Where We Belong

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

"That's defiantly her prez. Such a shame to waste though, she is one fine looking bitch" Hearing the laughter erupt from inside the room I walked as quickly as I could and didn't stop until I was in the comfort of my own office. So he did know who I was. What was I going to do? They weren't going to leave this hospital until he was able to be discharged.

Why couldn't they just go after the club instead of me? I know I'm his daughter but why can't they just be men and fight it out between themselves? Surely they wouldn't try anything in a hospital? Not with all those people around. I wasn't going to be a prisoner in my work place. Calming myself down I took a deep breath before making my way to Mr Jenkins room. Poor guy had waited long enough I just hope he wasn't going to be too angry.

"Sorry for the delay, how are we doing this morning Mr Jenkins?" I asked walking over to his bed "Feeling any better?"

"Call me Tom dear, Mr Jenkins was my father" He smiled before jumping into a coughing fit. Once he had settled down I grabbed a hold of his chart. "Okay Tom so today I'm going to take some blood from you and check your blood pressure".

"How is a pretty little thing like you not married?" He asked nodding towards my ring finger.

Laughing at his question I wrapped the belt around his arm "I guess I haven't found the right one yet" I said rubbing his skin so I could find a vein "Too busy with work".

"Don't let work take over your life dear. Get out and enjoy yourself, anyone would be lucky to have a smashing young women like you on there arm".

Feeling my lips pull into a smile I pierced the needle into his skin and processed to take his blood. "Thank you Tom, I'll remember that". Snapping the tube off the end I put another one in " I just have to take two today. Won't be much longer".

"There is someone in your life, isn't there?" He asked as I popped the second tube into the bag.

"There is someone but..-"

"Does he treat you well?" He asked cutting me off.

"He does" holding the cotton wool ball against his arm I grabbed a plaster and slipped it over it. "Thats you all done, no more needles for today. I just have to check your blood pressure". Grabbing a hold of my hand I looked at him " A little bit of advice from an old timer. If he treats you well them don't let him get away".

Sliding my other hand over his I gave it a little squeeze. What a wonderful old man. Wrapping the material around his arm I pumped the pump filling it with air. "Blood pressures still high Tom. Have you been taking your tablets?" I asked letting the air out and removing it from his arm.

"You need to keep taking them Tom. They won't work if you don't" Filling out his chart I put it back in its holder "I'll come back and see you around tea time. Is there anything I can get you?".

"No dear, I'll see you at tea time" he smiled before turning his attention to the window. Feeling my heart swell I turned on my heel and left. Patients like Tom were what made my job special.

"Ava you got a sec?" Josh asked taking a hold of my arm and pulling me into one of the empty rooms. "What the hell Josh?" I snapped taking my arm back and giving it a rub.

"The guy in room 4. Care to explain who he is?" He asked folding his arms over his chest. Did something happen? Why was he asking about him? "He was asking me all types of questions about you".

" What did you tell him?" I asked

"Calm down Ava I didn't tell him anything. I told him we didn't really speak but Ava if you don't know that guy I suggest you get your boyfriend to maybe give him a scare. He was very interested in you".

My boyfriend?

"What did he ask you?" I asked having a bad feeling about all of this. Why would he be asking Josh questions about me? Surely if they planned on doing anything to me they would want to keep it quiet?

"Both of them kept firing questions at me. How old you were, what your name was, when you moved here. Stuff like that". Feeling my stomach drop I closed my eyes. Great now they defiantly knew who I was. Sighing I opened my eyes " Did you tell them?" I whispered swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Hey" He whispered bringing his hand up and laying it against my cheek "I told them complete bullshit. I know trouble when I see it and I knew this has nothing to do with you personally but your dads club. I wouldn't rat you out Ava".

Realising where his hand was I pulled back. I didn't want him getting the wrong idea. "Sorry" He muttered running a hand through his hair "I don't like seeing girls upset. Sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable".

" You didn't its just..-"

"Boyfriend" He smiled "I get it Ava, guys a member of the club ain't he?" He asked "You're a beautiful girl of course you have a boyfriend". How did this conversation end up about Blaze and I?

" I-I have to go. Thanks for what you did. I'll see you later" Opening the door I practically ran out of there before he could reply. I was never good with awkward situations.

"Hot guy at the desk asking for you" Ally smirked giving me a wink. "I need to meet your dad and get on his good side so I can get me one of them" She laughed pointing her thumb behind her. Rolling my eyes I pushed against her shoulder "I thought you had a man?". Watching her smirk get bigger she leaned in and whispered" I wanna be fucked by a real man not Mark" as soon as she said it her hand clasped over her mouth. "You didn't here that" She whispered "Anyway hot guy waiting on you" she gushed before running of down the hall.

What the hell just happened? And she was having sex with Mark? You learn something new everyday in here. Chewing my bottom lip I made my way towards the front entrance. Did he want to have the talk now? Reaching the reception desk I glanced around to see if I could see him.

"You due a break? Good let's go" Handing me a cup of coffee he walked towards the double doors leaving me with my mouth hanging open. Guess he did want to talk. Following him out I walked to where his bike was parked. Taking a sip of my coffee I made a face "I don't take sugar".

"I wondered why mine was bland, here" He said handing me his so we could swap. "Time you getting off?". That was a question I couldn't answer because I didn't have a clue.

"That's not why you came all the way down here Blaze. What's going on?" I asked taking a sip of my coffee. Still it wasn't very good but it would do.

"We got one of Vagos tied up in the warehouse. Little bitch is ratting them all out. Doesn't surprise me, the time Tank and Jared are finished with him he'll wish he was dead" He smirked taking out a smoke.

He came all the way down here to tell me that? Remembering what I overheard my eyebrows dropped in anger "Is this ever going to stop?" Every time they hit back I somehow got the brunt of it.

"Seriously Blaze why the fuck did you do that?". I didn't need this shit and I certainly didn't need it going on at my work. There are innocent people in there and if any of them got hurt it would be my responsibility.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" He glared taking a long draw on his smoke. "No one messes with my club or my girl, no one" He growled slipping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer.

Pulling back I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose "Remember the members you hit up a few weeks ago? The day I had my induction?" I asked receiving a nod as my answer "One guy is still here, he knows who I am and I over heard him and his president talking about me". Watching the anger take over his features he stubbed his cigarette out and balled his hands into fists " Saying what?" He grit out looking as though he was about to lose it.

"I was a shame to waste because I was one fine looking bitch. They also asked my colleague different questions about me. They're after me Blaze and its only going to be a short time before they get me. I- I can't go on like this, I didn't move away from one psycho to get chased by a dozen more. I'm not hiding from them".

He didn't say anything but he didn't have to. The look on his face said it all and I wouldn't like to be the one on his bad side today. I didn't always want to have to go to him but I didn't really have anyone else. " I need you to do something for me".

Frowning I took a step closer and waited for him to continue "I need you to start carrying sweets". Was he joking?

"Are you serious? I can't carry a gun" I snapped my voice barley a whisper. Was he insane? "In case you haven't noticed I work in a fucking hospital". Grabbing a hold of my wrist he pulled me closer so our noses were touching " Its for your own safety. You don't have to carry it at all times but you do need to have one here. Put it in your office so it's locked away. I can't be here all the time and if I know you at least have something that can protect you then I won't worry as much".

"I don't even know how to use one. I can't believe you are suggesting this. How the hell did I end up in this mess?" Shaking my head I pulled my wrist out of his hold and turned so my back was to him. The last thing I wanted was to carry a gun because I was afraid that I might have to use it.

"I'll teach you. Its not that hard all you have to remember is always take the safety off and aim for the head or the heart"

Biting my lip I burst out laughing "I can't believe you are standing here talking about a gun like were talking about the weather. So calm and collective. I can't have a gun here, if I get caught I'll get fired".

"You'll be more than fired if Vagos get a hold of you".

" I-I can't deal with this. I have to go" Walking away from him I threw my coffee into the trash can by the entrance. He seriously wanted me to start carry a gun? I'd probably shoot my own foot off.

"What did hotness want?" Ally smirked as she laced her arm through mine. Shaking my head I stopped at the vending machine for a light snack. I hadn't eaten all day. "Trust me Ally stick with Mark" Putting my money into the machine I pressed for a Hershey's bar.

"He must be great in the sack though right?"

This girl was a serious horn dog. Bending down I got my chocolate and gave her a flat look "You have no shame" I said walking in the opposite direction. "You can't blame me for trying. You think I could come over to the clubhouse tonight?" She asked as she caught up with me.

Stopping in my tracks I gave her a look "Your serious?" I asked. She had no idea what she was in for and I wasn't talking about the guys. The girls would eat her alive. "Deadly serious Ava. I need some excitement and I love a bad boy just as much as the next girl".

" I don't know Ally. I mean.." Chewing on my lip I didn't know how to tell her what she was in for "I don't know how to say this but if you go there tonight they'll know your there for one thing and one thing only. If you don't want them to think that then its best you stay in your work clothes". NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

I knew what most of the guys were like. A different girl each night whether they were married or not. They don't care what they do or who they screw. I just didn't want her to get hurt.

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