Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate




The moment I locked the door, I realized what I had done. I was shocked that I could be so brazen. I had never done something so out there before and just thinking about it had me flushing crimson. I risked a glance at Kaden and I saw that he was just as shocked, if not more shocked than I was. It was not in my nature to make the first move but somehow I had gathered up the courage.

I slowly made my way back to him keeping my eye on the ground. The moment I got within arm’s reach, he grabbed me, pulled me into his lap and kissed me. His lips were warm and the kiss has my toes curling and my spine arching into him. It was not soft in any way, it was frenzied and imbued with pleasure.

One hand held my waist firmly while the other tangled itself in my hair to angle me just the way he wanted. I let out a gasp when he tugged at my hair tighter and his tongue slipped into my mouth. I had never felt anything as erotic as Kaden’s kisses. It threatened to tip my entire world off its axis. It was like a drug and I wanted more.

My thoughts scared me because I never thought I could feel that way. My core ached and clenched around nothing. I squeezed my thighs together in an effort to quell the ache and the hunger but it wasn’t working. It just wasn’t enough. I whined and Kaden pulled back to press his forehead against mine.

“Kaden,” his voice was barely more than a whisper on my lips and he buried his head into my neck with a groan.

In one quick move, he had flipped me so I was straddling his hips. My legs were on either side of him and I was settled over his thighs. I flushed pink and tried to hide my face in my hands. I felt so vulnerable and bared open. I was not sure if he would like what he saw. Lucy had ample breasts and she was small. I had curves and although my breasts weren't small, they were nowhere near Lucy's.

Kaden pulled back from my neck and ran his eyes over me. “Perfect.” he murmured and my cheeks heated. “You don't mean that.”

“Of course I do,” he stared at me as if he were in a daze. “I have never seen anything or anyone so perfect. It is like you were carved directly from marble just for me.”

He released my hair to run his hands down my body softly. The calluses on his hands created goose bumps all over my skin. His hand trailed up my side and towards my jacket. His eyes were pleading and I nodded slowly. He let out a sigh of relief and shrugged off my jacket. Once it was off and on the floor, he ran his hands up and down my arms. It was more intimate than seductive but it still had me squirming in his lap.

His hand moved up to cup the back of my neck and he leaned closer to brush his lips over mine. “I want to take this slow but I’m scared I can’t. Tell me what I can do, tell me what is enough for you.”

I didn't know what to say. The fact that he cared enough about me to ask was endearing and somewhat erotic. I bit down on my bottom lip and his eyes zeroed in on the action. I felt him swell beneath me and even though I thought it wasn't possible, my cheeks heated up further.

He reached out to pull my bottom lip from my teeth. “Tell me what I can do. “You can kiss me.” my voice was barely over a whisper as I spoke. It felt too weird to voice out what I wanted like that. It was different but I liked it. Kaden leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine once again. “Here?” he asked before moving his lips to my neck. “Or do you want it here?”

Before I could respond, he pressed an open mouthed kiss on the column of my throat. I let out a gasp and my hands reached up to grab the collar of his shirt. I felt him smirk against me as he kissed up and down my throat. The only sounds I could form were soft gasps of pleasure as his lips moved against me.

He bit down on my throat and I let out a sound so wanton that I wasn’t even sure it came from me. His tongue reached out to smooth the spot and I melted like a puddle in his hands. He repeated the process until I found myself rocking my hips against him desperate for some friction to rid myself of the ache in between my thighs.

As he assaulted my neck, one of his hands trailed up my arm until he got to my breast. His hands were so large that he could almost fit the entire thing into his hands. My breasts were heavy but he held onto one peak and rolled his thumb over my nipple through the fabric of my clothes. The action had me gasping for air.

Suddenly, he froze.

I let out a whine of protest as he pulled away from me. His eyes were half lidded with lust and there was a tent in his trousers. I could see him straining to pull away from me almost as if it physically hurt him to do so. He helped me to my feet and pulled my jacket onto my shoulders

“I hate to leave you like this,” he murmured, “especially since you didn’t cum yet but I have something important to handle. I will see you as soon as I can."

I smiled despite the warring of emotions inside of me. Kaden stood to his feet and he looked over me with a small smirk before running his thumb over a particular sore spot on my neck.

“This is going to bruise,” he didn't sound the least bit offended by that fact. "It makes me want to leave a lot more.” I thought he was going to make good on his words but he took a step back. “You should leave, before I can't stop myself. I will see you when I can

The lust filled haze washed away and I was left.with realization. I didn't regret but was embarrassed that I had acted in such a way. I awkwardly rushed over to thedoor and pulled it open. : Kaden’s secretary was at her table ane rushed off before she ould even say a word. I felt likeif I had hesitated for even a second, she would have seen through me.


I didn't stop to breathe until I got to my car. I rested my head against my steering wheel.


By the time I got home, I had managed to get my emotions under control. Claraand Pamela were talking when’! walked in and they ~ took one took at me before their Ii lips curled I tH into grins. I didn't need.” them. 46 voice out the fact that. ‘they knew what had happened bétween Kaden and I. I didn’t want:to know how they knew but I also y didn’t want to answer their questions so I turned on my heels and walked into the kitchen.

Clara followed me in and I tried to ignore her as I rummaged through the fridge for something to snack on. She was able to stay silent for two minutes before she finally blurted her first words out.

“How are you?” her question was so suspicious that I couldn't help but laugh. "I don’t want to overwhelm you. I don’t even want the details, I just want to know how you are.

‘I'm fine,” I didn’t need to think before the words left my lips because it wasn't a lie. “I feel great but I want to know how you knew. Do I smell like him? Do you think the people in the office noticed?”

“No, you don't.” she assured me. "It's just that there’s a huge hickey on your neck. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together.”

My eyes widened and I quickly took out my phone. I turned on the camera and sure enough like Clara said, there was a large purple bruise on my neck. My cheeks heated when I saw it because it reminded me of everything that happened with Kaden. I wasn't embarrassed to say that I enjoyed it and wanted more but I also wanted to take it slowly.Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I didn't want to become another Lucy and I did not want Kaden to turn into another Blake. A part of me told me I was being stupid for trying to wait it out because if he wanted to use me, he would still wait out and use me but I ignored it. I was willing to take that risk rather than rush into things and get hurt once again.

‘I'm glad you're giving him a chance,” Clara's words snapped me out of my reverie. “You both deserve to be happy.”

“Thank you, Clara.”

“Just take things at your pace, things will work out for the both of you, I am very confident about that.

“Are you?” I hated how vulnerable I sounded. The truth was I was scared of putting my all and getting nothing in return. “Do you really think that?” “I know that, just watch.”

I went in to change into something that would cover my neck because I didn’t want everyone staring at it. I finished up my homework and once I was done, I sat with Clara and Pamela and watched soap operas. I didn’t understand half of what was going on but it was fun. Pamela made popcorn for us and Clara brought us fresh fruit juice which we ate.

We stayed there until it was late and my eyelids were drooping. I would have fallen ateep if it weren't for Clara nudging me to return to the “> room. I could barely remember the journey there. AllI knew was that oneiinute I was in the livingroom ané the next, I was in the room. I didn’t even get the chance to change before I flopped on the bed and fell asleep.

I was not asleep long because a small sound jerked me awake. It sounded like creaking and at first, I thought I was imagining g it so I tried to fall back asleep but I heard it again and this time, it was coming from outside my door. I assumed it was Clara or the wind so I ignored it and I had started to drift off yet again when my door creaked open.

This time, I was wide awake because I knew Clara would have knocked first. I held my breath as I heard footsteps make their way into my room and whoever it was shut the door quietly. I felt the presence make their way close to me and at that moment, breeze blew in from the window. I got a whiff of the scent and I immediately sat up in attention.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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