Wolf’s Bane


The two men finally noticed that what she was experiencing was nothing more than a deep fear, and, for a moment, the three adults remained standing, frozen in place.

Jack was equally puzzled by Diwana’s distress, and the fact that she, who was hugging Eron like her life depended on it, was well known for keeping her distance from any of the guys in the village and the lumber camp just to make sure that they didn’t get any weird or wrong ideas about her intentions.

The Lumberyard boss was now looking at the scene as if there was a giraffe with two heads right in front of him instead of his friends. And it was quite clear that their faces were really close to each other…All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Diwa, please, tell me, what happened?” Eron asked, concern in his voice while he continued to feel his heart pounding strongly within his chest…

The new renter’s thoughts: Weren’t you supposedly living here to protect her?

Eron was now reprimanding himself while paying close attention to his enhanced senses, trying to perceive what was distressing his lady…

Ahem… I meant my landlady. What the hell, Eron…

Speaking of his lady…  Well, this lady…

If I tell him anything of what I’m feeling, he will think that I’m crazy… or even worse, he’ll know that… that I’m cursed. I can’t let that happen, but I can’t help myself… I don’t even know what happened, between the feeling that something, or someone really dangerous was around, and what’s going on in my head… Diwa argued with her rushing mind, unable to focus and on the verge of a panic attack.

But she knew she had to say something since she was almost crying and slightly shaking, practically scaring Jack and Eron, even worrying them more with each second as they could see her efforts to try and tell them her thoughts, but the words would not come out.

Then, Jack looked around as well, not feeling or seeing anything, but noticing that what was hanging from the clothesline was a bed sheet…

And not far from the line, on the ground, almost looking like Hansel and Gretel’s breadcrumb trail, was something fluffy, white with colorful lines, extending behind the homeowner until it ended in her arms, where she was still hugging it, along with the blanket’s owner.

Blanket, bed sheet, and pants, Jack thought, and suddenly realized why Eron got so red by simply talking about laundry… Heck, bro, you might not admit it, but I’m thinking that you two should talk about how much you’re liking her… Because, from what I’ve seen, I don’t think you’re thinking of anybody else… And yeah, you’re right on not wanting her to see what you were hiding.

“Diwana,” Eron insisted, “please, tell me what happened…” he said once more, looking down directly into her eyes, while still holding her tightly.

Then, at that instant, he finally noticed what was in her arms, right between them, and his face started to tint a deep red once more.

She looked up for a second, still trying to find a way to explain herself, when she saw that his eyes were not looking at her anymore, but at something that seemed to be in her arms and over her shoulder, and by reflex she followed his line of sight.

And wished she hadn’t…

OH HECK! Diwana thought, seeing the blanket hugged between them. How will I explain all of this?! Oh God, why? First the hug, and then HIS blanket, because what else could he be doing here, other than pick his laundry up?

Her face grew as red as Eron’s in a matter of seconds, and the scene got weirder.

Now, Diwa remained in Eron’s arms, no longer about to cry. She was still nervous, but now it was pretty evident that it was for another reason.

“Diwana…?” Jack called her once more, and she finally looked in his Direction, as well as Eron’s, and it seemed that they, the landlady and her new renter, weren’t about to let go of each other. “Are you okay?”

The Lumberyard owner was serious, worried, and seemed to be checking her for bruises or blood, the same way she usually checked the ones she cared for.

“I… I’m…”

Di didn’t completely manage to say anything but finally acknowledged that she was being asked a question and had finally succeeded in giving an answer. Incomplete, yes, but still an answer…

As her voice stopped again and didn’t make it out of her throat, she just shyly nodded at her friend.

Due to Diwa’s reply, Jack’s mind left its “red alert” state, and his face, instead of the brotherly worry that it was reflecting a while ago, soon started showing a wide mischievous grin…

Meanwhile, the widow suddenly felt IT…

The warmth that was surrounding her was coming from no other source but Eron’s body.

How is it possible that this situation keeps getting worse, Diwana? Damn, what did you get into now? she thought miserably, her eyes glued on Jack’s naughty smirk, while not wanting to see Eron’s face again due to her embarrassment.

Still hugging her boarder and holding the blanket, her focus was now on how to get out of her awkward situation, and no longer on the possibility of a dangerous intruder staring at her…

And now, I don’t know what’s worse… Diwana, whyyyy!? she whined in her head, slowly starting to untangle her arms from around Eron’s body.

Jack almost chuckled aloud before speaking, but good thing he didn’t. “I’m glad that you’re WAY BETTER NOW, Di… Oh! Look at the time! I must leave right now, or my mom will be after me until the last of my days. I’m sorry that I can’t stay longer though… but I’m sure you’ll get over it, right bro?”

Eron made an effort to speak. “Are you okay now, Diwana?”

Of course, his eternal shame was nothing compared to the well-being of the lady he had sworn to protect.

“I… am…” she murmured, lowering her head.

“Ahem… Yeah, my parents must be wondering why I am so late now… oh, no!” Jack exclaimed with an evident fake worried tone but a truly sly smile. “Bro, I’ll tell my mother that I invited you already, so don’t forget that you said yes. I’ll let you know when, or you think of a date that works for you, if it’s better, ok? Don’t forget…”

“I th-thought you’d stay for dinner,” Diwa stuttered, after another big effort to get over her shyness.

“Oh no no, I can’t… the last time my mom gave me hell because I refused to have more food with them… I can’t eat anything before seeing them, or I’ll never see the end of it… Okay, I’ll leave you to uh… whatever you’re up to, but seriously, whatever happened before, I really hope you’re okay, and you know where to find me if you need to talk, okay? Although I don’t think you really need it…” Jack stated, politely refusing and at the same time answering her, but still entertained by the scene of the surrogate mom warming up to his new hire.

“I’m sorry if I worried you, guys. I just felt something weird and got anxious, I guess…” Diwana said softly and hoped that they Didn’t ask too much about what she chose to tell.

“Well, whatever it was, I’m sure that dear Eron here will give his full guarantee that nothing will happen to you. I’m actually glad that he moved in here with you… I mean, became a renter here. That way, I know that you will both be safe… with each other…”

His eyes still shone in amusement, but Jack really meant what he was saying, and even with the jokes, they both knew that the Lumberyard boss really cared.

“Bro… I told you, stop worrying about me or I’ll get used to all the attention. You won’t like me becoming so clingy to you, I swear,” Eron huffed, breaking the tension and making them all share a hearty laugh.

“Okay, okay. Anyway, think about the dinner with my parents Eron. Will see you tomorrow at work. Have a good night, you two.”

“Yes bro, yes. I’ll think about it, okay?” the ex-paid assassin said as he got close just to give his boss a bro-hug, but at the same time whispering into his friend’s ear, so Diwana wouldn’t hear him. “And please let me know if you see anything around the house on your way out and while walking to your parents’ house.”

“You too, take care on your way home. Will see you tomorrow!” Diwa added, now more recovered from the weird stifling emotions, and not wanting to think about what Eron would say when they were already alone.

As soon as Jack left, and with his mind slightly clearer, Eron took a few deep breaths and looked around.

“What is it, Eron?” asked Diwana with deep curiosity and a bit of worry.

“Oh, nothing, Diwa. The air up here certainly has a very different smell from the city’s,” he replied with his best charming smile. “Why don’t we go inside and help the kids with dinner?”

“Oh yes, I believe I got your blanket all dirty… But what happened to it? Why did you need to wash it?”

“Oh, that… when I was sorting a few things, I put a few of my stuff on top of the bed and one of them broke and dripped all over the sheets and the blanket… even on my pants…”

It wasn’t really a lie, anyway… But yes, something did drip on them, so that part was true…

“Oh, I see. You could have just given it to us for the washing machine to clean. It is part of your monthly payments. Wait, do you need another one? Were you cold last night? Or when did that happen?”

“Nah, I was okay, really… Remember that before moving here, I was sleeping in the middle of the forest… Compared to that, my bed – even without the sheets and blanket – was heavenly, I swear…” Eron assured her while slightly guiding Diwana back inside the house.

However, she suddenly turned and hurriedly went back to the clotheslines before he could stop her…

“Let’s at least take them inside with us,” she said.

He had no choice but to follow her and help her with whatever she was doing, but he was also taking this chance to feel out the surroundings with his wolf senses. Good thing he did, too…

“After you,” Eron opened the door for her as they walked back inside the house.

“Oh, thank you very much,” she said, smiling, hugging the sheets to her chest.

I have to admit, at first, I didn’t even notice that there was someone around… how did she notice, especially if she is not a wolf? Eron thought as she smiled and turned to walk inside.

He looked at her attentively, and then back to the top of the tree where he also perceived not only a familiar smell but heard a few not-so-natural noises….

I’ll make you pay for this, you freak… I might be a monster, but I do respect her the way she deserves… Eron thought, finally walking inside the house, right after his lady. Which is more than what I can say about you…

Meanwhile, from the trees, the stranger in black continued to view them with his very powerful binoculars, and he did not like what he just saw.

“I need to deal with this city boy soon, or else he might really become a threat to me and my plans for her.”

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