To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 7

Ava’s POV

I didn’t have any class tomorrow so that only meant that I could sleep late and wake up anytime I wanted. Although, my body is used to going to bed late and waking up extra early.

I dropped the call with my mum and after a while of surfing the internet, I retired to bed to rest for a while. Closing my eyes, I soon fell asleep.

The ray of the sun that made its way into my room made me shift uncomfortably on my bed. I should’ve worn my eye mask before falling asleep, was the first thought that popped into my head.

I reluctantly stood from the bed to drop the curtain and since I was up already, I decided I was going to use the rest of the day to do the few house chores laying around. I cleaned up the house and made breakfast and just when I’d finished making breakfast, I heard a knock on the door.

Rushing to open the door, I found my mum standing there with a hat on and her bags in hand, while the rest of her things were behind her on the ground.

“Mum!” I shrieked as I threw myself into her arms, “Welcome home.” I added as I ushered her in and took the bag from her.

We both made our way to the dining room and it was literally impossible to miss the excitement written all over my Mum’s face.

“How was your trip?” I asked as I mentally prepared myself to get answers to questions that I didn’t even ask plus the one I asked, and I didn’t mind one bit.

“It was fun, we visited a lots of places and you won’t believe how extremely gentle and caring he is!” She answered, going into details and telling me all about how Danny did this and that and how he would usually bring her breakfast in bed.

She wouldn’t stop smiling as she spoke and I was extremely happy for her, it’s been a while since I have seen her this happy since my dad.

She’s a really amazing woman and genuinely being loved once again has made her get this light glow back, which made her appear more gorgeous than she usually looks.

“Oh, before I forget,” she started as she stuffed her mouth with the last piece of pie on her plate, “We need to pack, you know we would have to live together with Danny, right?” She asked and I reluctantly nodded in response.

I finished my breakfast and after doing the dishes, I made my way to my room with my mum as we both began to pack our bags. As we worked together, I urged her to tell me the remaining details about her honeymoon.

We spoke as we filled the boxes with our things, the more I began to get more lost in my thoughts, and soon, I began to speak.

“Mum, can I talk to you about something?” I asked as I sat on the bed and braced myself up to ask my mother the question I already knew she would say no to.

“Yes, Princess. What’s the matter?” She answered and followed up with another question of hers. Her worry immediately played out on her face and I hastily assured her not to get too worked up that it wasn’t something serious.

“What do you think about me living in the school dorm?” I tentatively asked and her countenance changed, I knew she hadn’t been expecting me to ask that.

“Why? Don’t you want to live with Danny and I?” She asked in a low, worried tone and I bit my lower lip while shaking my head, as expected, she has started to take my question out of context.

“No,” I answered, “That’s not it. I just want to try someplace new.” I lied through my teeth. “Besides, you both just got married and I would hate to be that little thing that meddles with your affairs and intrudes.” I completed with a sigh and my mother shifted to sit properly beside me.

“Who said you were going to be intruding?” She asked, wrapping her arms around my neck and using her other hand to guide my face into her neck.

“I don’t know, I just, you know, want a change of environment.” I lied. I hated the thought of living in school dormitories and she knew that.

“Danny’s place is also a change of environment, remember? Besides, you’ve always hated the thought of living a school dorm, what changed?” She asked and I swallowed hard while quickly trying to come up with a perfect answer.

She would know if I lied so I resorted to saying the truth instead.

“Okay, Fine! Since you know me so well, I suggested the school dorm because I don’t want to live in the same house as Mason! He gets on my last nerve and I’m sure you already know how much I hate him.” I answered and after a while of silence my mother’s echoing laughter filled the space between us.

“What’s funny?” I demanded, “Nothing about what I’d just said is funny so please, will you stop laughing?” I asked as I rolled my eyes so hard that I could feel it at the back of my head.

“All this is about Mason?” She asked and I pursed my lips.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Honey, look, I’m sure the both of you would work it out and make up. I understand how hard it will be for you to welcome a new family member at such short notice, talk less of two, but just give him a chance, hm? And also, hate is a strong word.” My mother lectured.

“You both are now siblings and I know Mason, he is very sweet and charming. He’s really a good person, just like his father and if you get to know him, you’d see that all that I’m saying is nothing but the truth.” She added and I rolled my eyes again.

I already saw this coming anyways.

I don’t want to get to know him, he’s the worst already!

“Don’t try to change my mind about him, I know what I’m feeling for him and it’s nothing but hate. Hate is not too big a word for me.” I stated firmly, wrapping my arms against my chest as I scowled.

“Give him a chance, for my sake at least and I promise that as soon as you both start living together, you’d soon become best friends.” She added, making me roll my eyes and snort.

I stopped trying to make her change her mind since she wouldn’t understand anyways. I harbour too much hatred in my heart for me to forgive him all of a sudden, especially when he’s yet to genuinely apologise to me.

The stupid asshole.

Night soon fell and we both made dinner together, and after that, we decided we were going to see a movie tonight for the last time before we get to move out, which is happening tomorrow.

I made popcorn for us and we both watched the movie with my head on my mother’s shoulder, starting from tomorrow it wouldn’t be just the two of us anymore.

We’d be four in total.

Three in total rather, because there’s no way I’d ever count Mason as my family.

Never ever.

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