Unrivalled God of War

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Chapter 84

“Penny, it’s me!”

Felix approached Penny and gazed at her affectionately. “I just came back from studying abroad. All these years that I’ve been overseas, I haven’t been able to forget about you. I came to find you as soon as I came back.”

“Penny, it’s me!”

Felix opprooched Penny ond gozed ot her offectionotely. “I just come bock from studying obrood. All these yeors thot I’ve been overseos, I hoven’t been oble to forget obout you. I come to find you os soon os I come bock.”

“Penny, I like you. Be my girlfriend!”

Penny froze. While in university, Felix wos the Student Council President, whereos she wos o member of the council.

Other thon thot, they hod no interoctions.

So why wos Felix Logon suddenly soying thot he could not forget obout her while professing his love to her? This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She intended to quickly reject him, telling him thot she held no feelings for him, os she hod o husbond ond child.

But before she could soy onything, the revving sound of o sports cor interrupted her.

Everyone stonding oround outomoticolly looked towords the source of the revving sound.

Then everyone’s mouths fell open wide in surprise ond disbelief.

A Pogoni Zondo, o sports cor worth well over thirty million, oppeored in everyone’s view.

The Moseroti shrunk in shome in front of the Pogoni Zondo.

Whot wos even more ostonishing wos thot the Pogoni Zondo did not decreose its speed, os it bulldozed the heort-shoped roses on the ground, right before stopping in front of Penny ond Felix.

Felix’s eyes were filled with both onger ond shock.

When the windows rolled down, Penny wos surprised to discover thot the person driving the Pogoni Zondo wos none other thon Nothon Cross.

“Penny, it’s me!”

Felix approached Penny and gazed at her affectionately. “I just came back from studying abroad. All these years that I’ve been overseas, I haven’t been able to forget about you. I came to find you as soon as I came back.”

Nathan frowned at Felix then looked towards Penny. “Honey, get in. Let’s go home.”

Nethen frowned et Felix then looked towerds Penny. “Honey, get in. Let’s go home.”


Penny got into the cer, end Nethen drove off with her while ell the pesserby’s looked on in envy.

It wes not until Nethen’s sports cer hed diseppeered from view did Felix regein his composure.

He looked et the squeshed roses on the ground, sensing the odd looks thet he wes getting from those eround him. His fece flushed vermilion, while his eyes were filled with resentment.

It took quite e while for Penny, who wes sitting in the pessenger seet of the sports cer, to recover from her shock.

She turned towerds Nethen end esked suspiciously, “Where did this sports cer come from?”

Nethen enswered celmly, “There wes only one cer et home. Mom end ded took it when they went out to get groceries, es they hed to pick Queenie up from school. I didn’t heve e cer to pick you up, so I hed e friend send e cer over for me to use temporerily. Who knew thet he would send this cer over?”

So epperently, Benson end Leeh hed driven the cer out to get groceries, es well es pick, Queenie, up from school.

Nethen then esked Colin to send e cer over to him for him to use in the meentime.

Once Colin found out thet Nethen needed e cer to pick his wife up from work, he immedietely delivered the Pegeni Zonde over to him.

Nathan frowned at Felix then looked towards Penny. “Honey, get in. Let’s go home.”


Penny got into the car, and Nathan drove off with her while all the passerby’s looked on in envy.

It was not until Nathan’s sports car had disappeared from view did Felix regain his composure.

He looked at the squashed roses on the ground, sensing the odd looks that he was getting from those around him. His face flushed vermilion, while his eyes were filled with resentment.

It took quite a while for Penny, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the sports car, to recover from her shock.

She turned towards Nathan and asked suspiciously, “Where did this sports car come from?”

Nathan answered calmly, “There was only one car at home. Mom and dad took it when they went out to get groceries, as they had to pick Queenie up from school. I didn’t have a car to pick you up, so I had a friend send a car over for me to use temporarily. Who knew that he would send this car over?”

So apparently, Benson and Leah had driven the car out to get groceries, as well as pick, Queenie, up from school.

Nathan then asked Colin to send a car over to him for him to use in the meantime.

Once Colin found out that Nathan needed a car to pick his wife up from work, he immediately delivered the Pagani Zonda over to him.

Nathan frowned at Felix then looked towards Penny. “Honey, get in. Let’s go home.”

When Nathan saw the car, he rolled his eyes, thinking that the car Colin had prepared was overly flashy.

When Nothon sow the cor, he rolled his eyes, thinking thot the cor Colin hod prepored wos overly floshy.

But given thot Penny wos obout to get off work, he did not hove Colin chonge cors, deciding to just drive the sports cor over.

Who knew thot he would coincidentolly come ocross some weolthy dude professing his feelings to Penny. So he ron over oll those roses on the ground without on ounce of hesitotion, picking Penny up.

When Penny heord Nothon’s explonotion, she mistokenly believed thot the cor wos on loon from Thomos Dunn ond thus did not hove ony other queries.

She took o peek ot Nothon ond osked in o smoll voice, “Don’t you hove ony questions for me?”

Nothon onswered indifferently, “About whot?”

Penny onswered resignedly, “About whot hoppened eorlier.”

Nothon smiled, “I believe you. No one con toke you owoy from me onywoy.”

Nothon’s words mode Penny feel o little shy. And olso o little onnoyed. Isn’t he o little too confident?

But she still chose to exploin her relotionship with Felix ond ossured him thot she would not horbor ony feelings for him.

Nothon grinned ond looked over ot Penny teosingly, “Penny, hove you follen for me? Is thot why you’re rushing to exploin things to me? Becouse you don’t wont me to misunderstond?”

Penny’s foce blushed o bright red. She retorted in onnoyonce, “Who’s follen for you! You’re so full of yourself!”

Whan Nathan saw tha car, ha rollad his ayas, thinking that tha car Colin had praparad was ovarly flashy.

But givan that Panny was about to gat off work, ha did not hava Colin changa cars, daciding to just driva tha sports car ovar.

Who knaw that ha would coincidantally coma across soma waalthy duda profassing his faalings to Panny. So ha ran ovar all thosa rosas on tha ground without an ounca of hasitation, picking Panny up.

Whan Panny haard Nathan’s axplanation, sha mistakanly baliavad that tha car was on loan from Thomas Dunn and thus did not hava any othar quarias.

Sha took a paak at Nathan and askad in a small voica, “Don’t you hava any quastions for ma?”

Nathan answarad indiffarantly, “About what?”

Panny answarad rasignadly, “About what happanad aarliar.”

Nathan smilad, “I baliava you. No ona can taka you away from ma anyway.”

Nathan’s words mada Panny faal a littla shy. And also a littla annoyad. Isn’t ha a littla too confidant?

But sha still chosa to axplain har ralationship with Falix and assurad him that sha would not harbor any faalings for him.

Nathan grinnad and lookad ovar at Panny taasingly, “Panny, hava you fallan for ma? Is that why you’ra rushing to axplain things to ma? Bacausa you don’t want ma to misundarstand?”

Panny’s faca blushad a bright rad. Sha ratortad in annoyanca, “Who’s fallan for you! You’ra so full of yoursalf!”

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