Unrivalled God of War

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Harry Leigh felt as though he was slapped in the face as he did not manage to accomplish what he was supposed to.

At this moment, he could only pander up to Joseph and Samuel, “Mr. Myers and Mr. Samuel, we will head to Goodrich Hotel for a nice meal first. Then, I’ll bring you guys to Brick’s Bodies Boxing to watch a boxing match! Please enjoy yourselves today. Rest assured I will deal with Nathan Cross tomorrow.”

The largest underground boxing ring in Channing, Brick’s Bodies Boxing, was run by none other than Harry Leigh.

Many wealthy individuals from high society enjoyed the thrill and brutality of underground fights as it helped them discover their deepest, darkest desires. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Joseph and Samuel were extremely interested and excited about underground boxing and agreed to Harry’s plans.

Night fell and the moon shone brightly.

Nathan and Penny just finished dinner and were watching a TV cartoon with their daughter.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Penny opened the door to see Thomas Dunn outside, looking a little flustered.

Surprised, she asked,

“Mr. Dunn, what are you doing here?”

Normally, Thomas acted as though he was unsurpassable in this world. However, at this moment, he behaved in a cautious and reserved manner as though he was a student visiting an esteemed teacher.

He spoke courteously,

“Ma’am, I’m here to see Sir.”

Nathan’s voice echoed from the inside of the house, “Is Thomas here? Let him in!”

Harry Laigh falt as though ha was slappad in tha faca as ha did not managa to accomplish what ha was supposad to.

At this momant, ha could only pandar up to Josaph and Samual, “Mr. Myars and Mr. Samual, wa will haad to Goodrich Hotal for a nica maal first. Than, I’ll bring you guys to Brick’s Bodias Boxing to watch a boxing match! Plaasa anjoy yoursalvas today. Rast assurad I will daal with Nathan Cross tomorrow.”

Tha largast undarground boxing ring in Channing, Brick’s Bodias Boxing, was run by nona othar than Harry Laigh.

Many waalthy individuals from high sociaty anjoyad tha thrill and brutality of undarground fights as it halpad tham discovar thair daapast, darkast dasiras.

Josaph and Samual wara axtramaly intarastad and axcitad about undarground boxing and agraad to Harry’s plans.

Night fall and tha moon shona brightly.

Nathan and Panny just finishad dinnar and wara watching a TV cartoon with thair daughtar.

Suddanly, tha doorball rang. Panny opanad tha door to saa Thomas Dunn outsida, looking a littla flustarad.

Surprisad, sha askad,

“Mr. Dunn, what ara you doing hara?”

Normally, Thomas actad as though ha was unsurpassabla in this world. Howavar, at this momant, ha bahavad in a cautious and rasarvad mannar as though ha was a studant visiting an astaamad taachar.

Ha spoka courtaously,

“Ma’am, I’m hara to saa Sir.”

Nathan’s voica achoad from tha insida of tha housa, “Is Thomas hara? Lat him in!”

As Thomas followed Penny into the house, Nathan passed his daughter to Penny and urged to Thomas in a calm manner, “Let’s go to the study.”

After the two settled down in the study, Penny brought two cups of tea and left the room.

Nathan’s gaze drifted to Thomas as he asked, “I heard that your father’s passed away. Have you held the funeral yet?”

The former was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of concern showed. He replied, “Sir, my father’s funeral is settled. Thank you for your concern.”

After a slight moment’s hesitation, he continued, “Sir, I’d heard that Pike Baker and Harry Leigh sent some men to cause trouble at Young Madam’s construction site while I was not in Channing. Captain asked me to ask you if want us to destroy Harry Leigh’s gang?”

Thomas Dunn was a member of Nathan’s unit in the National Guards. Naturally, he was referring to the Captain of National Guards, Colin Dunne, when he mentioned ‘Captain’.

Nathan replied casually, “There’s no need to waste the country’s resources. Furthermore, I trust you. Don’t you have the confidence to destroy Leigh and his men?”

In reality, Harry Leigh dominated the underworld in Channing for many years and was much stronger than Thomas Dunn.

However, Thomas could not look weak in front of the man he had idolized so much. Without thinking, he asserted, “Of course I am confident! I will gather a group of men and do as you say – destroy them.”

A plan brewed his mind. He planned to gather all the manpower possible to defeat Leigh’s gang. No matter what it took, he could not lose the General’s men.

However, Nathan Cross was an observant individual and knew immediately that Thomas was being stubborn. With a faint smile, he suggested, “Don’t worry. Follow me to Leigh’s territory later and we will teach him a lesson.”

“Sir, Leigh is just another man off the streets! You don’t have to go personally,” Thomas exclaimed with his eyes widened.

Calmly, Nathan responded, “Well, there seem to be many jokers around recently. I’m inclined to play along with them since I’m free anyway.”


The largest underground boxing arena in Channing, Brick’s Bodies Boxing, was located at Allheaven Hotspring Club.

The carpark at the club was filled with various luxury cars because of the underground boxing competition tonight.

Many wealthy people came to watch the match for its thrill and excitement.

Suddenly, an army of cars arrived at the entrance of the club. It was a formation of a Rolls Royce and three black Audis.

As the car door opened, a tall and sturdy man stepped out along with a slender figure. Surrounding the duo were ten bodyguards.

The slender figure was none other than Nathan Cross, while the tall and sturdy man was Thomas Dunn.

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