To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 12

Ava’s POV

It felt as though time was against me. I hated the class I was having but I have to sit here and listen and pretend I care about Geography.

My silent prayer got answered when the class ended and I couldn’t be anymore grateful. I hastily packed up my belongings and left the class with Nicole.

“Hey. What were you going to tell me before we went to class?” She asked and my mouth opened in realisation. I had been about to break the news of my mum being married to the father of my worst enemy on earth before the lecturer arrived in class, but now, I wasn’t mentally prepared to talk about everything just yet.

“You know what? Let’s talk about it later.” I said, tugging my bag over my shoulders more properly.

“Fair enough,” Nicole shrugged and I let out a small sigh of relief, glad that she didn’t push it. Talking about Mason right now will only stress me out and make me get into a bad mood, which I’d rather not have right now.

And besides, I’m going to this party because I wanted to be away from him as much as possible, so talking about him kind of defeats that purpose.

“Hey, what do you say? You go home with me and I get to dress you up for the party this evening?” She started as she looked at me up and down and I could immediately tell what the problem was.

“Why? Is anything wrong with the way I dress? I can dress myself up just fine.”

“Oh, no, I never said you couldn’t dress yourself. I only said I wanna dress you up for it, because I don’t want to go to a party with Hermione Granger from Harry Potter. If I want that to happen, then I’ll let you go with me like this.” She said, referring to my favourite movie character.

“Hey!” I argued, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with Hermione, she is smart, intelligent, hot, fucking pretty and a very brilliant lady!” I added, defending my favourite character while Nicole only rolled her eyes.

“That’s right. Either way, you’re going home with me and I’m dressing you up.” She added, standing her ground which made me roll my eyes in surrender..

“Besides, you need a man. You need to feel loved and you need a man to make that happen to you.” She added on a chuckle, throwing a jab at my loneliness.

“You do know that I’m only going to this party because I don’t want to be stuck at home tonight, right?” I asked as we both walked towards her car and got in.

“And you do know that I’m suggesting dressing you up because I don’t want you to go to the party looking like a nerd, right?” She answered with a question of hers and we both burst out laughing after a few seconds of locking gazes.

The drive to her house wasn’t silent or calm. It was loud, chaotic and so much fun. We sang along to the songs playing on the radio and talked about a lot of random things.

We got to her house and Nicole didn’t waste any time in picking out the perfect outfit for me. It was never hard to wear each other’s clothes because we both had the same body type. I took a shower before dressing up in the outfit laid out for me.

It was a pair of leather pants which made my ass and hips pop out well, outlining my curves and drawing attention to the smallness of my waist– which was then paired with a small sparkly silver top which had no back, safe for the ropes holding it together at the back. She had also provided a pair of leather boots to match and a silver purse that went perfectly with my top.

I knew I looked hot as hell even before I glanced into the mirror. This usually wasn’t my style, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t pull it off when needed.

Nicole hooted once she waltzed back into the bedroom, and almost immediately, I sat down for her to do my makeup.

I picked up my phone to call my mum in order to inform her about the party with Nicole. She picked up on the sending ring.

“Hey baby, what’s wrong?” She inquired earnestly and I rolled my eyes before proceeding to tell her about the party.

“Have fun baby girl, you need it anyways.” My mothers voice kept ringing in my head long after I had ended the call with her.

She was right. I needed the fun, I needed to live a little.

Nicole and I were soon ready for the party. It wasn’t long before Ryan came to pick us both up, looking really good in a tight pair of jeans and a brown top that matched his hair. The party was happening at his house and on arriving, I hadn’t expected to see as many guests as I saw.

Young adults and teenagers with a red cups filled up everywhere as they all danced and drank at once. A lot of things were happening at once, making me feel a little overwhelmed.

Some people took different spots on the wall, huddled together, doing their own things. Some were making out while some were laughing and drinking. Some were lost to the music, drinking, smoking and grinding hard to the music.

I wrinkled my nose in distaste as I glanced around once again. Ryan handed to cups of drink to Nicole and I. Nicole threw her drink back at once while I slightly sniffed mine before taking a sip.

Drinking wasn’t new to me. But drinking in a party, where a drink could be easily spiked, was hard and new territory for me.

Nicole and I made our way to sit in a part where it seems like everyone was still sober.

I tried to relax, knowing that the only way I’d have fun tonight, is if I losen up.

I could feel a lot of gazes on me. Since the moment I stepped in here, rather.

The gazes made me feel hella uncomfortable.

“Let’s play a game.” One of them suggested it after about thirty minutes and it didn’t take long for everyone to agree to play it, once the suggestion was done explaining the rules of the game to the group.

It was a truth or dare game, a cup was being passed around and whoever the cup landed on when the music stopped would be asked a question of dared to do something.

It wasn’t long before the cup landed on me and I closed my eyes to take a moment to regret coming to the party. I took a look at Nicole who only laughed and cheered me on.

Typical of her. This is her scene, and she’s currently having the best time right now.

Unlike me who couldn’t wait to get home.

That’s what I get for being best friends with a party animal.

“Okay, what am I going to do now?” I asked and the group fell silent as they all thought of the suitable question to ask me or the perfect dare.

“I dare you to go up to the guy standing by the pole and kiss him for at-least 20 seconds.” One of the girls said and my eyes widened while the rest of the group hooted and clapped their hands excitedly.

I glanced at Nicole who only nodded at me encouragingly.

I thought about it for a while and contemplating refusing to do the game, but I didn’t want to take another shot because I didn’t wanna get drunk tonight, and neither do I have a hundred bucks to waste on a silly game.

I propped myself up properly and walked as proudly as I could to the guy I have been dared to kiss someone from. I acted like I wasn’t fazed, but deep down, I was very much fazed.

I never imagined myself kissing a random person at this party tonight.

But, oh well.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened in shock when I saw the face of the guy I had been dared to kiss. He had been backing us before but now that he had suddenly turned around, I couldn’t help but do a double take.

What the hell is Mason doing here?

He had a pair of cigarette hanging off the side of his lips and a cup of drink was cradled in his left hand.

Nah ah, there’s no way. I’m taking the fucking shot then. I said to myself as I turned away from him, attempting to head back to the group I had been previously playing a game with.

Mason probably also noticed me at the last moment because as soon as I turned to leave, his hand shot out from nowhere to grip my bare arm. His hold was firm, right and so fucking cold.

Anger flashed in my eyes in the next instant.

“What the fuck are you doing? Are you insane?” I screeched into his face, the loud music prevented my voice from getting further than his ears.

I angrily jerked out of his grip and watched in distaste as he removed the cigarette from his mouth and stubbed the light out on a nearby astray.

“Does your mum know you’re out here playing stupid, dumb games with guys and girls that have no idea what they want to do with their lives?” He asked and I could feel the anger in me bubble up more and more.

“Does your dad know you’re out here smoking your life away?” I shot back without wasting time, making his mouth Jang open for a few seconds.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

I whirled around, about to make my way back to the group I had been sitting with, but couldn’t because he grabbed me once again.

He leaned down and hovered his mouth over my ear, and as he spoke, his hot breath hit my ear and bare neck, making me begin to suddenly feel very hot

“One word about this from you to my dad and I’ll make sure you regret it.” He threatened before releasing me. The smell of cigarettes still lingered around his breath and I wrinkled my nose in distaste before rolling my eyes and turning away from him.

He didn’t try to stop me again.

I walked back to the group in anger and took not a shot but a full gulp of the drink. Everyone in the group were all looking at me, they had probably witnessed the exchange I had with Mason and even though they didn’t hear a word of it, they all had eyes.

As the night progressed, the angrier I got. To think I had been planning on relaxing here at the party, not knowing that the biggest inconvenience in my life was here in the party with me.

To think I had agreed to come to the party because I wanted to be away from Mason tonight.

Trust the universe to not be on my side every damn time that it isn’t even surprising any longer.

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