Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 36

After confirming Nicole’s pregnancy with the obstetrician, Aurora returned to her workspace followed by Rayyen and Asher. Along the corridor, the lawyer couldn’t stop protesting. He continuously grumbled in frustration and annoyance at Aurora’s decision.

Rayyen felt Aurora was overly patient. She seemed naive for readily complying with Savana’s unreasonable demands.

“For heaven’s sake, I don’t understand your thought process, Aurora.”

Once in the room and after closing the door, Rayyen continued to protest. He tried to make Aurora realize not to surrender to the intimidation from her mother-in-law.

“Yet…” Rayyen continued. “You could just stand up to Nicole and Mrs. Savana. They’ve both really humiliated your sister. Plus, why not let me shut them up by telling them about Alex who can’t actually have children. Besides, you have the medical evidence.”

Aurora, who was already seated at her desk, nodded. Her face appeared calm. She even managed a smile.

“Patience, Ray. Do you think I’m not upset?”

“Well then? Why not fight back immediately?”

Aurora chuckled. She knew her cousin was also frustrated.

“Who said I’m not fighting back? I am fighting back. But, I’m using strategy to deal with cunning people like them.”

Rayyen nodded in understanding. Initially, he agreed with Aurora’s plan. But after witnessing Nicole’s behavior alongside Savana’s, suddenly he felt his patience being tested.

“If that’s the case, it’s better to just get a divorce. Then sue them all. Case closed. After that, your life will be peaceful, safe, calm, and peaceful. It’s mentally exhausting dealing with them.”

If Aurora were the type to avoid trouble, she might have agreed with Rayyen’s just-received advice. But considering many factors, Aurora chose to tackle each problem she faced one by one.

“Not like that, Ray. I’ve said it from the beginning, I have to retaliate against their actions. Actually, after knowing Nicole dared to accept my challenge to have a pregnancy check at the hospital, it can be concluded that even if she’s pregnant, it’s definitely not Alex’s child.”

“And you want to prove that?” Rayyen asked to confirm. “For what? Why not just give Alex’s medical examination results to refute their argument?”

Aurora nodded.

“Yes. If you want it easy, that’s how you do it. But, if Nicole is cunning, she might seek assumptions or justification from another doctor that Alex still has a chance of having offspring even if it’s only a few percent. People like them need to be silenced to the core, Ray.”

“So, are you going to wait until the baby is born to do a DNA test? Oh God, nine months is not a short time, Aurora.”

It was Rayyen who suddenly became frustrated. Yet, even if it meant waiting nine months, it would be Aurora who would endure it. Out of love and unwillingness to see Aurora treated unfairly, Rayyen continued to try to convince Aurora not to linger.

“Who wants to wait nine months, Rayyen?” For some reason, Aurora had been responding to Rayyen’s remarks with laughter. There wasn’t a trace of burden on her beautiful face.

“Well then? What do you suggest we do other than wait for the baby to be born?”

Aurora shook her head. She rose from her seat to approach Rayyen, who was sitting on the sofa.

“Let me handle it.”

Quiet and listening all along, Asher finally spoke up. Shifting seats, he approached Aurora and Rayyen.

“If the medical results say Alex has difficulty having children, let me find out who the father of Nicole’s baby is.”

Aurora smiled broadly. For something like this, she didn’t doubt her brother’s ability at all. Asher had solved many difficult puzzles before.

“Okay, I trust you with everything, Ash.”

“But, before taking any action, I want you to tell me everything first.”

Aurora agreed with a nod.

“After work, I’ll tell you everything without holding back.”

“And what about the house?”

Rayyen asked again. Regardless, he was concerned about Aurora living under the same roof as Nicole.

Just living with Alex was already unbearable for Aurora. Now, with the presence of the woman who was clearly her husband’s mistress, and Nicole’s annoying behavior, it would surely be even more challenging.

“What about the house?” Aurora asked for clarification.

“Are you sure you want to just resign yourself to living under the same roof as Nicole? It might just stress you out.”

Aurora appreciated Rayyen’s concern. Despite feeling irritated by Savana’s demands earlier, Aurora realized it might not be so bad to live under the same roof as her troublesome cousin.

“Aurora isn’t resigning, Ray.”

Asher took over the conversation again. Seemingly understanding Aurora’s mindset, he helped provide an explanation.

“If Aurora wants, she could leave the house. It’s not difficult to buy a new one.”

“That’s what I meant,” Rayyen agreed. “Why not just leave. It’s better than having to endure seeing Alex and Nicole’s behavior.”

Asher nodded.

“Remember well, don’t get used to being resigned. Don’t take the easy way out or shortcuts as if they’re the best solution. Since we were kids, Aurora and I were taught to defend what rightfully belongs to us. The house belongs to Aurora. It’s hers, and she even got it before officially becoming Alex’s wife. So why should she be the one to leave? If she goes, it’s like admitting defeat and letting Nicole reign supreme.”

Aurora snapped her fingers in the air. She was pleased because Asher truly understood her thought process.

“In fact, after thinking it over, it’s better if Nicole stays there.”

“Really?” Rayyen was surprised again. “Why?”

“So I can easily counter that imitation lady.”

Rayyen shook his head in disbelief. After a lengthy explanation, he finally understood all the cunning plans Aurora was preparing.

“Oh my goodness, it’s that serious.”

“Cunning people like Nicole need to be countered with cleverness, Ray,” Aurora replied. “You play drama, so you get Karma. Anyway, just wait and see what I’ll do next.”

Seeing Aurora so confident, and knowing that Asher supported and protected her from behind, Rayyen’s worries that had once lingered in his mind vanished. Now, he was also curious about what retaliation Aurora would give to the trio who had played with her life.


Returning from the hospital, accompanied and driven by Savana, Nicole confidently stepped out of the car. Carrying some of her belongings, she entered the house where Alex and Aurora had lived together.

Glancing around the house, Nicole smiled even wider. The image of herself becoming the lady of the house, replacing Aurora, danced in her mind.


Savana called out. She reached for Nicole’s wrist, then led her into one of the luxurious rooms on the second floor.

“Starting from now, you can sleep in this guest room.”

Nicole obediently followed. Looking around, she marveled at the complete facilities available in the room. From a large plasma TV, a comfortable bed, a sofa for relaxation, a mirror and a balcony overlooking the swimming pool. And a private bathroom equipped with a bathtub for soaking in warm water.

In Nicole’s mind, if the guest room was this good, complete, and luxurious, the master bedroom of the homeowner must be even better. Nicole couldn’t wait to switch her status to being the lady of the house.

“So, where will Alex sleep? Can’t he just sleep with Nicole here? After all, Nicole is pregnant, Mom. If she sleeps alone, there might be issues later.”

Savana smiled. Knowing that Nicole was pregnant with her grandchild, she tried to comply with the woman’s request.

“Don’t worry, I’ll ask Alex to move to this room to keep you company. Besides, I’m sure Aurora and Alex won’t share a room. Since they are both in the process of divorcing.”

Nicole’s head swelled even more when her request was granted. If she knew she would be pampered like this, she would have gotten pregnant long ago.

“Thank you so much, Mom, for granting Nicole’s request. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what would happen to Nicole.”

Savana smiled. She hugged Nicole tightly. She cared for her too because she could provide the grandchild they had been waiting for.

“Don’t worry. Mama will always be behind you. Now, just rest. Mama is also preparing to go home. If you need anything, just ask Alex or the house assistant here.”

As Savana left Aurora’s residence, Nicole decided to rest. After all, there was nothing she needed to do or handle.

When she woke up, it was already seven in the evening. Feeling hungry, Nicole decided to leave her room. Just as she closed the door, her sense of smell reflexively caught the scent of delicious food coming from the kitchen.

Without a doubt, Nicole hurried down to the first floor. Judging from the aroma, she believed there would be plenty of food prepared for her to enjoy.

Upon entering the dining room, she found Aurora had just finished her dinner. Ignoring her presence, Aurora left without a word.

Feeling lazy to bother, Nicole chose to pull out a dining chair and sit down. However, when she opened the food cover on the table, she found no food there.

Nicole was confused. She, who was already hungry, found nothing to eat.

“Servant…” Nicole called out to the house assistant who was putting away plates in the cabinet.


“Where’s the food? Why isn’t there any?”

The house assistant approached. With a polite smile, she immediately responded to Nicole’s question.

“The food has already been finished, Miss.”


“Yes,” she nodded. “Mrs. Aurora only cooked dinner for herself.”

In her heart, Nicole cursed. She knew Aurora must be deliberately behaving like this.

“Fine. Then make me dinner. I’m hungry.”

The house assistant smiled again. Instead of quickly following Nicole’s command, she remained silent and did nothing.

“Sorry, Miss. I can’t.”

Nicole furrowed her brow.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Why can’t you?”

“I can’t prepare dinner for you.”

Nicole became more puzzled.

“Why not? Isn’t that your job?”

“Yes. I am indeed paid to serve the employer. But not an imitation employer like Miss Nicole.”

Nicole was stunned. She never expected such a response.

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