Torrid Little Affair (Forbidden Desires #3)

Chapter 37 Corinne


Saturday was supposed to be an easy day, and it probably was for most people. Unfortunately, my life wasn’t like most people’s. The entire day had been a shit show. I felt like I’d been running errands for the past six days-it was more like three hours, but still-and I was tired and cranky.

First, there was dry cleaning to drop off, and then prescriptions to pick up and groceries to buy, and now I was running late. I needed to get home and get Aaron loaded up so I could take him to his doctor’s appointment. I hadn’t run any red lights yet, but I was speeding a good ten miles an hour over every posted speed limit. I hated being late, so I was mumbling silent prayers to myself as I weaved in and out of traffic. Worst of all? I had to pee. That pit stop through the Starbucks drive-through had been my undoing. Hey, a girl had needs.

What had gotten me through my stressful morning? Thoughts of Cooper. I still couldn’t believe he’d planned such a romantic date earlier this week. We weren’t dating, I mean, we were fucking. There was a difference, right?

But no matter how many times I’d tried to convince Cooper-and myself-that we couldn’t be anything more, I always found myself wanting to give him more.

Like his offer for a sleepover. God, I wanted to. The rational part of me knew it wasn’t a good idea, but that didn’t stop me from wanting it.

After I picked up Aaron, we made it just in time to the doctor’s office where he’d get a checkup, and then we’d cover his physical therapy progress. As we stepped into the waiting room, I was surprised to be greeted by four feet, eleven inches of gray-haired sass.

“Mauve?” I squinted, confusion washing over me. “What are you doing here?”

She shrugged. “Got one of the nurses to drop me off on her way home, and promised her that you’d give me a lift back. I’m not an invalid, kiddo. Stop gaping at me like that.”

She was right, but still, an outing was a big deal for her. I couldn’t quite believe she was here.

“I don’t understand. Why did you come?”

She leaned in to give me a one-armed hug. “Because you shouldn’t have to do all of this alone.”

She was wrong, but I didn’t correct her. I was Aaron’s legal guardian. The responsibility of his care did fall on me, but it was nice to have someone notice and understand that sometimes responsibility took a toll.

“Thanks for coming.”

Seconds later, Aaron’s name was called, and off we went through the wide door and into the doctor’s office. We waited in the small interior office, just us three. Aaron looked out at the aquarium that sat against one wall.

As unexpected as her visit was, it was nice to see Mauve outside the walls of the retirement community where she now lived. She’d been a part of my life, and Aaron’s, for as long as I could remember, and there was something comforting about the three of us together again, in the same room.

She’d raised Aaron and me as brother and sister, and as close as we all were, she made no qualms about disagreeing with my decisions now that we were older. She saw my relationship with Aaron as a refusal to move on with my life. I saw it as a testament to my loyalty, as a commitment to him.

“What’s going on with that man-friend of yours?” Mauve winked.

Ah, there it was. The real reason for her visit today. She wanted to grill me about Cooper.

For just a moment, I imagined telling her everything-every lovely detail about Cooper Kingsley-if only to let myself fantasize that I was a normal twenty-something woman with a normal love life. But reality came crashing down on me as the harsh fluorescent lights reminded me of our surroundings. Best not to encourage her.

“There’s nothing to tell. It’s nothing, Mauve. I made an oath to Aaron. End of story.”

She squared her shoulders. “Yes, you did. And I know you’ll never break it, that you’ll never toss him to the wayside. But he’d want you to move on with your life. It doesn’t mean Aaron won’t be a part of it, but he shouldn’t be the only part. He’d want you to have a husband, children, big family Christmases, all the things you two dreamed about.”

I swallowed hard, blinking back tears.

“You know why that’s so hard to hear?”

I glared at her. “No, but I bet you’re going to tell me.”

A coy smile graced her lips. “It’s because I’m right, kiddo.”

The medical assistant chose that moment to enter the room, thank God, and I stole away for a few moments while she checked Aaron’s vitals. I needed to get away from Mauve’s judging eyes, and I seriously still needed to pee.

After locating the restroom, I relieved myself and washed my hands.

When my eyes met my reflection, the woman looking back at me was unfamiliar. She was more confident, for one. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. The set of my shoulders, the tilt of my chin, maybe.

As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself, this affair with Cooper had been good for me. I never did things like this, things that were just for me. My cheeks were flushed pink, and my eyes glistened with anticipation.

An idea struck me, and feeling almost giddy, I quickly pulled my phone from my purse. I punched in Cooper’s name and began a new text.

Is that offer for a sleepover still good?

I didn’t expect his reply so quickly, and was about to shove my phone back into my purse when three little dots appeared, letting me know he was composing his message.

Of course it is. But it’s not nice to tease a man, dove.

I wasn’t nervous-not really. This was Cooper. I knew he’d be careful, knew he’d take control so I didn’t have to think, and that was what I craved.

I was tired of being in charge. My personal life was chaotic, and I craved his complete domination. I wanted to shut off my brain and just enjoy myself for once, without having to rush home after. I knew I could pay Tabitha extra to spend the night with Aaron, and so really nothing was standing in my way.

Me + you . . . all night long. Think you can handle that?© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

I could almost see him smirking down at his phone with that trademark half smile he had. That playful side to him that I loved.

Fuck yes, I can. Tell me when.

I have to work out the best night, but soon.

Cooper had begged me to stay over so many times, and I loved how happy I knew this would make him.

And, Coop? I swallowed down a wave of nerves and typed out the rest of my message. I promise I’ll tell you everything very soon.

I trust you.

His reply stung deep in my chest.

I hadn’t earned his trust, not with the colossal secret I’d been keeping from him. But we were growing closer than ever, and the hard truth I’d kept from him this entire time was going to come out. And when it did, I had a feeling it would ruin everything.

Trying not to think about that just yet, I shoved my phone in my purse and headed back to the exam room.

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