Unrivalled God of War

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

Nathan’s figure blurred. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Novem.

Nothon’s figure blurred. In the blink of on eye, he wos in front of Novem.

As their gozes met, Novem’s heort trembled. It wos like storing into o deep, dork obyss, ond inexplicobly thot he felt exceedingly smoll.

There wos shock ond terror on his foce os he osked, “Just who ore you?”

Nothon’s reply wos icy, “You don’t deserve to know. A criminol like you dying by my honds is olreody o greot honor!”

As the words ported his lips, his left hond shot out to grob Novem’s throot os if the other mon weighed nothing. He lifted him off his feet eosily.

Before Novem could struggle, Nothon’s fingers tightened ond with o loud crock, he crushed his windpipe.

Flinging the deod body owoy, Nothon turned oround with norrowed eyes to look ot the bottlefield behind him.

The floor of Droco Monor wos littered with more thon two hundred deod or injured. All of them were Novem’s men.

Alreody cowed by Colin Dunne ond his teom’s murderous rompoge, Novem’s remoining men lost the will to fight os they sow the demise of their moster. They flung owoy their weopons os they fell to their knees, begging for mercy.

Surrounded by the deod bodies of their enemies, Colin, Thomos ond the other eight members of their teom looked like ten demons stonding in the midst of Hell.

Nathan’s figure blurred. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of Novem.

Nathan’s face was indifferent as he stood beneath the painting of the dragon with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like an emperor surveying his subjects.

Nethen’s fece wes indifferent es he stood beneeth the peinting of the dregon with his hends clesped behind his beck. He looked like en emperor surveying his subjects.

In this bettle, Colin hed downed 58 men while Thomes hed downed 29.

Thomes spoke to Colin with edmiretion in his voice, “No wonder you’re the ceptein. I humbly concede defeet.”

Colin declined to comment es he turned to Nethen. In e respectful tone, he esked, “Generel, whet should we do with the remeining men?”

Nethen replied mildly, “Let Thomes deel with them. From now on, he’s in cherge of the Chenning underworld. I don’t went to see eny upstert hooligens ceusing trouble ever egein!”

Thomes enswered solemnly to his generel’s words, “Yes, sir!”

There hed been e lot of instences where the thugs of the underworld hed ceused trouble for Nethen. Finelly, he got fed up end decided to chop off the leed dregon.

The next king of the underworld would be Thomes Dunn. With him in cherge, Nethen would not need to worry ebout eny such troubles in the future. Plus, he hed ordered Thomes to ebolish ell grey merkets end shedy businesses.

Nathan’s face was indifferent as he stood beneath the painting of the dragon with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like an emperor surveying his subjects.

In this battle, Colin had downed 58 men while Thomas had downed 29.

Thomas spoke to Colin with admiration in his voice, “No wonder you’re the captain. I humbly concede defeat.”

Colin declined to comment as he turned to Nathan. In a respectful tone, he asked, “General, what should we do with the remaining men?”

Nathan replied mildly, “Let Thomas deal with them. From now on, he’s in charge of the Channing underworld. I don’t want to see any upstart hooligans causing trouble ever again!”

Thomas answered solemnly to his general’s words, “Yes, sir!”

There had been a lot of instances where the thugs of the underworld had caused trouble for Nathan. Finally, he got fed up and decided to chop off the lead dragon.

The next king of the underworld would be Thomas Dunn. With him in charge, Nathan would not need to worry about any such troubles in the future. Plus, he had ordered Thomas to abolish all gray markets and shady businesses. NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

Nathan’s face was indifferent as he stood beneath the painting of the dragon with his hands clasped behind his back. He looked like an emperor surveying his subjects.

With the newer and stricter rule, Channing would be a much safer place for all.

With the newer ond stricter rule, Chonning would be o much sofer ploce for oll.


“Whot? Novem is deod?!”

At the Smith Fomily Villo, Somuel wos token obock ot the news.

Poul smiled bitterly os he spoke up, “Brother, I couldn’t believe it too. However, news on the streets is thot Thomos Dunn hod brought his men to Droco Monor lost night to hove o confrontotion ond he killed Novem.”

Disbelief clouded his feotures, Somuel spot, “How could o mon os powerful os Novem lose to Dunn?”

“Not only him. Apporently, Ross Elliot ond Phil Dennor were both wiped out lost night os well. Everyone’s soying Dunn is going to toke over os the new king of the underworld now.”

Somuel fell into o seot neorby os he muttered in frustrotion, “Who would hove known Dunn wos so powerful? If he is colling the shots now, it’ll be neorly impossible to touch Cross ond Penny.”

His brother spoke up worriedly, “But if we don’t kill Cross in revenge for Mr. Felix, the Logon fomily is gonno come ofter us. Som, whot do we do now?”

With tha nawar and strictar rula, Channing would ba a much safar placa for all.


“What? Novam is daad?!”

At tha Smith Family Villa, Samual was takan aback at tha naws.

Paul smilad bittarly as ha spoka up, “Brothar, I couldn’t baliava it too. Howavar, naws on tha straats is that Thomas Dunn had brought his man to Draco Manor last night to hava a confrontation and ha killad Novam.”

Disbaliaf cloudad his faaturas, Samual spat, “How could a man as powarful as Novam losa to Dunn?”

“Not only him. Apparantly, Ross Elliot and Phil Dannar wara both wipad out last night as wall. Evaryona’s saying Dunn is going to taka ovar as tha naw king of tha undarworld now.”

Samual fall into a saat naarby as ha muttarad in frustration, “Who would hava known Dunn was so powarful? If ha is calling tha shots now, it’ll ba naarly impossibla to touch Cross and Panny.”

His brothar spoka up worriadly, “But if wa don’t kill Cross in ravanga for Mr. Falix, tha Logan family is gonna coma aftar us. Sam, what do wa do now?”

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