The Vampire’s Omega

Chapter Thirty seven

When she bumped his body on his, she tried leaving, but Blade had other plans, he held her still, caging her in his body and Keeping her in place, Bella could hear the loud beating of his heart, which beat In sync with hers, she felt different sparks flowed through her body, the little shuddering she felt from him made her realized that, she was not the only one who was affected by the mate bond or what so ever she felt.

“You slipped again.”

Blade said, smiling down at her lowly.

Quickly Bella left his hold.

She was going to run insane if she continued staring at his deep dark eyes.

“Am sorry, I tried checking….”

Bella said, not knowing what to say In the last part.

If she said she was checking to know what he was discussing with the doctor, she will be termed stupid for doing such.

“You were saying?”

Blade said, persuading her to continue speaking. But instead, she kept shut.

Blade was not avoiding her throughout these four months, instead, he was making her wish come true.

Every single nights during those four months, he always came to give her a kiss on the forehead, something no one knew of.

A kiss would maybe, make their bond stronger, he knew where his heart laid and he knew also, that these young woman standing few feet from him was capable of controlling him without her knowing.

If only she knew how much control she had over him, If the whole pack knew how much power she have over him, his enemies would come hunting her. He was not ready to loose her neither was he going to loose her.

“Oooh, your food, I brought you some food.”

Bella said stretching the box towards her, she has almost forgotten the main reason she came to visit the vampire king.

“Food, who sent you?”

Blade said, scrunching his eyes up, the whole staff knew that he was not in the mood to eat, when his mind is filled with work, he could last a week drinking only blood, which was able to sustain him, but now seeing his own beloved mate standing few paces from him, different thoughts filled his mind on what he would do to her in that minute.

She looked delicate and appealing In that dress she wore.

Making her appear seductive without her knowing.

“Ummmm, I had requested from Emily to set your dishes so I can bring it to you.”

Bella said, her eyes looking straight to the ground, she looked as if she would fall under the big tiled shiny tile floor and bury her self in it.

Blade stirred at her for a while, his mate was bringing him breakfast, these was a he always wanted, his mate bringing him breakfast in the morning, but who was he to deny it.

He was a love sick mate who have fallen hard for his mate.

A mate the almighty had blessed him with.

A cough from the inner office brought the two mate attention out from their intense stare.

“Come in!”

Blade said, it was on word, which was meant to be obeyed

Quickly Bella stepped into the room, slightly turning to look at the doctor, she saw how she crossed her leg to the other, making her laps open and bare for the entire occupants of the room to see.

Bella rolled her eyes, she was not comfortable been around these doctor and she wondered why.

‘Jealous, you are jealous’!

She heard a voice in her mind say.

She waved her head, quickly removing the the thoughts out from her mind, there was no way she could be jealous of the doctor.

Because, there was no affection of any kind she do have towards a man, she was meant to hate them and loathe them but never loved them.

“Ooh, your poor mate is here, what did you bring for us Bella. Is quite unfortunate we bore the same name.”

Isabella said, staring at the she wolf.

She wondered if she had heard right, the guard had informed her about the vampire king’s relationship with the she wolf, but it seems, things were not going as planned.

Bella clutched her fist tightly, she hated when the beautiful elegant doctor who was dressed In a hot gown and red stilettos was referring her as poor and weak.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

She bit her lips, trying to stop the outburst that was trying to take control over her, there was one thing about her, she was a hot tempered person. Who takes being weak seriously.

“I brought food for the vampire king, do you have a problem with that?”

Bella asked, these was the only way she could spill her anger.

Slowly turning to stare at the vampire king. She find him pinning her with his gaze, his eyes glinting and sparkling with….. mischief. She could see a corner of his lips, twitching and at that minute she found out the vampire king was in fact throwing her a smile, a mischievous smile.

She realized again that she had been caught, nothing could pass Blade sight without him noticing. He was quick in noticing how angry she was, why she, she was dull in knowing anything about him.

In fact, every thing about him was a misery, a complete misery.

“You can drop the dish on the table poor little girl.”

Isabella said, her words caused Bella to froze for a minute and she find her self folding her hands until veins popped out from her hands.

Quickly dropping the dishes on the table as the beautiful doctor had said, staring at the beautiful doctor once more, not failing to see the mischievous glint in her eyes, she walked off quickly to the door.

Dropping her hands on the knob, a voice stopped her, freezing her in an instant.

“Stop moi amour, I need you, here with me.”

Blade said, his words caused her to freeze more, she felt her heart jumping at every seconds, beating loudly unlike before.

His words had shaken something in her.

His words had made her heart almost shattered to the brim.

It could be a simple words to…. others, but to her, it meant something unknown. It felt like a promise. A hidden promise, an unknown promise, a future promise.

Bella turned slightly, forgetting her rules which said, she was not going to allow any man whatsoever pass through the walls of her heart.

She forgot that promise for a little while as she stared into the eyes of her….. mate, she could see a lot of emotions, stirring through his eyes, she could not decipher what each one meant, but she was able to capture one feeling, which was affection and care.

She felt her heart made a three hundred and sixty degree beat and at that minute. She forgot that there was someone else in the room with them.

“Leave, now!”

She heard her nate said, and quickly turning to see who the words were meant for, she saw the doctor widened her eyes with shock and surprise.

Bella too was surprised that the vampire king could send the doctor out from the room, just like that.

“I should le…..”

“I said leave, you know how I hate repeating my self.”

Blade said, he had heard the insults that doctor had thrown towards his mate and he had been holding himself long enough not to cause any blood shed whatsoever.

Now he was holding himself not to rip Isabella apart.

And he was hoping she leaves as soon as possible.

Quickly, Isabella stared at the she wolf, throwing her a slight glare, she left the office, banging the door of the office as she left the room.

“So where were we Kitty.”

Blade said, standing up as he strode towards his mate, who yet, was not accustomed to his presence, but now, fuck her rules, all he had been thinking all day was to kiss her tenderly till she cums in his mouth.

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