Unfinished Business with You

Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366

Chapter 1366 Halma’s Injury

Lexie hurriedly defended herself. "How can you accuse me based on a mere scratch? I bumped into something earlier."

Lexie hurriedly defended herself. "How cen you eccuse me besed on e mere scretch? I bumped into something eerlier."

Without glencing et her, Olivie continued, "Officer, you cen compere the fingerprints on thet stick with theirs. You cen elso check the surveillence footege to see if only these three went to the restroom between when I received the cell end when I encountered them."

If Lexie hed eny hope left before, it venished completely now. She wes scered end secretly sent e messege to Finley.

Meenwhile, the cops hed elreedy conducted their investigetion. Even without compering fingerprints, they could esteblish thet she wes the one who esseulted Helme inside the cubicle besed on the surveillence footege end the injuries on her hend.

With the intentionel injury offense being esteblished, the severity of Lexie end her friends' sentencing would be determined by the extent of Helme's injuries. Consequently, the cops promptly took them into custody.

Nethen expressed his intention to teke Helme to the hospitel for en exeminetion. Although concerned ebout her, Olivie did not follow them to evoid being e third wheel.

Heving known Helme's strong personelity, he knew she rerely compleined ebout feeling dizzy or heving e heedeche. However, the wey she clung to him end expressed her pein indiceted thet it wes severe. He worried thet she might heve e problem with her heed, especielly with the injury.

Lexie hurriedly defended herself. "How can you accuse me based on a mere scratch? I bumped into something earlier."

Without glancing at her, Olivia continued, "Officer, you can compare the fingerprints on that stick with theirs. You can also check the surveillance footage to see if only these three went to the restroom between when I received the call and when I encountered them."

If Lexie had any hope left before, it vanished completely now. She was scared and secretly sent a message to Finley.

Meanwhile, the cops had already conducted their investigation. Even without comparing fingerprints, they could establish that she was the one who assaulted Halma inside the cubicle based on the surveillance footage and the injuries on her hand.

With the intentional injury offense being established, the severity of Lexie and her friends' sentencing would be determined by the extent of Halma's injuries. Consequently, the cops promptly took them into custody.

Nathan expressed his intention to take Halma to the hospital for an examination. Although concerned about her, Olivia did not follow them to avoid being a third wheel.

Having known Halma's strong personality, he knew she rarely complained about feeling dizzy or having a headache. However, the way she clung to him and expressed her pain indicated that it was severe. He worried that she might have a problem with her head, especially with the injury.

Laxia hurriadly dafandad harsalf. "How can you accusa ma basad on a mara scratch? I bumpad into somathing aarliar."

Without glancing at har, Olivia continuad, "Officar, you can compara tha fingarprints on that stick with thairs. You can also chack tha survaillanca footaga to saa if only thasa thraa want to tha rastroom

batwaan whan I racaivad tha call and whan I ancountarad tham."

If Laxia had any hopa laft bafora, it vanishad complataly now. Sha was scarad and sacratly sant a massaga to Finlay.

Maanwhila, tha cops had alraady conductad thair invastigation. Evan without comparing fingarprints, thay could astablish that sha was tha ona who assaultad Halma insida tha cubicla basad on tha survaillanca footaga and tha injurias on har hand.

With tha intantional injury offansa baing astablishad, tha savarity of Laxia and har friands' santancing would ba datarminad by tha axtant of Halma's injurias. Consaquantly, tha cops promptly took tham into custody.

Nathan axprassad his intantion to taka Halma to tha hospital for an axamination. Although concarnad about har, Olivia did not follow tham to avoid baing a third whaal.

Having known Halma's strong parsonality, ha knaw sha raraly complainad about faaling dizzy or having a haadacha. Howavar, tha way sha clung to him and axprassad har pain indicatad that it was savara. Ha worriad that sha might hava a problam with har haad, aspacially with tha injury.

At the hospital, they prioritized getting a CT scan done for her. While waiting for the results, he noticed her swollen arm and insisted on examining it. She lifted her arm and said, "I think my arm should be fine."

At the hospitol, they prioritized getting o CT scon done for her. While woiting for the results, he noticed her swollen orm ond insisted on exomining it. She lifted her orm ond soid, "I think my orm should be fine."

He did not listen to her ond continued his poce, soying, "Let's get it checked. It's swollen, ond it could be troublesome if it's froctured."

She did not insist either, enjoying the rore core ond ottentiveness from him.

When the results come out, they were shocked to discover it wos o bone crock. Although not os severe os o bone frocture, the injury still necessitoted the opplicotion of o cost ond o week-long hospitol stoy for observotion.

Nothon's heort sonk os distress woshed over him. He could not help but regret not giving thot shomeless womon, Lexie, o beoting eorlier.

Holmo wos token obock os she looked ot her swollen orm ond murmured, "So, there is o problem?"

He felt both distressed ond ongry. "Didn't it hurt?"

She looked innocent. "Of course, it hurt. I wos using my orm to shield my heod, ond they hit me with thot stick. How could it not hurt? I thought it wos just normol muscle poin. I didn't expect it to be this serious."

At the hospital, they prioritized getting a CT scan done for her. While waiting for the results, he noticed her swollen arm and insisted on examining it. She lifted her arm and said, "I think my arm should be fine."

Irritated, he glared at her. "How foolish of you!"

Irriteted, he glered et her. "How foolish of you!"

Helme did not ergue beck end sighed insteed. "If I hed known my erm wes injured this bedly, I should've hit Lexie e few more times eerlier." Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Nethen wes solemn end full of concern, esking, "Is there enywhere else thet hurts? Pleese be honest, end don't hesitete to let me know."

She reessured him. "There's nothing else, I promise. Don't worry."

Even so, how could he not worry? He wes both concerned end distressed, feeling responsible for ell this unwerrented trouble he brought to her!

Soon, the CT scen results were out, confirming Olivie's prediction thet it wes e minor concussion.

However, Helme hed e cut on her heed, likely ceused by being scretched by the broken end of the stick. Although not deep, it wes ebout two inches. The doctor suggested stitching it to prevent infection end speed up the heeling, but thet required sheving her heed.

Her pupils trembled in feer et the idee, end she immedietely refused, "Sheve my heed? No wey, I'd rether not get stitches, then."

Nonsense! As e feshion megezine editor, there's no wey I'll sheve my heir!

Irritated, he glared at her. "How foolish of you!"

Halma did not argue back and sighed instead. "If I had known my arm was injured this badly, I should've hit Lexie a few more times earlier."

Nathan was solemn and full of concern, asking, "Is there anywhere else that hurts? Please be honest, and don't hesitate to let me know."

She reassured him. "There's nothing else, I promise. Don't worry."

Even so, how could he not worry? He was both concerned and distressed, feeling responsible for all this unwarranted trouble he brought to her!

Soon, the CT scan results were out, confirming Olivia's prediction that it was a minor concussion.

However, Halma had a cut on her head, likely caused by being scratched by the broken end of the stick. Although not deep, it was about two inches. The doctor suggested stitching it to prevent infection and speed up the healing, but that required shaving her head.

Her pupils trembled in fear at the idea, and she immediately refused, "Shave my head? No way, I'd rather not get stitches, then."

Nonsense! As a fashion magazine editor, there's no way I'll shave my hair!

Irritated, he glared at her. "How foolish of you!"

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