Wolf’s Bane


There’s a saying that things look different when you see them at night, and since he had only seen the house during the nighttime – and his concentration was completely focused on SOMEONE else – he was practically seeing it for the first time. And he was quite amazed at what he was seeing. It didn’t look anything like a farmhouse. As a matter of fact, it looked like one of those old Victorian homes in Germany, with porches going around the house, multiple floors, and a signature spire that’s the highest part of the structure. The tall windows with slightly frosted glass and mosaic accents on top completed the magnificent antique finish of the residence. There’s even a part that slightly resembled a typical creamy white American country home with flower-filled window planters, grey bricks, and a spacious patio space in front. In broad daylight, this was a far cry from the dark shadowy Addams family-like mansion that he saw last night. The city boy, who had never really cared much about old houses before, found his mouth dropping at such a beaut of a home. He counted at least four stories, including those on the spire, and the brick-laden basement garage that was also the house’s foundation, and wondered how a property such as this could be found in such an out-of-the-way village up in the mountain ranges. “Well, here we are. And from the look on your face, it shows that you like what you see,” stated the owner of the massive abode, with a slight giggle. “This belonged to my deceased husband’s parents who happened to be the first couple to actually settle here. I don’t think I can afford to buy this place on my own, just so it’s clear.” “Wow, and how the heck did they get to build a house like this here?” Eron asked, still craning his neck to look around while they walked up to the porch’s creaking wooden steps. “It was originally meant to be a Bed and Breakfast Slash Resort, but eventually they moved here when their businesses in the city closed down. They used to own a chain of motels, but the bigger hotel franchises put them out of business, and this was the only property they kept. They eventually turned it into a vacation spot that offered transient accommodations when they decided to live here. I believe my husband was just a wee tyke then.”Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Diwana, at this point, had settled down on one of the large woven lounge seats on the porch while waving her hand at the vacant one beside her. Eron was quick to accept the invitation, even while he kept feasting on the small feminine touches of decor all around the patio that he was sure was Di’s doing. His thoughts: “Wow, those small dangling vines of flowering plants with the crocheted pot holders look so refreshing… and those antique rocking chairs, they look like they were sanded, stained, and varnished recently… and for an old house, the wooden floor and banisters seem so well-maintained…” He felt a pair of deep brown eyes – almost the same color as his wolf’s fur – looking at him then, so he turned to her. She was staring at him with amusement, and he felt she was reading his mind. “My late husband and I hardly had anything in common, but we did enjoy fixing things up. No matter what it was, whether it be wood, machinery, textiles, gardening, you name it. We could work at those together or apart and be satisfied with our work at the end of the day. So much of what you see now is our personal handiwork. He preferred machines, gadgets and vehicles though, while I preferred crocheting, woodworking and cooking.”

Eron’s eyes widened at what she said. It’s as if she was really answering his unspoken queries! “So that wasn’t just my imagination,” he said to himself. “Somehow, I feel at ease with that. If anyone else did that to me, I’d feel threatened. Well, there is someone else who can, but she’s my Twinny, has certain special skills and we’ve known each other for a long while. Does Diwana have the same gifts? And what about the connection and feeling of safety? How could that be when I just met her…?”

His thoughts were suddenly broken as the off-white carved front door opened wide, and out spilled three noisy youngsters. They all rushed towards them like an avalanche. Their words piling one on top of the other… “There you are! We thought you’d get home earlier like you said… Oh my gosh, is that HIM?” “I wanted the extra chocolate cake, but sister didn’t want to give it before she asked you… wait, is he the one we talked about last night?” “We kept some lunch for you Di, it’s on the… Hey, is he THE DUDE who fed you dinner yesterday?” To an average human, everything the kids said would have been a jumbled-up mess of voices and words. To him, though, his enhanced hearing allowed him to get everything they said, despite them speaking in unison. And he liked what he was hearing, as he tried to hide his smile. Even their tone was very encouraging, as he tried to look confused. “Alright! SHUSH EVERYONE!” Diwa said with a firm but playful voice. “Please… calm down or we will scare our guest away.”

Everyone laughed a little at that. “He doesn’t look scared, though,” quipped the only boy among the three. “And he doesn’t look scary,” stated the youngest as she tilted her head. “Do you want him to look scary?” asked the eldest in surprise while staring at her siblings. “He’s right there in front of you guys, don’t be rude,” reminded the curvaceous tanned woman sitting beside the impressively masculine visitor. “No, no, I don’t mind, Miss Diwana. Really, it’s fine. I used to be as precocious and outspoken as they were when I was a kid… Well, I still am… So, I do understand them. I’m sure they’re pretty curious about me, being a newcomer and all, so it’s okay.” His audience displayed their own version of approving smiles at what he said. Eron was quite surprised with their reactions since he wasn’t even trying to be charming… He was just being sincere. This was a very unfamiliar but refreshing feeling, and he liked it very much. But he knew he shouldn’t make this kind of honesty and openness a habit. Not with the kind of past that he had… “Guys, I want you to meet Eron… uhhh… ” “Camden. That’s Eron with an E, Miss Diwana.” “Oh, I see. Well, Eron Camden, meet Erica, Macky and Katya Wolf.” Eron, who was about to give the kids a quick handshake, swiftly looked back at Di upon hearing her last word. ‘Wolf? Did I hear that correctly?” “Yes, it’s an old, respected surname in these parts. It’s my husband’s surname and they are actually my nieces and nephew from his side of the family.” “That’s… interesting… So that means, your last name is Wolf too, Miss Diwana?” How ironic if it was. To Eron’s delight, he watched the lovely lady nod her head at him. “It is, and we’re proud of it,” Erica interrupted with a small smile. “My dad and Diwa’s husband were brothers, but we never really considered him an uncle.” “Well, he didn’t act like an uncle,” mumbled Macky, thinking no one heard him. One did, of course, and he kept that in the back of his mind to study for later. “Welcome to the Oro Villa, which means Gold Mansion!” cheerfully chimed in the youngest in her genuinely cute voice. “You likey what you see?” “Yes, yes… I do,” he answered at once, slightly looking at Diwana. “And that’s a good sign, because I’m actually looking for a place to stay.” The three sharp young ones did not miss the man’s slight glance at their surrogate mother, but they decided to put that aside to talk about amongst themselves in private. But right now, they all chose to focus on the man’s announcement. Their thoughts: “Oh happy day! This means more money for the family, a male protector for the house, a big brother for us and maybe even more for Diwa in the future… YES!” All three exploded once again, yelling out of excitement and exuberance at Eron’s announcement. “Oh my gosh, you’ve come to the right place! We’re the only available rental for miles!” “Wowowowowow! So you can stay here with us every day? That’s awesooooome!” “What the heck are you waiting for, dude? Come on inside the house so you can choose from the rooms!” Eron was pulled helplessly from his chair by the three youths, with the two girls grabbing his hands and arms and the adolescent boy pushing him from behind once he was standing up. “Mama, open the door!” commanded the youngest, sounding as if she was the owner of the house and not Diwa. Eron looked helplessly at Di while the woman giggled and went forward to open the door. And as everyone pushed and pulled him forward inside the villa, he was overwhelmed with a very unfamiliar feeling that he was only able to identify a few days later. He felt, completely and blissfully, at home. ​

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