Their Secret Obsession (A Reverse Harem)

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Ex-Boyfriend! 19% Lottie POV “What are you doing? For go d sake, let him go, Knox!” I asked from behind them, looking at the tense form of Knox pinning Mike to a wall in a compromising position. “You always have to take sh it too far, don’t you!” I grumbled, remembering all the sh it Knox and Kane had pulled over the years. “Lottie, help me, please!” Mike begged from where he was trapped against the wall, caged by Knox’s b*dy with a stick pressed against his quivering a sshole. “Proving a point.” Knox answered honestly with a soft shrug of his broad shoulders. “By shoving a stick up my boyfriend’s a ss?” I snapped, crossing my arms and popping my hip. Outrage shone in my eyes, aimed straight at the pair of them. Seeing the pain rip through Mike’s face, I sighed; it sucked seeing him look at me like that, but I was so over this s hit! “Ex-boyfriend!” Knox seethed, dropping the stick and Mike from his hold before stalking over to me only to take my face in his hands, bitterness flashing in his eyes. as he forced me to look at him, apparently needing to ensure that I fully grasped. what he was about to say. “And he WILL be a dead Ex-boyfriend if he ever lays another hand on you! Am I clear, angel!” Watching his eyes glance at Mike as he moved behind us, I tensed, unsure of how Knox would respond to Mike’s tantrum. Sighing, seeing Mike barge past us, his wolf eyeing me from behind his dark soulless eyes angrily, fear cr ip pled me, knowing I would pay for this later. “She understands!” He snarled, disappearing up the steps and back to the house. Overwhelmed with regret, I watched him walk away. He may be a p rick, but he was the only male to ever show me interest, ever make me feel special in his own way. I didn’t like seeing him embarrassed, even if he was an as s! 1/5 Chapter B: Ex-Boyfriend! “You wouldn’t really have…” I started to say as Knox released my chin and took my hand in his, tingles spreading through my b*dy and waking the dreaded S*x pest that was Sage!

“Rammed that stick up his as s?” Knox finished my sentence, smiling at me as he led me down the steps towards the old grounds. “If I hadn’t turned up when I did… tell me would my escort have his cu m oozing out your pretty cu nt?” He asked crudely; a deep flush graced my cheeks at his vulgarity. The smirk on his l*ps and the scent he was giving off told me he was amused. Tightening my l*ps, not willing to lower myself to his standards and answer him. “Because he is right?” Sage questioned. “Thought so!” Knox grunted moodily; looking over at him with a knowing smile, I found myself secretly pleased with myself seeing him looking so vexed. “He is my boyfriend; he can do what he likes.” I chuckled as I linked my arm through his and allowed him to guide me down the pathway. “Ex-boyfriend!” Knox and Sage muttered at the same time, making me laugh. “Lottie… even if he was your boyfriend, that doesn’t give him the right to do as he likes! You know that, right?” He questioned while I half listened, absorbed in the beauty around us; all the decorations and flowers I knew would never be to Knox’s taste, but the beauty surrounding the pack house was breathtaking and made my face light up. Our Luna had beautiful taste! “Hmmm?” I answered, distracted by our surroundings. Sensing him watching me while my free hand picked a blue flower from the wall display his mother had installed, I smiled sheepishly. I almost didn’t want to move from this spot, but I could hear Lilly coming down the stairs, so it was now- or never! “Knox!” I squealed, feeling his fingers grip my arm and pulling me to him, the flower floating to the floor. “If I find any other’male’s cu m in this…” He whispered quickly, cupping my 1/5 Mar Chapter 8 Ex Boyfriend! puss y through the silky soft dress; his eyes narrowed on me, utterly serious. “You won’t be able to walk for a week! Clear?” Keeping his eyes level on me, he watched, waitingContent from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

for me to nod. I chose to say nothing, but only because I could see my father approaching us with a face like thunder and knew he would have questions I was unprepared to answer if he overheard anything. “Good girl!” Knox praised, making my pu ssy throb needily. Gasping softly, he leaned in to k*ss my cheek. Heat spread to my face, and I knew Knox would feel the embarrassment under his l*ps. He chuckled, confirming my suspicion. “F uck he must think I am a loser!” I grunted to Sage poutily. “Or, at the very least, he knows the bravado from last night was all a show!” Sage offered helpfully- Not! But she wasn’t wrong; I was, in fact, a naive fool! “Hey Pop!” I called to my father, ignoring Sage and grinning as Knox who instantly let go of my pus sy, embarrassment washing over his face quickly before vanishing. I tried to move to take a step towards my father, but Knox bent down in front of me, picking up the flower I had dropped, standing to tuck it into my hair. “Lick him, Please!” Sage whined as Knox leaned closer to me, his eyes locked. on mine and something dark flashing behind his orbs. “Goddess, he smells good!” Sage mumbled pathetically. “Come on then, let’s get this show on the road, shall we!” Knox grinned. mischievously, holding his hand out for me to take. The anger that flashed in my eyes made him laugh, only igniting my fury further. “I may have bitten off more than I can chew with you, Lottie!” “I will bite your dic k off if you touch me again!” I snapped, storming past him to where my father was waiting for me angrily, leaving Knox behind me as my heels 2/5 日常19%止 Chapter 8 Ex Boyfriend! clinked on the cobbles. “Promise?” He whispered into my ear as he caught up with me as I reached my dad, another round

of scarlet gracing my cheeks. ” F uck! Why does he have to make me so hot and bothered? Why couldn’t he just be like everyone else and ignore me!” I grumbled to Sage, who was still going on about his dam n intoxicating scent. “You look.. different!” My father barked before his eyes fell on Knox, nodding respectfully to the Alpha’s son. “She looks beautiful!” Knox corrected his tone sharper than I am sure he meant it to be, but my dad would pick up on it undeniably. He may be the Alpha’s son, but my father was the beta of the pack, and that role demanded respect, even from the twins. “Where is Mike?” My father asked, confusion written on his face, seeing me with Knox instead of him. “Sulking!” Knox explained, his eyes locked on my face affectionately. “I caught him being a little too forward with Lottie! So I taught him a lesson!” Knox shrugged unapologetically. “That seems out of character for Mike!” My father announced, brushing Knox’s comment and tone off. “You must have given him mixed signals, Lottie!” My father implied before he started to remind me of my duties for today like Lilly hadn’t told. me a million times today. “Dad’s a p rick!” Sage muttered, watching while itching to take control so that she could jump Knox and finish what I started last night! Ignoring her, I focused on the task ahead, listening to my father like the good daughter I Was. Walk down the aisle with Knox- without making a fool of myself! Reach the end and stand on the right, waiting for Lilly, very much like a human wedding! Blah blah blah! “I understand, Pops!” I acknowledged with a nod. 12 Mar Chapter 8: Ex-Boyfriend! “Your daughter is fine! I am glad you asked!” Knox cut through the tension. 19%止 “Oh wait- you didn’t!” He added, flicking his eyes at my father in the same way his father did when he was dismissing people who had pis sed him off; with his tail between his legs, my father disappeared down the aisle to take his seat, not even looking at me.

Great, another male pis sed off at me! “And you wonder why Kane and I kept a close eye on you as a kid! B astar d is useless!” Knox growled, taking my hand in his to k*ss my fingers before he linked our arms together, ready to walk forward. My heart pounded at his words while my pu ssy fluttered at the protectiveness I never really considered to be more than hatred! I had so many questions, but instead of asking them, I kept my eyes on the floor, not wanting to chance a glance at Knox. As the music started, we moved toward the front, walking down the aisle together, Knox’s finger wound under my chin, lifting my head to meet his ocean hues that bore into mine with something unsettling-kindness. “Hold your head up, angel! You deserve to be adored!” He whispered with a lopsided smile that had Sage howling to do pretty much everything she could think of to him and my pu ssy clenching deliciously. Pausing mid-step, feeling something burning into my back, turning over my shoulder, my eyes met the dark, dangerous eyes of Kane. Sucking down a breath, I felt a shiver run down my spine at the raw, primal growl that left his l*ps.

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