The Vampire’s Omega

Twenty two


Selene was dumbfounded at the question thrown towards her, her son had attacked her because she had sent a male doctor to treat his mate.

“Mother, I asked you a question.”

Blade said, glaring at his mother with full anger.

“Till you leave my hold. Will I reply you.”

Selene said, she was stubborn with a pure blood running inside of her, she will not allow her son mistreat her, never, she was the queen and she never wished any thing evil towards his mate.

“Fine, will do as you wished Selene. But I will love to hear your answer to my question.”

Blade said, freeing his mother from his hold. Selene glared at him with anger.

“Your mate needs to be free with everyone, she needs to learn how to accept the entire pack, both male and female, she needs to learn how to be bold and she needs to get past her fears or what so ever pass she had.”

Selene half screamed, she knew if the vampire king continues treating his mate like a weakling, then she will not get past her fears, she will be a miserable she wolf, leaving In her own shell.

“You have not answered my question mother. Why did you bring a male doctor to treat my mate?”

Blade asked, staring at his mother with anger. She had failed to answer his question and instead told him loads and loads of statements which he had never wanted to hear at first.

“She needed to be treated, and Mr Klaus is the only one who can treat her wounds better than the other female doctors. I had intended to be with her when Mr Klaus begins his treatment with her, but I was caught up with things which also needed my attention, but I had intended to be here as soon as the doctor started his treatment with her”

Selene said, staring at the she wolf.

“She had requested for my presence in the room with her when she receives treatment.”

Selene said, still watching the girl, who seemed to be affected with her past.

Blade quickly looked at his mother, his mate had requested for his mother’s presence, but not his, instead his mate was shitty scared of him.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

He made a light growl, quite displeased with the way everything sounds.

Selene looked up at the vampire king, she had heard a growl ripped off from his lips and she wondered if her words had affected the king in any way.

“She needs you, but she doesn’t need me, that is quite interesting to hear. Isn’t it mother.”

Blade said, looking at his mother who instead would give him an answer threw him a smile.

“You look jealous, of your own mother Blade Hemlock.”

Selene said, looking at his son with interest.

“You are whipped.”

Selene said, flashing him a smile.

“Its natural when you meet your mate, you get whipped and crazy for each other. Isn’t that how It was for you mother?.”

Blade asked, flashing her an evil smirk. Selene’s mood instantly changed to sadness, her bond with the former king had broken, when she had committed the worst atrocity ever committed In all the land of the vampires and there was no doubt her son had hated her for these very act.

“You keep silent mother.”

Blade said, winking at his mother.

A light scream erupted from the bed where his mate laid.

Blade and Selene looked up towards the bed, and they saw the she wolf, struggling with the blankets, but her eyes were tightly closed, as if she was battling with a deadly dream.

Without thinking twice, Blade ran towards her, holding her still, but yet, she was not responding as she kept battling with her self in the dream.

Blade wrapped his arms around her, whispering sweet words into her ears, slowly, she stopped struggling with her self, unconsciously wrapping her arms around him, and slowly, she went back to sleep.

Blade looked at her, watching the rising and falling of her breath as she slept peacefully.

“She seems to be affected to, by the bond.”

Selene said, smiling widely.

Blade slightly looked up at his mother, a bubbling feeling of happiness rose In his chest, he had calmed his mate from her nightmare, he had fucking calmed her down. He had not experienced these joy in a life time, and he felt hope, hope that is his mate would accept him, and his arms were widely open for her to find a comfort.

“You need to free her now, you need to let her go. She needs rest.”

Selene said, testing the patience of her son.

Blade growled at her, not happy one bit with her words. He wished these moment would last forever, these moment of his mate, been in his arms would last for a maybe for a tiny minute, but here his mother was, trying to prevent him from having a wonderful moment with his mate.

“You do not tell me what to do with my mate. She is mine, exclusively mi..”

“I know I know, am not a fucking male that would snatch your mate away from you. But she needs rest, she Is only accepting you because she is in a deep slumber. Try hugging her when she is awake, the whole castle will crumble under her scream.”

Selene said, smiling lightly, expecting the worst from Blade.

A low growl ripped out from Blade’s lips, he strode towards his mother, his eyes flaring with anger. He hated the thought of knowing the fact that his mate was not accepting him, but rather was ignoring him, and hearing it from another being, was not making any good, instead it aggravated his frustration.

“Do not ever you repeat those words again, never, because if you do mother, you would not like what I would do to you. Moreover, In the near future, she will accept me.”

Blade said, walking out from his mother’s presence, controlling his anger.

Selene knew her son’s words were not an empty words. He meant everything he said, when it comes to what he loves which had never happened but just once, which was loving his mate, he do make sure he protects her at all cost.

A knock came resounding on the door and the door opened, revealing a woman, in a white coat.

Selene turned abruptly looking at Blade with surprise on her face.

“Good morning king Blade, you requested for my attention.”

Isabella said, turning to look at the queen mother.

“Ooh queen Selene, I never knew you were here.”

Isabella said, holding her hands on her lips in surprise.

“Yes, how did you arrived here, I thought you were in Valeria, treating the other vampires who got infected with pneumonia.”

Selene asked, she never liked the presence of these female doctor, Isabella had been more closer to her son than she had ever been. There was no doubt, the doctor had a thing for her son.

“I mind linked her, I told her there was an emergency and she had discarded whatsoever she was doing to attend to my request. Isn’t that so doctor Everest?”

Blade said, smiling at the female doctor who gave him a cheerful smile in return.

He knew his mother and Isabella were never in good terms, but he never cared about how much they hated each other, what mattered to him was the health of his mate.

“Yes king Blade, what can I do for you?”

Isabella asked, smiling at the king.

“I need you to check on her, I need to be sure everything is intact, no broken bones or any health malfunctioning.”

Blade said, watching as Isabella strode towards his mate.

Selene watched the two, it was as if, she had been totally forgotten she was in the room. She hissed, hoping the female doctor leave the room as soon as possible.

“She is a werewolf.”

Isabella said, perceiving the scent that ripped off from the body that laid on the bed.

“Yes she is.”

Blade said, nodding his head. It was hard to believe that the goddess had blessed him with a mate, a beautiful mate at such.

“Not just a werewolf, but his mate.”

Selene said, smiling at the doctor who looked up at the queen immediately she made those statement.

“Ooh, that is great to hear. Congratulations king Blade”

Isabella said, her words seemed forced, as if she was regretting treated the werewolf. Selene was not daff not to have recognized the anger in her words. Isabella never meant what she said.

Blade stared at his mother, wondering why she had made those statement.

He was about opening his mouth to speak, when the door to the room opened, Carson stepped into the room, bowing down to the king.

“What is the problem?”

Blade asked, staring at him.

“Ashrak Azura is here, she had insisted on seeing you.”

Carson said, the daughter of the elder had caused a scene stating she must meet the king.

Blade made a low hiss, he looked at his mate, he never wanted to leave her side, but he knew if he ignored the elder’s daughter, she would create another problem for him.

“Fine let’s go. Mother watch over my mate and never leave her side!”

Blade said, it was not a request, it was an order. Not giving his mother time to respond, he left the room, together with Carson. He knew his mother was not foolish enough to disobey him.

She wouldn’t dare disobey him.

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