The Twin Brothers

Chapter 29: Meeting Hower’s Family

Someone keeps kissing her face all over and over again. It made Liana squirm in her sleep. Then, there’s a deep chuckle. That person picks her up, bringing her to their lap.

“Wake up, Tesoro,” Leo whispers.

“Mmm. It’s e–early, Lili.” She mumbles on his shoulder.

“Early?” Leo arches his eyebrows, looking at the clock hanging on the wall. “Little one, it’s 11:54 am right now. Almost afternoon. Are you okay? You never slept this much.” He was concerned until rubbing her baby’s back.

“Hmm. Maybe I–I’m tired.” She answers.

“Tired? But… you sleep early yesterday.” Leo spokes.

Liana just remember why she was tired. She comes back home late from the Thaver guy’s house. So, she decides to keep quiet. Hearing no response from the girl, Leo just ignore it. He brings her to the kitchen on his hip. She just close her eyes thinking about what she did last night. If she tells them about it, they will scold her and god knows what happened if she disobeyed them.

They already firmly told her not to go out without anyone. “What do you want to eat, little baby?” Enzo asks. She lifted her head and saw he already looking at her with a plate in his hand. Obviously, for her. “We have pancakes, boiled eggs, toast, and English muffins. Anything?” He asks.

“Umm… I–I will stick to the E–English muffins,” Liana answers as Leo put her on the chair. The guy nods and grabs some for her. “Y–You guys have work today?” She spokes.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Yes. Like usual, you stay unless we bring you, okay?” Enzo sternly said.

“B–But, I’m bored. No one plays with me or accompanies me.” She looks down, playing with her food. The twin’s exchange look. They know how bored she is when alone but remembering what Damien told them makes them think twice to bring her out.

“Since Leo will go to his company office today, I will try to go home early to be with you. Is that okay, baby?” Enzo asks. The girl pouts didn’t reply. He sighs. “I’m sorry, baby. But, we have to settle your case. We know we haven’t spent much time with you but we just want you to feel safe. You understand that right?”

Liana gives him a smile. “I–I understand. It’s fine.” She nods. The twins just sigh knowing she is a little bit sad.


Another bowl of popcorn finishes. This is the third one and the third movie she watch. In the middle of the movie, she sighs. If she keeps doing this, she will die bored. Liana took out her phone and the unknown number appeared in her mind.

“What does she means by I’m not Darliana? I am Darliana. Who else I am?” She talking to herself.

Out of a sudden, her phone rang showing Ivan calling. “Hey, bubs.” She starts.

“Hey, Lil sis. How are you doing?” He asks awkwardly.

“Bubs, you sound so awkward. No need to be awkward. I forgive you already remember?” She said with a smile even though he couldn’t see it.

“I know. I just… well….” He sighs. “Feel bad for yelling at the twin and scolding you. Knowing what you did was right. I just couldn’t lose you and I rather die for you than–”

“Bubs. You rambling.” Liana chuckles.

Ivan whines. “It just came out!!”

The girl just giggles. “Bubs. Past is past. Now, is there something you want to tell me or do you just want to have someone to talk with?” She asks, licking her fingers.

“Actually, we have family dinner tomorrow. We just hope…” He takes a deep breath before continuing. Afraid she wouldn’t agree. “… hope you agreed to come.”

“Of course!! I miss you, Jessica, mum, and dad!!” She squealed brightly.

“Great! We will see you tomorrow. I will just throw all my kisses on your face until I am satisfied and then snuggles you till your die.” He jokes. Liana couldn’t help but giggle.

“Well, I couldn’t wait.” Liana grins.

After saying goodbye, they hang up. Now, leaving Liana alone. She huffs, falling on the couch. This black house filled with silence and no one with her. “What should I do next…” She mumbles. She glances at the clock and it is only 3:50 pm.

Without thinking, she stood up and went towards the twin office. She slowly closes the door, looking around. “Is there something interesting here? I feel like I want to burn down this house and then build it back so that I have something to do.” Her hand grabs one book.

“Sex Education–what?”

Enzo kicks the door, aiming his gun ready to shoot anyone. His men behind follow closely behind him. He looks around only to find an empty living room.

“Move.” He whispers to his men. They nod and wander around, checking if he was here. Enzo walks towards the kitchen still no one. So he decides to find his office. “Make sure you check every inch of this house. Don’t leave anything.” He sternly told his men.

“Si, capo!!” They salute before walking away. (Yes, boss!!)

There’s one door which looks fancy. He went in and it was the office. While he looks around, he puts his gun behind him. There’s a lot of paper on the desk and it’s all about Darliana.

“What the fuck?” Enzo clenched his jaw when saw there was a lot of Darliana’s picture. “He has been watching her this whole time.” Suddenly, one picture catches his attention. It was Darliana standing in front of Thaver’s house. “When did…. she…. how…”

“Capo, this house is empty. Nothing. I think Damien already escaped before we come here.” One of his men spokes. But he keeps thinking about Darliana who’s in front of Thaver’s house.

Enzo took out his phone and call his brother. “What? I have a meeting right now.” Leo annoyingly answers.

“Did you bring Darliana to go somewhere?” He asks.

“What? She’s not. We told her not to, remember?” Leo asks.

With that, he loses it.

Night finally came. It is already 7 pm. While Liana spends her time reading about sex education. Reading it makes Liana shiver through her spine. She closes it and put it back in its place. “Oh well. That was… um…. interesting I guess.” She mumbles.


The sound of the door slams makes Liana flinches. She gasps in happiness when thinking Enzo and Leo might be home. Without wasting her time, she rushes downstairs. The little bit she knows, she didn’t know what will she face.

Enzo and Leo standing there and the girl squealing. She doesn’t realize the anger on their face, enough to scare anyone with just one glimpse from them. “Ennie!! Lili!!” She happily walks toward them. “Ennie, y–you said you will be home early but–”

“Did you go somewhere, Liana?” Enzo cuts her off. He never call her real name unless he was serious or probably angry. His tone makes Liana stiff. When she didn’t reply, he ask again but a little bit louder than before. “I ask you, Darliana. Did you go somewhere?”


“Before you could lie, think twice first. You wouldn’t like the consequences.” He narrows his eyes on her, clenching his fist.

“I–I don’t know what you are s–saying, Ennie.” She fiddles with her fingers.

Enzo grabs her arms harshly and dragged her to the couch, not realizing the girl hiss in pain. He forces her to sit. “Don’t you fucking act stupid here with us, Darliana!!” He yells causing Liana to flinches.

“Tell us where you go these past few days. Did you go somewhere we don’t know? Or sneak out?” Leo asks to wilt a calm tone but she knows there’s anger in it.

“I… d–don’t.” She shakes her head.

“Oh really?” Enzo chuckles. He took out his phone and show her the picture of her standing in front of Thaver’s house. That time, she thought about how to get inside. “Tell me about this. Please, don’t tell me that wasn’t you. Or is there any Darliana we know other than you?” He being sarcastic.

That’s when Liana know she was busted. How did they know about it? The girl looks at them with shock only earning a scoffs from Enzo and sighing from Leo. “Loss your words? Are you going to lie to us again?”

“I–I’m sorry. I–I just… um…” She looks down, didn’t know what to say.

“Why did you out!? We told you not to!! Seein’ this picture on Damien’s desk, it obviously someone following you that time!!! WE’RE TRYING to protect you, Darliana!! Don’t you get it!?” Enzo yells. “Can you please not put any burden on us!?”

His words make Liana’s heartache. She looks at him and Leo’s faces but nothing more than anger. They mean it. They really mean it. That is what’s playing inside her mind right now. Silence fills the air.

“HELLO!! WE’RE THE HOWER WANT TO VISIT OUR SON!!!” A women’s voice yells, breaking the silence.

The twin looks at each other in confusion. “Did I just hear mother’s voice?” Enzo asks.

“There you are, my handsome sons!!” The middle-aged women rush to them and hug them. “Oh gosh, I miss you guys so much!!” She ruffles the boy’s hair.

“Mum, what are you doing here?” Enzo frowns. Their father walks in.

“Dad?” Leo arches his eyebrows.

The father just sighs. “Your mother wants to invite you guys for family dinner tomorrow.” He explains.

“You could have texted or called us.” Leo groans.

“Is it wrong for me to see my son? Besides, we just finish our date night and wanted to visit since we pass your house.” She smirks.

Liana slowly turns around and wanted to go. “Who is this??” Their mother asks. She abruptly turns around.

“This is Darliana.” Enzo stands beside her. “She’s the exception.” When he says that, their mother yells in happiness. Liana couldn’t help but look at her with shock. “Mum, lower your volume.” He rubbed his ears.

“I can’t!! My son finally get a girlfriend!!! That was great, Enzo!!” She clapped her hands.

“Actually, both.” Leo raises his hands with a blank face.

The parents look shocked. They look at the girl and she just awkwardly stands there. When they look at the twins, they look serious. The father clears his throat. “Okay. Weird but we here support you guys.” He walks toward the girl. “Hello. I’m Hower. The father of these two idiotic.”The twin really takes his father’s look, with white hair. While the red hair and the attitude of her mother.

“And I Shelly!!” His wife raises her hand.

“I–I… Darliana.” She timidly answers. Seeing her like this, make the twins realize they just being harsh with her.

“I admit it. You got pretty eyes, darling.” Shelly spokes, mesmerized by the eyes.

“You are right. Unique.” Hower agreed. Even though the green eyes on her left look familiar. While the blue also. “What’s your full name, Darliana?” He has the guts to ask.

“Doesn’t have one. I got adopted and I think, Darliana Jerry.” She said.

“Oh.” Hower nods. “Is it only me or does this girl look like someone familiar to you?” He whispers to his wife.

“Honestly, yes. She reminds me of someone I couldn’t figure out. Or it is just our imaginations? I mean…. we’re not the only ones living in this world.” His wife shrugs her shoulder.

“What’s wrong, dad, mum?” Leo asks.

“Nothing, son. Anyway, dear. Do you want to join our dinner tomorrow night?” Shelly smiles.

Liana grips her shirt. “I–I’m sorry. I wish I can but I can’t. M–My family invites me for dinner tomorrow too.” She politely rejects. The twins look at her with confusion. She didn’t inform them.

The women just smile and nod. “It’s fine. Join us any time you want. We are always open.” She winks at her.

“T–Thank you.” Liana bowed.

Hower holds his wife’s hand. “We will go now. Nice to meet you, Darliana. Leo, Enzo. Make sure you guys come tomorrow.”

“MAKE SURE YOU COME!!” Shelly yells while being dragged by her husband.

Soon the door opens, and Leo spokes. “Sometimes I wonder. Is that even our parent?”

“You think you are the only one brother?” Enzo sighs. He turns around and found Liana already gone. “Where is Liana?” Before they could say anything, there was a sound of a door slamming closed.

“Great. We mess up.” Leo grunts, and falls on the couch.

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