena sighs as she places the blindfold over her eyes. She clutches onto my hand, seeking comfort. Before Elena, I’ve never been that for someone. More importantly, I’ve never wanted to be that for someone. But with Elena, these moments fill me with a sensation I’ve never experienced before. It should frighten me, yet I feel invigorated to have her trust. Our relationship has been growing slowly and I can’t say I’m sorry about it.

I give her hand a squeeze as the attendants guide us into our prison cells. They ask us to place our hands on the cell bars, but I clutch onto Elena’s hand instead. It shakes and her breathing becomes more audible as Liam, Maya, Santiago, and Elías are set up in the other cell.

“You’ve got this,” I whisper in the general direction I assume is her ear.

The sound of the other cell door closing gives me hope this will all end soon for Elena. Once the alarm rings, I rip off my blindfold. Elena does the same.

“I did it.” She offers me a timid smile.

“I knew you could. Now go put your skills to the test. You’re our saving grace.” I tug on the sleeve of her orange jumpsuit.

We spend the better part of ten minutes scouring the small cell for clues.

My jaw drops as Elena kneels on the cement floor. “You did not stick your hand in a toilet.”

Elena glares at me, her arm half immersed in the empty bowl. “There might be something in there.”

“I’m disgusted yet slightly impressed by your commitment.”

“Care to stop flirting with your girlfriend and search for clues? You’ve barely helped.” Noah paces the five-by-eight prison cell, searching for anything to help us escape. Sophie attempts to lift the mattress off the bed but fails. I move to help her, lifting it with one arm while she searches the seams.

This is who I’ve become, hanging out with my friends, doing normal shit without a pending panic attack holding me back. The group didn’t have a problem accepting Elena and Elías. Albeit, they already hit it off during their Cards Against Humanity night that I ruined after one too many pills. But we all choose to ignore that night.

“Earth to Jax, can you pass me the spoon?” Elena snaps at me from her spot in front of the toilet.

“I don’t want your dirty hands on our only clue.”

She waves her clean hand in front of me before offering me a vulgar gesture.

“You’ve been hanging around Jax too much.” Noah laughs.

“More like I’ve been hanging out in her too much.”

“Jax! Cállate.” Elena’s eyes narrow at me.

“Yes, please, Elena is like a sister to me and I could do without hearing those details.” Elías groans from the other cell.

Laughter fills the two cell blocks. I don’t resent it. Instead, I welcome it, knowing I’m on a path to healing, one day at a time. With Elena by my side, I have hope I can recover from the mistakes I’ve made and the people I’ve pushed away.

I want to be different, but there’s still one thing holding me back. And for the first time in a long time, I’m considering the impossible. The one thing Mum has begged me year after year to do.

And damn, it’s scary as fuck.

“The party bus picked us up from the hospital and drove us around for an hour before dropping us off at the club you rented out. It was dope, looking like something straight out of the roaring twenties,” Caleb yells into the phone.

“Did you ask Francesca to dance?” I place him on speaker while I tie the laces of my race sneakers. After our Make-A-Wish week, Caleb wanted to start a tradition of calling me before qually rounds, claiming he can be my good luck charm.

Have you ever tried denying an adolescent? They’re tenacious and fucking stubborn. So, naturally to avoid his whining and nonstop messages, I obliged and accepted my new tradition.

“Of course. With the dance moves Elena taught me, I was the most popular guy there.”

“You’re probably the most popular guy, period.”

Caleb laughs. “Thanks for the compliment but I’m for sure the nerdiest. The coolest guy award goes to Dylan. He’s done with treatment, which is basically a badge of honor around these parts of the hospital.”

“And how is your recent round going?”

“Burns like a bitch.”

My heart dips at the thought of Caleb in pain. I’ve grown fond of the kid. He texts me memes every day after I gave him permission to contact me whenever he wanted.

“You’re taking care of yourself?”

“Reckon so. As much as I can, at least. But I’m dying of boredom here. They blocked access to HBO so I’m fresh out of luck.”

I let out a roar of laughter. “Why don’t you go sneak off somewhere and make out with Francesca?”

“Do you know that you act like a weird older brother?”

Well, crap, I guess I kind of am acting that way with him. “You’d be lucky to have me as a sibling.”

“No shit. That would get me so much street cred around here. My visit with you already won me over with Francesca and her friends. Getting my first tattoo with Jax Kingston dimmed Dylan’s spotlight for a solid week.”

Who knew hospitals have a social hierarchy like high school? I sure as shit didn’t.

“How’s my Mexican princess?” Caleb purrs.

“She’s good.”

“Just good? You must be a terrible boyfriend then.”

I release a deep laugh. “Why’s that?”

“Because she said the same thing about you when I called her last week.”

“You talk to Elena?”

“Duh. Someone has to make sure you’re kept in line.”

“And she said things are good?” Curiosity makes me sound like a damn wanker.

“Good God, you’d think the two of you don’t speak to one another. She said things are good and that she’s happy. Is that good enough for you?”

That’s better than good. For some reason, hearing it from Elena is one thing, but hearing it from Caleb is a whole other situation. A bigger thing because she wants to share part of our relationship with others.

Yup. I’m turning into a bloody wanker. “Yeah, that’s good news, mate.”

“Please don’t break her heart. At least not until I turn eighteen and can be there to pick up all her broken pieces and put her back together.”

I laugh at his joke, hoping I don’t break her heart. Not because I don’t want Caleb to have her. But rather, I want to keep her longer than originally anticipated.

Hate to break it to Caleb, but there’s nothing longer than forever.

“I’m calling in on my favor.” I lean against the doorway, breaking Elena’s attention away from packing her luggage.

She pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose. I’m a bloody wanker who loves how she gives off sexy disheveled vibes. I like Elena in dresses and heels, but I like her just as much in sweats and a hoodie she stole from my bag. My fingers twitch, craving to rip it off her.

“Aren’t we past favors?” She tilts her head.

“I won mine fair and square, which means you’re taking a week off.”

Both her brows jump. “What? A week off from what exactly?”


She shakes her head. “I can’t do that—”

“Of course you can. I already asked Connor. And before you ask, I promised to be on my best behavior so you can enjoy yourself like Sophie and Maya do.”

“You can’t call in and use my sick days.”

“I can and I did.” I shrug. “You’ll thank me for it. We can’t have you working yourself into a shallow grave.” The idea hit me after Elena confessed to me during lunch one day how she has never taken a sick day off of work. Not even when she was seventeen and had to work during her birthday. That’s a bloody tragedy no one should experience in their lifetime.

I’m working to rectify her addiction to working. At least a little bit, so she can have enough free time to actually enjoy the life she works hard to provide for.

Look at me, all thoughtful and shit. Mum would be proud.

“I’m not seeing how this is a favor for you?” She scrunches her nose in the cutest way.

Cute. Adorable. Beautiful. Elena brings out the hopeless romantic in me that can’t help wanting to make her smile again. I’m tempted to grip my balls to make sure they’re still attached to my body, but I ignore the urge.

“I want you to enjoy a week by my side as my girlfriend. Galas, press conferences, race-day podiums. You know, actually enjoying the Mexican Grand Prix like a local, rather than an employee.”

She lets out a laugh that settles me. “You know, people would be surprised to know what a soft teddy bear you are underneath all those tattoos, muscles, and grumbly words.”

“It’s a good thing you’re good at your job, love, because I can’t let that secret get out.”NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

Elena hits me with a stunning smile that makes my skin grow hot. She walks away from the bed and tugs my shirt, pulling me toward her. “This is one secret I’ll guard with my life.”

“Oh, and why is that?” my voice rasps, my need for her becoming obvious.

“You’re famous, which means the world knows more about you than both you and I would like. But the man you are when the cameras shut off is someone I want to keep all to myself. It’s selfish…but I never claimed to be an angel.” Her smile changes to something devious, the sparkle in her eyes hinting at more.

“Be as selfish as you want. I never asked for an angel.”

Elena wraps a hand around the back of my neck and pulls my lips toward her. She shows me exactly why angels are overhyped and lust is the deadliest sin of them all.

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