Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“In exchange...?” I repeated after her, eager to know what she wanted to have in return because if she wanted the whole universe, I would fucking get it for her.

“Let me finish before you say no or ask questions, okay?” She smiled sheepishly at me and I just nodded my head.

Again, she could tell and order me anything and I would try to do it without questions.

“I want you to teach me how to drive a car...” She bit her bottom lip while looking at me.

I understood when she told me to keep my mouth shut until she was done talking, but I couldn’t help it. “Drive a car? I can do that. Is that all?”

“I want a car too. Not an expensive one. A used one is okay as long as it can take me where I want to go. Maybe you have an old car you can give me.” I rubbed my thumb against my chin while I stood and stared at her.

So far, her demands were nothing hard. If she became my Luna, she would have those and more.

“And maybe a little money. If that isn‘t too much to ask. 15,000 if possible. I just needed to start somewhere...”

Her last statement caught me off guard. I almost forgot that she only said two months. I couldn‘t stop my forehead from creasing and my jaw from tightening. She wanted to leave. For real.

I suppressed the growl building in my chest and tried my best to keep myself calm. I fucking wanted to storm out of my own room, but I remembered I promised myself I would try my best. I was still trying to find the words to address what she said when her eyes suddenly watered and uncertainties flared in them.

“Uhmmm, if it‘s too much, 10,000 is okay...” She was trying to hold my gaze, but she gave up and dropped her head, focusing on her fingers that she kept fidgeting with.

“Why do you want to leave?” My voice was almost breaking, but I caught myself in time, and i t ended up sounding cold.

“My uncle...” She raised her head and met my eyes.

“...he sold me to a man 30 years older than me. I tried to run away that night we met. Which I eventually succeeded in doing, but he found me a few days ago.” I clenched my fist at the memory of the full moon when I met her, and the familiar pang of pain crossed my chest. Instead of asking for my help, she ran away and left me.

Now, I didn‘t know if I wanted to kill her uncle or thank him for turning her over to my territory,

“So he beat you up because you ran away?”

“And because I got marked, He was forcing me to spill out who marked me so we could reject each other and the mark would slowly fade.”

“And you, do you want my mark gone?” I didn’t know where I got the courage to ask this. I‘ve been avoiding asking her why she ran away from me because I knew that I would not be able to take it if she told me directly that she didn‘t want to be with me. She shook her head.

I almost smiled. I had hope that maybe she wanted me, only to be crushed again.

“If it‘s gone, then it will be easy for him to sell me. So as long as I am marked, he can‘t touch me.”

So that‘s the only fucking reason she didn‘t want my mark gone. No wonder, after she left me, she didn‘t go looking for me. I was never part of her plans and I had no place in her life.

“Okay. Two months then. I‘ll give you what you‘re asking for. Plus the security that your uncle will not be able to touch you while you‘re in my territory.” I knew I would give her more than she was asking for if she really decided to leave. And maybe I would find a place for her where I could still visit her.

She smiled weakly before dropping her gaze to her hands again.

“Thank you.” I didn‘t know why I agreed. She would just hurt me. But I was willing to do everything just to have a piece of her in my life.

Two months with her was better than nothing at all. Maybe in two months, I could make her change her mind.

“Anything else?” I asked her. She shook her head, still not looking at me. “And you? Is there anything you want from me or what I need to do?” She asked in her soft voice.

I fucking want you.

“No. Nothing. Just be my Luna.” I She nodded her head.

“I will go into heat soon... I can take care of myself. I‘ve been doing it for the last two full moons. But you?”

My heart was still breaking, but I couldn‘t stop myself from snickering at her statement.

“I don‘t think I can stop myself when you go in heat. I‘m an Alpha. I won‘t be able to resist your scent.” That was the truth. Everything in Alpha‘s senses is heightened, including our sense of smell. And if our mate was in heat, the attraction and lust would be tenfold.

“Maybe you need to put me in one of your cells so my scent won‘t reach you.”

“I‘m sure I can break that cell. And there is fucking no way you will stay in a cell.” She chuckled and looked up at me. Her mouth opened as if she wanted to say something, but she didn‘t say anything and just closed it.

“If I come to you while you‘re in heat, will you refuse and push me away?”

Fuck! I needed to tap my own back for having the courage to ask these questions.

She shook her head and bit her bottom lip, and I could see a smile tugging on her mouth, but she was trying to stop it. My heart fluttered as I suppressed my own smile. “Then we won‘t have a problem when you go into heat.”

“Then we won‘t have a problem when you go into heat.” He said in a cold voice, and despite the animosity on his face, I couldn‘t stop my core from clenching at the idea of spending my heat with him.

It didn‘t matter if he never wanted me at all. I still want him, and while I‘m here, I will do my best to take advantage of having him around. And I knew this was the part where I should stand up and leave his room. I had already made m y intentions clear and had already gotten what I wanted, but my feet weren‘t moving.

And he wasn‘t saying anything either. He was just looking at me.

“Uhmm.. Do you want to see my wounds?” I had to say something so I could stay a little longer. I had no idea what his mood would be next time I bumped into him, so I might as well take advantage of his cold but ‘at least–he‘s–not–angry’ demeanor.

He nodded his head, and I gestured for him to turn around, which he did without complaining. Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

I smiled despite myself. I never thought there would come a day when I would be able to make an Alpha follow my orders, even if it‘s as simple as this.

I got hold of the hem of the shirt I was wearing and pulled it over my head and used it to cover my breasts before I told him that I was ready.

He turned around slowly, and I didn‘t miss the way his eyes dilated and his Adam‘s apple moved as he swallowed while his gaze was raking my body, but it was for only a split second before his emotions went back to being cold.

He then crouched in front of me, raising his hands to hold my bruised arms as sparks traveled all over my body. He looked at them for a while before he tilted my body around to look at my back.

I closed my eyes at the same time a hiss left his throat while I heard his chest heaving. I felt a finger running on the skin of my back near the area where a big wound was sitting.

“What happened here? Did he hit you with something sharp?”

“No. He slapped me so hard that my body went flying and I hit a sharp wood...”

“It‘s fucking deep. Will you allow me to heal it?” He didn‘t let me finish, and by the aura seeping out of his body, I knew he was angry, but it wasn‘t directed at me, and it didn‘t bother me at all. Instead, delicious tingles were spreading in between my legs.

“If you want to...” My voice came out raspy. I was fighting hard not to be aroused at the thought of him healing me with his saliva, but I don‘t think I was succeeding.

“Stand up.”

He didn’t need to say it twice. I stood up, clutching his shirt to cover my front. I only had his boxers on me. His hands were guiding my waist, letting me stand with my back to him. I was anticipating that any moment now, his tongue would touch my back, but it hadn‘t happened yet. Instead, I felt a finger skimming down my skin to the area where his wolf bit me.

“My wolf‘s mark looks good here.”

“Yes, it is. I like it. It‘s a crescent moon shape,” I told him the truth. Despite the pain, I did like that I was marked by him and his wolf that night.

“You liked this one more than the mark I gave you?” His voice sounded hurt, and I couldn‘t help myself from giggling.

“Are you jealous of your wolf?”

He didn‘t answer, but his next move caught me off guard. He pulled my body closer and I felt his lips running down my hip bone where his wolf marked me. Sparks were exploding everywhere my hands flew to his hands on my waist, gripping them for support because my knees started to wobble.

He was kissing and sucking it so gently that I totally lost control and started moaning while wetness started to leak into his boxers that I was wearing.

Then his lips trailed up until they reached the part where I had an open wound and he began to lick it with his tongue.

“Alpha...” My clutch on his hands tightened. My core was weakening, and if he continued doing this, I swore to the Goddess I would explode soon.

He pulled away from licking me and I gasped for air, my eyes snapping open. I didn‘t know if I was relieved or disappointed that he stopped, but before I could decide which was it, he pulled my body and I ended up sitting on his lap.

I bit my lower lip, not knowing what to do or how to react.

And then I felt his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling my body towards him. I tried to relax and leaned my naked back against his naked torso, letting out the breath that I was holding.

It felt good to be here. And I wished he wouldn‘t wake up from his trance and push me away.

“Nadia...” He said my name in such a hoarse voice that it sent tingles and sparks everywhere in my body. Oh, Goddess! His voice came out seductively!

“Hmmm...” I muffled my response before I felt him resting his chin on my shoulder.

“Your uncle, did he hurt you before this?” I nodded in my head.

“But not as bad as this. He would slap me or push me whenever I did something he didn‘t like, so I just decided to do what he wanted and stay away from his sight most of the time.”

“Did he... Did he.” He was stuttering as if he had a hard time talking. His grip on my waist tightened before he continued.

“Did he sexually assault you or allow someone else to...” I didn’t let him finish before I shook my head.

“No.You were my first... And my only sexual encounter.” I chuckled. I didn‘t know where I got the courage to say that. I felt his body stiffen before he relaxed.

“Me too... You were my first.” It was my body‘s turn to stiffen at his admission. I was his first. But he fucked me like he knew what he was doing! He must be lying, right?

“Really? And here I thought you left me in the cave because I didn’t live up to your expectations. Because I was lousy and inexperienced.”

“What did you say?” He pulled away from hugging my back and twisted my body so I was sitting on his lap sideways. I clutched the shirt on my chest tightly as my eyes widened. He just shifted my body as if

I was a doll that didn‘t weigh anything.

“What did you say? I left you?” His brows furrowed and his expression became deadly, reminding me of the look he had when I first saw him at the border.

I nodded my head. I squinted my eyes and tried to hide the fear coursing through my veins as I stared into his dilated eyes, letting him know how I hated him for leaving me.

“You left me after you feasted on my body.”

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