Under His Protection



As days went by, it became more difficult than ever, isabella could no longer walk on the streets of New York freely as reporters were always lurking around and seeking the perfect moment to capture anything.

At first, Isabella didn’t know how to cope with all the new attention that suddenly enveloped her, she now had numerous followers online who waited for her updates and her name was all over the internet contrary to how she had used to be.

she had always lived in the background as an upcoming actress and even with her family, she had always been seen as the nobody but she loved it not because she was timid and not confident about herself but because she wanted peace for herself.

Their once peaceful and easy-going lifestyle was now infiltrated, The first two days were a bit bearable as all they had to do was stay indoors and order some things to the house but with the reporters returning Isabella suddenly went rogue.

“I can’t take this anymore!” Isabella exclaimed as she watched the reporters return that morning, she had thought they would give up after the second day, but they did not and it was beginning to get unbearable because she could no longer carry out her normal activities.

Vincent heard her shout but it thought Isabella was just blowing things out of proportion, as he thought they were already decreasing in size but that certainly was not the case.

“Oh my God!” Vincent asserted as he joined Isabella to watch the reporters from their window, they were already gathered and were waiting patiently for any one of them to leave the house.

“I think I will just have to say something to them at least to get them off the surroundings,” Isabella suggested as she waited for Vincent reply, they both knew she was the main reason the reporters were still flocking around Vincent’s house.

They had requested an interview with Isabella, which Vincent had turned down because they didn’t want anyone to know about her pregnancy lately Isabella had been having some weird pregnancy symptoms and they feared the reporters catching up on it.

“I do not think that is a good idea,” Vincent replied as he looked at Isabella in disagreement, he knew how dangerous the press could be and with her constant throwing up lately, it was too risky.

“But I cannot keep living like this,” Isabella stated her voice laced with contempt, she had already been indoors for two days and she feared for the worse.

Even though Vincent understands Isabella’s feelings, there is nothing he can do at that moment as they are already trapped by the reporters.

But that was all history as things had died down and were beginning to get back to normal but certainly not for Isabella, though she was grateful to Vincent for always protecting her and for being by her side.

She still felt it was his fault because all this would not have happened if they had just moved on with their usual plan, she wondered what it would have been like if they had not gone for the movie date.

“I need to see go out today, ” Isabella muttered as she quickly picked up the phone and placed a call across to her best friend, she had been indoors with Vincent for almost a week and needed some fresh air.

“Hey babe!” Audrey greeted immediately as he answered the call, she had always been in contact with Isabella all through this and had kept her occupied when she was bored.

“Hey, girl!” Isabella greeted enthusiastically, she had waited so long for days as though she had been locked in a dungeon for years.

“How are you doing feeling today??” Audrey asked her voice evident of pity, she had been worried about Isabella and and has getting along with her new lifestyle, she knew Isabella better than anyone and would admit that she was not a fan of paparazzi.

Coupled with the fact that they had not been able to solve the white’s case the court hearing was getting close.

“I am feeling much better today,” Isabella replied with a wide smile, it was true that she was feeling much more elated today than ever because the reporters had stopped pestering them and the weird pregnancy symptoms had gone down.

But also she wanted it to be complete by going outside for the first time in days and the only person she could think of was her best friend, plus she missed their usual fun outing.

“That is good to hear, I hope Vincent has been taking good care of you?” Audrey asked trying to more information about their new status, she knew from their last conversation that things were a bit off as Isabella had refused to talk about Vincent and didn’t want him mentioned in their conversation.

“Yeah, as usual,” Isabella mentioned abruptly, that she was still harboring some leftover conflict that Vincent was oblivious about.

It was the day the reporters had strangely returned in the morning crowding their apartment, they had planned on meeting each other that fateful day but with the reporters around Isabella could no longer go out and Vincent, on the other hand, had a very important meeting to attend.

AIsabellawas left all alone for hours, Vincent tried to cancel but he could not and left thinking he would be able to meet up before noon but he arrived late after dinner only to meet Isabella in the room and passed her pregnancy symptoms had become too overwhelming.

After she woke up she did not stop blaming Vincent, ” What do you mean by the usual?” Audrey asked curiously, she knew Isabella was hiding something from her.

“Nothing Audrey, just his usual care.” Isabella continued, already irritated by Audrey’s persistence.

“Girl! you need to tell me what’s wrong, did Vincent hurt you?” Audrey inquired immediately, though she knew Vincent was not someone of that nature but she was beginning to get all sorts of thoughts.NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

“Oh my God, No!” Isabella exclaimed loudly, there were so many things but that was the last thing Vincent was, though she still could not place his action towards her she knew for sure that Vincent adored her.

“Then what is the problem??” Audrey questioned, as she waited patiently for her reply, She suddenly burst into laughter after Isabella had dialogued the event to her.

For one she knew Isabella was taking this way out of proportion and also she felt like Isabella was beginning to fall for Vincent. “What’s funny??” Isabella Inquired, suddenly becoming serious.

“Nothing best friend,” Audrey replied as she pulled herself together, ” But I do feel, that you are taking things too far and Vincent cares about you okay.” She added.

She knew Isabella too well and for sure this was not the right to let her know about her growing feelings, “What do you have planned?” Audrey asked, she wanted to discuss the whites with Isabella.

“I was thinking of spending some time out with you today and that was why I called, ” Isabella acknowledged. “Ok that’s nice,” Audrey replied as they ended the call to get ready.

A few minutes later Isabella was ready to go out, she was putting on a free-looking stylish gown that fitted her perfectly, they had both agreed for Audrey to pick her up just to be safe from any lurking reporter.

“Going out??” Vincent asked as he walked into the room, he had been in his study trying to plan for their wedding and he needed to talk with Isabella.

“Yes I am,” She replied still focused on her ongoing activity, she was trying to style up her hair and was finding it difficult to carry out on her own.

“Need some help??” Vincent asked as he walked close to her, he wanted to assist but did not know what exactly to do.

“No thanks,” Isabella replied immediately leaving him suddenly dumbfounded, he had noticed she was acting strangely of late especially after the reporters had stopped coming.

“What’s wrong Isabella?” Vincent asked curiously but she ignored him and continued with her hair.

Vincent sat down close to Isabella trying his best to decipher what he might have to have prompted Isabella’s sudden mood but he certainly could not think of anything reasonable.

They had been living normally and wondered what had gone wrong, ” Are you okay?” Vincent asked wanting to know more but it seemed Isabella was certainly hesitant in having a conversation with him.

“Did I do something wrong??” He continued still dogmatic, and at this point, sabella wished she had just allowed him to help her as she knew Vincent would not be at peace until he was rest assured she was okay with him.

But as she was about to answer him, they heard the doorbell ring out loudly and Isabella was happy, she didn’t want to have any conversation with Vincent and going out with Audrey was the best escape.

“That must be Audrey, we are going out!” Isabella announced as she quickly picked up her things and headed for the door, but was surprised to him standing in front of her with his eyes glaring red like hot steam.

“Timothy!” She exclaimed with a loud voice.

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