Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

hapter 19


I woke up feeling better and more rested than I have in a very long time. I freshened. up in the bathroom and I exited the room to find Clara standing in my room. She led me to her room and to her wide closet so I could pick an outfit for myself. I teared up at the fact that she gave me a choice which is something I haven’t had in a very long time.

I chose a simple blue floral dress that flowed to my mid thighs. It had thick straps tied into bows and although it was a bit free on my b*dy, it still showed off the curve of my hips. especially because the torso had a corset like look and really cinched my waist in.

“This dress looks better on you than it ever has on me,” Clara mused as she took me in. “You look absolutely beautiful.”

My cheeks warmed at the comment and I found it hard to look her in the eye. The only person who had ever called me beautiful was Blake and I always thought he was lying but to hear someone else say it brought a warm feeling into my chest and a slight flutter in my stomach.

“Thank you,” I managed out softly. “I promised to pay you back for all of this as soon as I am able to find a part time job.”

“You don’t have to pay me back,” she waved me off. “Consider it as a gift from me to you. It has never looked this good on me so you can have it free of charge. I would be doing a disservice if I didn’t give it to you.”

“I really appreciate it.” I told her and she gave me a warm smile.

She may not want payment for this dress but I will find a way to pay her back for her kindness towards me. Kindness is a luxury and a rare feeling that I hardly ever experienced and here she is giving it all to me. She has to be a special breed of person to be so kind hearted and warm to me- a stranger.

“You might want some shoes with that dress,” she said and suddenly she was rummaging through her closet before she pulled out a pair of sneakers and handed them to me. “I think we wear the same size shoes and I rarely wear shoes so you can have these.”




Chapter 19

“It’s alright, I can just wear mine.”



“But they’re d*rty,” she exclaimed and I opened my mouth to complain but she shoved the shoes into my arms. “Just take these; they will look perfect with the dress.”

I hesitated but I nodded. I made a mental note to pay her back for the shoes even if she wouldn’t collect payment for the dress. They looked expensive and they were also very comfortable too. I have to admit that they do look really nice with the dress.

“We should go out for breakfast,” Clara said suddenly snapping me out of my thoughts. “Grandma hates it when breakfast gets cold.”

I allowed her walk in front of me as we made our way to the living room. I saw Devin on the rocking chair with a newspaper in his hand while Pamela was setting plates on the dining table. I was about to say hi to them when I noticed another person in the room.

He was seated at the dining table helping Pamela out and from his features; I knew he had to be related to Clara. They have the same color hair and eyes although he looks more formidable and scary while Clara is all soft edges and silk.

Pamela was the first to notice me and she beamed wide. “I hope you slept well Amelia.”

The guy’s eyes snapped up to mine and I had to look away. He wasn’t as terrifying as Kaden but he still put my on edge. It wasn’t in a bad way but he just exuded a sense of power and authority and I knew he would have to be one of the high ranking officials in the pack.

My steps faltered but Clara wrapped a soft hand around my wrist and pulled me over towards the dining table. She sat right next to me so I wouldn’t be too uncomfortable and Pamela placed a stack of pancakes and bacon in front of me. I was shocked that she served me before herself seeing as I was the guest but I noticed that she made sure everyone had gotten food, even Devin, before she even took out a plate for herself.

“Thank you,” I whispered to her but she waved me off as if it wasn’t such a big deal.

I couldn’t help but notice that the male had his eyes on me. It wasn’t in an uncomfortable manner, it was more like he was assessing me and trying to figure me out. I fought the urge to squirm in my seat.

“Amelia, this is my brother Caleb,” Clara said as if she noticed my discomfort and unease.


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Chapter 19

“He wasn’t here last night when you arrived because he is the Beta. He usually works very late so the only time you might see him would probably be during breakfast.”


I lifted my eyes to see him sporting a soft smile on his face which I quickly returned. When he smiled, he didn’t look as terrifying as he did at first and he actually looked more like a normal person and not like the Beta that Clara says he is.

A phone rang and Pamela excused herself to answer it. I noticed that sometime while we were eating, Devin had managed to leave without anyone noticing. It was just Clara, Caleb and I and I couldn’t help but feel a little bit uncomfortable.

“So Amelia,” Caleb began as he sipped quietly on a mug of tea. “I know how you arrived at the pack already but do you know why you were targeted and chased by those rogues?”

I knew that someone was going to ask that question sooner or later. I expected it to be Kaden but knowing that Caleb is the beta, it makes a little sense for him to also be curious. He probably wants to make sure that I am not going to be a liability to the pack.

It hurt to think about the situations that brought me to the pack. Especially now that I knew who was behind it all and I didn’t want to answer the question but I also knew it would be disrespectful considering how welcoming this pack has been to me. They could have thrown me out on my ass

but instead they chose to welcome me with open arms and the least I can give them is an explanation as to what happened.

“I don’t know why they wanted me dead,” I admitted. “I had just been rejected by my boyfriend and my father suggested that I go to another pack for my university. I was on my way there when I noticed that I was being followed and I made a split second decision to come here instead of going where I was sent.”

I smiled ruefully. “Maybe they wanted to get rid of me so my boyfriend could be happily mated with my sister.”

“Why did your boyfriend reject you?”


I was expecting the question but it still didn’t dull the ache in my chest. I knew what the answer was but I was hesitant to speak. I couldn’t help but think about whether predicament will make them think any less of me. Would it change everything? Would I be turned into a slave here like I was at home?


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Chapter 19

I could make up a lie and tell him or I could simply say that I don’t know but he is the Beta. I am sure he has vast resources that I cannot even begin to imagine. He will find out sooner or later and I would rather he finds out from me than he finds out from someone else.

“I don’t think I have a wolf,” I admitted and I felt silence fall around the entire room. “He wanted to be Alpha and he knew he couldn’t get that with me because I haven’t gotten my wolf form yet so he went for my sister.“”

I could tell that he was surprised, it was written all over his face and I expected him to call me names or call me a runt. I was even prepared for them to throw me out of their house and tell me that I didn’t deserve to be there. I had braced myself for every possible worst case scenario but I hadn’t braced myself for the next words that came out of his mouth.

“It doesn’t matter what your status a he said softly. “All your misfortunes ended the moment you stepped onto our borders. It is a pleasure to have you with us Amelia.”

I stared at him jaw slacked wondering if I had heard correctly. I turned to Clara and she had a soft smile on her face. She reached for my hand and squeezed it softly in hers as she threaded our fingers together.

“You’re one of us now,” she told me with a smile. “You have nothing to worry about.”

After breakfast, I decided to retire to the guest room. I wanted to be alone to think about what had just happened and I was lost in thought when I heard a knock on my door. I assumed it would be Clara so I made a non committal sound to alert her that she could come in. I up when I noticed the multitude of people walking into my room holding shopping bags in their hands.

I stood to my feet and watched wide eyed as not less than ten different people walked in holding bags from different stores. I was able to catch a few names and I knew those clothes cost nothing less than thousands of dollars. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I took in

the scene.

“This has to be a mistake,” I said but none of them paid me any heed as they started placing the bags in front of my closet. “I didn’t order these and no one would waste so much money on me. I think you’re in the wrong room, Clara’s is down the hall.“”

“They’re not for me silly,” Clara teased as she walked into the room.




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Chapter 19

She was barefooted again and she practically glided across the floors as she took a seat on my bed. The people who brought the clothes exited just as quickly as they came and shut the door behind us leaving us in complete silence.

I glanced at Clara with a puzzled expression and she simply gestured to the bags on the floor. I reached into one and pulled out a pair of jeans. I almost threw up when I saw the price tag but I chose to ignore it and looked at the size. I was shocked to find that it was perfectly my size. I thought it was a fluke and dipped my hand into four more bags only to realize that every single thing was my size even down to the underwear and shoes.

“Who would do this for me?” I asked incredulously. “I’m just a stranger; I would never be able to pay you back for all of this. I can’t take all of this, it is too much.”

“It is what we do for all our new members,” Clara said dismissively and my eyes widened.

I couldn’t believe my ears. I have never received this many clothes from my father in my life and here I am receiving them in the most feared pack in the world simply because I am a new member. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating and I turned to Clara only to see her staring at me with slight amusement playing on her l*ps.

“We have to register you today,” she told me, “But you’re going to do it in your new clothes. Are you ready?”

I nodded and with her help I was able to pick a cute outfit of jeans and a floral wrap top. Once I was dressed, she sat me down and did some light make up on me. It felt good to have someone dote on me for once and when she was done, she turned the chair around so I could look at myself in the mirror.

I almost couldn’t recognize the girl staring back at me and it took all my willpower to not reach up and touch my face to make sure I was the one. I looked beautiful. I heard Clara murmur some words under her breath but I didn’t quite catch them so I turned to her.

“Did you say something?” I asked but she shook her head with a small smile playing on her l*ps.


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