Worthless to Priceless The Alpha’s Rejected Mate

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 AMELIA’S PO.V I am almost embarrassed at how quickly I rushed out of the room when Clara arrived. She was still barefooted and she smiled softly at me as she shut the door behind her. As we walked through the office walls, I took my time to really admire the expensive interior of the place. Clara led me to her car and as soon as the doors were shut and I was sure we were far away from Kaden and his super Alpha hearing that I know every Alpha possesses, I turned to Clara. “Kaden was nicer than I thought he would be,” I admitted and she turned to me with an amused smile. “I thought he would be upset for disrespecting him at the lake earlier but he told me it was fine.” “I knew there was nothing to worry about,” Clara said softly. “Kaden can be scary sometimes. but he is a fair leader. You did absolutely nothing wrong.” “I was just expecting to be punished,” I mumbled. “Also, I’m sorry to be such an inconvenience. I know you’re taking on a lot by having me stay with you.” “You’re not an inconvenience, it would be amazing to have someone around who is my age. I love my grandparents and my brother but sometimes they can be overbearing.” “You live with your grandparents?” I asked and she hummed. “What are they like?” “Well my grandmother is the nicest person in the world. She is so sweet but she can also be a little scary and my grandfather is just quiet. He mainly keeps to himself and sits on the rocking chair while drinking tea and reading the newspaper.” “They sound fun.” I have no other family except for my father and Brittany and even before this, I would never have spoken about them with the same kind of affection that Clara spoke about her family. She spoke like they were so important to her and dear to her heart and I knew without a doubt that she loved them and they loved her. it warmed my heart to see but it also gave a bittersweet feeling and a pang of pain and longing right in the center of my chest but I quickly brushed it off. 1/5

Emergency calls only G Chapter 17 100 100% 11:22 “Will they be upset to have me?” I asked and she glanced at me incredulously. +5 “Of course not,” she said as if I was stupid for even considering it. “I’m sure grandma is already making a huge meal for you right now. Fair warning, she can be very overbearing. but she is only doing it because she cares. She will probably stuff you full of food until you pop.” I chuckled at her description and she squeezed my palm softly in a calming manner before returning to the wheel. I appreciated how she was trying to calm me down and assure me of everything and I relaxed in the chair. I trust Clara and if she says her grandparents will like me then I will believe her. The drive to her house took a little over fifteen minutes and although I had come to terms with where I was going to be staying, I still felt nervous butterflies flutter in my belly. I hesitated in getting out of the car and if Clara noticed, she didn’t say much about it. Instead, she stood and waited patiently for me to join her by her side. We walked towards the front door and before Clara even raised her hand to knock, a woman appeared on the other side. She was a splitting image of Clara although many years older and she was wearing an apron that was stained with flour. She had a warm smile on her face and I saw smile lines and wrinkles framing her face. Her graying hair was tied up in a bun but she looked so young that I would never have guessed that she was her. grandmother. “You poor thing,” she cooed as she looked over at me. “Come in please.” She stepped aside for Clara and I to walk in and the first thing I smelled when I crossed the threshold was cinnamon and coffee. The house smelled lived in and something about the atmosphere was completely cozy and warm. It felt like being wrapped in a long and warm hug and I felt all the tension drain out of my b*dy. I saw Clara’s grandfather sitting on a wooden rocking chair with a newspaper in his hands just like Clara had described but he put it down when we walked in. He also looked as kind as her grandmother and he offered me a soft smile.

“Clara why don’t you take her to the guest room?” her grandmother asked, “You can take a bath dear and maybe Clara can help you with some new clothes. Dinner should be ready before you’re done.” 2/5 Emergency calls only G Chapter 17 “Thank you,” I said softly and she waved me off. OD 100% 011:22 Clara led me to a room down the hallway. She showed me her own room which was two doors down from the one I was supposed to use and when I walked in I was in awe. I was expecting a small room like the one I was used to at home but instead, I was met with a room almost three times that size with a large four poster bed in the middle. There was a vanity and a walk in closet. The bathroom was almost as big as the room and completely tiled. “This is amazing,” I breathed and I saw Clara grin. “I’ll lay out some clothes for you before you return,” she said and then she was gone. +5 I spent longer than I should have in that shower and it was mainly because I couldn’t bring myself to get out. It was so big and comfortable that I didn’t even realize I had spent so much time until the water in the tub went cold. I got out and saw a pair of sweatpants and a top that Clara had left out for me. They fit me perfectly and I towel dried my hair before stepping out of the room. The smell of food carried me to the living room and I saw Clara’s grandmother setting out plates on the dining table. She smiled when she saw me and beckoned me over. “Thank you for having me,” I said to her and Clara who had appeared from the kitchen holding a dish. “I don’t have any money right now but I can do chores or jobs around the house I can do to earn my keep.” “Don’t worry about it,” Clara said. “All your needs are going to be funded by someone. Don’t bother asking who, just sit down so we can have dinner.” Even though she had said not to bother, I couldn’t help but worry about who was funding it. Was she

lying just to make me feel better or was there actually someone that was going to handle everything? If there was, then who was it? Was it Kaden? He wouldn’t actually do that, he doesn’t even know me, right? The thoughts were swirling in my head but I took a seat at the table next to Clara. She offered me a smile and I waited until everyone else had started to dish out their food before. I hesitantly reached for a bowl of pasta. “I know we haven’t done the introductions yet but my name is Pamela and that’s my 3/5 Emergency calls only G Chapter 17 100 100% 11:22 husband Devin.” Clara’s grandmother said. “Now what’s your name and how did you. stumble across our pack?” “My name is Amelia,” I swallowed. “My mate left me for my sister today and my father thought it would be a good idea for me to go to another pack to finish school to avoid the shame that would come from it. On my way driving, some wolves attacked me.” I told her the story of how the birds saved me and how I stumbled into the pack and came across Kaden. I rushed through that path because even thinking about Kaden had me feeling a type of way that I didn’t want to think about. Pamela was listening with rapt attention and wide eyes and by the time I was done, she was shocked. “Who could have wanted to hurt you so badly?” she asked, “Why would they send wolves after you. Do you have any enemies?” “I didn’t at the time,” I said softly. “They were sent by her father,” Clara added. “The birds saw him planning the attack and I was able to warn Caleb and Kaden.” Pamela put a hand over her mouth. “I am so sorry that happened to you Amelia,” her voice was so soft as if she was trying to comfort me with her words. “I’m glad you’re safe here.”

“It’s all thanks to Clara. If she didn’t have the skill with the birds I would probably be dead.” “Yes, Clara’s skill is amazing,” Pamela smiled softly. “It runs in the women of the family. Her maternal grandmother could talk to horses and she was an amazing warrior. Her mother was also an amazing warrior, it was a shame when she and her mate died in battle.” I saw Clara’s smile waver slightly and I knew that she probably still missed her mother. We drifted the topic over dinner to softer matters like what I planned to do now that I was in the pack and my hobbies. By the time dinner was over, I wanted to help with the dishes but Pamela shooed me to the room and told me to get some rest. I reluctantly walked into my room and once the door was shut it was like the weight of the entire day finally fell on my shoulders. I crawled into the bed and pulled the blanket up to my chin. If anyone had told me yesterday that Brittany and father would have tried to kill me, I would have called them 4/5 5/5

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liars. But here I am in a foreign pack simply because they wanted me dead. I can never go back and that means I am no longer the Alpha’s daughter. In the span of one day my entire life has crumbled and I am no one.

The silver lining to all of that was that Kaden had granted me a blank slate. I never expected. his kindness but I am grateful for it. Tomorrow I will talk to Clara about starting a

university part time so I can also find a job. I have been given a second chance at life and I am not going to let it pass me by.

I allowed the new found hope consume me as I drifted off to sleep.


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