Want to Play A Game

chapter 53


I watched my assistant interview the candidates that applied for the opening position. The person who is chosen will work with me, I don’t just want anyone I need the perfect match. I’m starting to get irritated that I don’t know what I want, but none of these women have it damn it.

“Boss there is one more interview and that is all for today if you don’t want to stay I can record it.”

“No just make it quick I doubt she is going to be the one she has the least amount of experience.”

“Of course boss, I will make it quick.”

I sit to watch when she walks in. I feel an instant connection. She is so giddy. I hate how she won’t stop moving. I can tell she is nervous. As I watch her, I try to figure her out, why am I so drawn to her, but there is no use I’m lost. I call my assistant, “I will be down to finish the interview no more questions until I arrive.”

I want to hear all her answers, not wanting to miss anything there is to know about her. I rush down to the conference room where the interviews are being held. I stop myself from opening the door too fast, waiting to make them wait. Not wanting to seem like I rushed down the steps as I am catching my breath. I open the door and look into her beautiful green eyes that are memorizing.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Good afternoon I am Mr. Zeth you would be working for me do you mind if I ask you a couple questions?”

I can tell she is nervous as her voice trembles “yes you can ask me whatever you would like.”

I control myself knowing I can’t ask her what I truly want. Why is she doing this to me? “So what made you want to apply for Blair Street Marketing?” Knowing she is trying to think of the perfect answer, not wanting to screw this up for herself.

“I always wanted to work in marketing, but right out of high school I had an internship at a pharmaceutical company and just never left. Now that the company is closed, I would like to explore what I truly enjoy.”

“OK well thank you for coming in, you have a nice day, please excuse me.”

I had to leave staring at her made me nervous even talking to her. I didn’t want anybody to notice how I was reacting to her. The other candidates are more qualified than what she is. They have years of experience where she has none and will have to be trained. It would be stupid to hire her, so why do I want to? I have never given anybody an opportunity to exceed. Maybe she could be my first and last.

When I called to offer her the job I pretended to be somebody else I did not want her to know that, I called her personally I have never called to hire someone I have people to do that for me. But I just wanted to hear her voice. I could tell how excited she was by her voice.

As I wait for her to arrive I am getting pissed off, she is late. It is her first day and she’s late. I am not the type of man that will wait around for anybody knowing that she stood me up. I am furious. Not caring what the reason is, I tell the secretary to call and get rid of her. She is not welcome here. Surprised by what happened with her not coming, I still go on with my day. I am curious why she hasn’t come.

“Excuse me boss, do you have a second?”

“What do you want make it a quick.”

“Jessica Smith called and explained what happened and why she wasn’t here it really wasn’t her fault.”

“No it’s a sign she’s not a good fit for our company.:

“Very well, do care if I leave for the day.”

“That’s fine, go ahead leave I don’t have very much work left.”

I can’t lie. I am a little disappointed that it did not work out. She was remarkable and not really sure what it was about her. I believe it’s a good thing that she will not be working here. She would be too much of a distraction for me. As I sit in my office, I hear Mya’s phone ringing. It is driving me crazy. It’s like they hang up and called directly back, so I go out to answer it.

“Hello Blair street marketing.”

Before I go to hang up, I hear a strange voice start talking. I believe it’s a male, but I am not sure nor do I care. “If you do not hire Jessica, you will regret it. I promise you all your dirty secrets will come out, and you will be exposed.”

I laugh “who the fuck is this How dare you threaten me do not know what I am capable of.”

The phone goes silent, and then they hang up wondering what the hell just happened. So, they want to play a game. I am not much for games but why not let’s play? I will hire her just to fire her. That sounds about right. I can’t believe that she really thought that this would be the way to get the job back. I write Mia a note telling her to give Jessica Smith a call and tell her to come in that she is hired and that all is forgiven. I will make sure that I make her so miserable that she will quit before she even has time to be fired.

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