The Second Marriage Chance

Unyielding Love


A week passed, then two, then three… Ethan eventually had to ask me to leave, as some patients needed the hospital’s facilities more.

“I can visit you at Serenity Pines, or even drop by Luminary Productions if you need someone to clean your wounds,” Ethan offered.

I remained silent. I wanted to stay at the hospital because Sarah was here.

Fear gnawed at my chest, making sleep impossible. I was paralyzed by the terror of receiving the devastating news that my wife had passed away, that her body had finally given out, or any other heart-wrenching update while she was out of my reach.

As much as I wanted to stay by Sarah’s side, I couldn’t longer ignore our children’s needs. Iris and Rowan needed stability and a bit of normalcy. The hospital, with its sick patients and germs, wasn’t a good place for a four-year-old to stay.

Rowan’s small voice interrupted my thoughts while I changed into a clean t-shirt in my ward, trying to gather the energy to face another day.

“Uncle Ethan,” he asked, looking up at my friend imploringly, “are we going home? Do we have to leave Mommy behind?”

Iris, on the other hand, was struggling to hold back tears. Tears streamed down her chubby cheeks, leaving shiny trails that showed her pain and confusion.

“Come here…” I said, pulling her close. “Don’t cry, sweetheart.”

“I miss Mommy…” she whispered, barely audible.

I looked at Ethan over Iris’s head, “Is there any way the kids could see Sarah, even for a few minutes? I know the ICU has strict rules, but…”Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

The medical team was firm about keeping Sarah away from outside germs because her surgeries were making her prone to infections. But seeing the pain in my children’s eyes was too much to bear.

“I’ll make an exception, just this once. They can see Sarah briefly. But we’ll need to take precautions,” Ethan said.

We entered Sarah’s room together. I tried to muster some bravery as I looked at her, lying still on the hospital bed, her eyes closed, seeming to find peace after her long struggle.

Iris’s quiet sobs filled the room, mixing with the steady beep of the heart monitor. My eyes began to tear up, too.

“Daddy, Mommy will come home, right?” she asked, her eyes searching mine for reassurance.

“She’ll come back, baby.” Sarah needs to wake up. I’m barely keeping it together, and her absence is crushing me more each day.

Rowan sniffled and said, “Mommy, I promise I’ll protect my sister. As you said, I need to be strong, so I’ll be strong. I’ll share my toys with Iris.” He paused, his little hand reaching out to grasp Sarah’s unmoving fingers. “And… and I won’t complain anymore if she eats my snacks.”

I scooped Rowan into my arms, rubbing his back to comfort him. It pained me deeply, but I knew I had to stay strong for them, no matter how much it hurt.

“Mommy, I won’t bully Brother Rowan anymore…” Iris sobbed, her tiny fists clutching at my pant leg so tightly I could feel her trembling.

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I knelt, bringing both children close. “Mommy will be back soon to Serenity Pines. She’s just going to get better. While she’s not there, you need to support each other, okay?”

Iris and Rowan nodded.

“Don’t worry, kids. Mommy will be back,” I said, though I wasn’t sure when. I prayed with all my heart that my children wouldn’t have to bear this pain. If anyone should be hurting, it should only be me.

They loved their mother deeply, just as I love Sarah with all my heart.

I believe she will return…

Throwing myself into work, I tackled the projects I’d neglected for three weeks. Admittedly, I couldn’t manage it alone, but thankfully, Emily, Jakob, Bronn, and Amir were there to help.

A month dragged on, each day feeling like a fight against hopelessness. Sarah was still unconscious, her calm face untouched by the world. I’d spent millions on top-notch medical care and the best staff to watch over her day and night. The cost didn’t matter; I’d work forever if it meant giving her a chance.

While preparing dinner for the twins one evening, I was surprised by a visit from Mariano, I mean Sarah’s mother, accompanied by Amir and Josh.

I greeted them and led Sarah’s mother to the study room, leaving my children in the care of Amir and his wife.

Mariano didn’t waste any time with pleasantries; when I closed the study door, she said, “I need a few things from you. First, I want to take Sarah abroad.”

“What? What do you mean?” I demanded, taken aback.

“Cornell, my Sarah needs a more advanced facility. I’ve found one in Germany with cutting-edge treatments and world-renowned specialists. I’ve already consulted with their team about Sarah’s case. They believe they can help her recover. I want to take her there.”

The mere thought of Sarah being so far from my family ignited a deep anger in me. I could hardly handle her being nearby; how could I manage if she were in another country?

“No, Mariano! Ethan Vanderbilt is providing the best possible care!” I respected Mariano as Sarah’s mother, but this felt like a personal attack on my efforts to help my wife.

Mariano’s gaze was sharp and accusatory. “You selfish bastard! Do you think you’re the only one suffering because of my daughter’s condition? If anyone should be hurt, let it be just you!”

Her words stung, but I forced myself to listen, jaw clenched tightly.

“When you were in a coma for months after the race, did you ever consider how painful it was for Sarah? She stayed in Dubai even though it pained her not to visit you because she needed to protect your children. Cornell, this facility in Germany could be Sarah’s best chance!”

Call me heartless, but I trust Sarah is in good hands at the Vanderbilt Hospital. She’s stable now and could wake up any day now. I needed her here, close to me and our children.

I don’t understand Sarah’s mother’s insistence, but I declined her offer.

“Think it over carefully,” she urged firmly. Reluctantly, I nodded.

“There’s one more thing,” Mariano continued. “I want Josh to return to Serenity Pines to help with the children.”

I frowned deeply at the mention of Josh.

“The twins are still traumatized by the hotel attack,” Sarah’s mother explained. “Josh won’t just be their round-the-clock bodyguard; he’ll provide the emotional support they need right now.”

I hesitated, feeling conflicted. The idea of Josh being so involved with my family again made me uneasy, but I knew she was right. The children’s well-being had to come first. Finally, I exhaled heavily and nodded in agreement.

Mariano continued, “Lastly, I’ve spoken with my father. We’re prepared to take over Sarah’s business operations until she recovers and can return to work. We just need your approval to proceed.”

I could no longer manage Sarah’s accounts and her growing business. Alex had been helping, even bringing Emily back to Highland Hills to assist. I quickly agreed to the lady’s suggestion.

Of Mariano’s three requests, I only refused to move Sarah abroad. I couldn’t bear the thought of her being so far away.

However, fate had other plans. Late at night, my phone rang with Ethan’s name on the screen. My stomach dropped; he wouldn’t call at this hour unless something were terribly wrong.

“Philip,” Ethan’s grave voice chilled my spine. “Sarah flatlined, but…”

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