The Second Marriage Chance

Silent Cries


“That doesn’t make any sense!” Madam Olsen scoffed, shaking her head at Josh’s statement.

Josh remained resolute. “All I know for certain is that Mariano is a woman masquerading as a man, and Megan is that person.”

Madam Olsen’s expression grew serious as she turned her penetrating gaze towards me. “Unbelievable! Are you sure about this, Sarah?”

I met her stare without flinching, my face emotionless. “I apologize, Madam Olsen, but perhaps you’ve forgotten that I severed all romantic ties with Philip Cornell long ago.” I clenched my jaw defiantly.

“You!” She pointed an accusing finger at Josh. “You will come with us immediately. I intend to apprehend President Cornell because he’s become an intolerable nuisance!”

“You will not lay a hand on my bodyguard!” I warned Madam Olsen.

“It’s funny that you have more concern for your bodyguard than your husband.” She sneered.

“Ex-husband!” I corrected sharply.

Amir guided me away from Madam Olsen’s group. As I turned and walked away, I felt a strange unease. Won’t Josh be in danger? I couldn’t calm down at the thought that Philip might not be safe.Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

I sent a message to Assistant Alex.

‘I’m going to Dubai. Madam Olsen has Philip and Josh. I’ll give you Josh’s location. Philip is probably still in Europe.’

Earlier, before we reached the airport, I had instructed Josh to download the LoveLogic app and gave him access to my private server so we could communicate secretly if trouble arose.

No one will suspect anything since they’ll believe it’s just a game. If Madam Olsen’s men take Josh’s cell phone, I will still get his location data as long as the LoveLogic app runs. I could only hope Josh’s phone battery would last.

When I boarded Amir’s private jet, I broke down in tears. However, I forced myself to calm down. More than ever, I needed to be brave.

“Sarah, what’s going on?” Amir asked, brow furrowed with concern at my uncharacteristic display of emotion. “Earlier, you were determined to leave; you wanted to see Philip. Now you’re crying…”

“Because it’s hard, brother. Madam Olsen tested what I could do. I-I felt utterly helpless and useless,” I replied, my voice trembling as I gasped for air between sobs.

“This is the right thing to do, Sarah… Don’t let yourself be blinded because of that man.”

Wiping tears from my eyes, I managed, “Please send someone to get Amanda. I won’t leave for Dubai without her.”

“I already sent someone to get her and Pepper earlier. They’re surely on their way to the airport now,” Amir explained.

“Thank you…” I whispered. Amir let me rest my head on his shoulder as I silently wept.

‘I’m so sorry, Philip. I can’t bear to hurt my child a second time.’

If hiding in Dubai for a year was what it took to protect this baby, then I was willing to make that sacrifice. I would pay any price to keep them safe.

I was emotionally exhausted and drifted into a restless sleep, reassured by Amir’s comforting presence. I was barely aware when Amanda and Pepper arrived. Amir gently laid me down on his comfortable bed so that I could rest and recover from the emotional turmoil.


When I woke up, I realized Amir’s private jet had landed in another country. My phone buzzed with messages from Assistant Alex, Jakob, and Jane that had come through once we caught a signal.

Jakob’s message read: I’m currently in contact with Assistant Alex! I tracked Josh’s location using his phone’s GPS. Luckily, his battery isn’t dead yet.

That timestamp on Jakob’s message was 12 hours ago. How long had I been asleep during the flight?

Next, I opened Assistant Alex’s message: I’ll get the boss, Madam Sarah.

Jane had sent multiple frantic messages: Amanda and Pepper were picked up by Mr. Benner’s security team. Are you with Mr. Benner now, Sarah? What’s happening? Are you not contacting Madam Olsen about locating Brother Philip anymore? Where is Josh?

Her subsequent message read: They locked Mr. Benner’s villa. I moved to Serenity Pines while waiting for news. Please tell me everything is fine.

Realizing I needed to update Jane, I felt compelled to call her.

“Hello, Sarah!” Jane’s uneasy voice came through after the first ring.


“Oh, thank god, are you okay?”

“Jane, I can’t return to Highland Hills right now. Amir took me back to Dubai,” I explained. “Please stay safe at Serenity Pines until your brother returns. Josh went with Madam Olsen instead of me to retrieve Philip’s body. I-I’m so sorry I can’t do more right now…”

Just because Amir had flown me to Dubai didn’t mean I was giving up. I will continue coordinating efforts remotely with Assistant Alex and Jakob.

“The important thing is that you’re okay… please just keep me updated whenever you can,” Jane’s voice was laced with concern.

She was probably assuming the worst-that Amir had caught me trying to flee and kept me under close watch in Dubai while Josh took my place coordinating Madam Olsen.

“Let me know if Philip returns to Highland Hills,” I added.

“I will!”

Amir stood by his jet’s private room, ready to depart. Wiping away my tears, I nodded.

“Let’s go,” he announced.

Amanda silently tagged along as we made our way to Grandpa Mitchell’s mansion. My mind was foggy as I blankly gazed at the road ahead. Exhaustion weighed heavily on me, likely due to my pregnancy, which I could feel distinctly.

Grandpa Mitchell was visibly surprised to see me, especially when I announced my intention to stay at the mansion for a few days. The older man followed closely behind as Amir escorted me inside my bedroom. I sank down onto the edge of the bed, bracing myself for the judgment I was sure was coming.

“What’s going on, Sarah? I know you. Your decisions don’t change easily. At the airport, I saw in your eyes that you were willing to do anything, risk everything, to retrieve Philip Cornell’s body,” Amir lectured, arms crossed, scrutinizing my emotions.

“I’m pregnant!” I announced.

Amanda dropped the things she was arranging, gasping audibly.

Amir’s eyes widened in surprise while Grandpa Mitchell squinted thoughtfully at the news.

“I blamed panic attacks for feeling unwell at the airport, but the truth is, I’m pregnant, Amir!” Tears began flowing freely down my cheeks once more. “It was so painful in that moment, having to choose between continuing my obsession with finding Philip or prioritizing the welfare of my child. But I need to protect my baby-that’s why I changed my mind.”

Grandpa Mitchell tiredly rubbed his wrinkled hands across his face.

“I don’t know whether to be thankful you got pregnant and avoided that dangerous scheme or angry about the news,” Amir remarked, frustration evident in his tone.

“I’m pregnant! This is not a sickness, Amir! And I will do whatever it takes to protect this child! No one can know about this pregnancy yet, so I have to find a doctor I can completely trust to take care of me,” I warned, recalling the incident with Dr. Morgan.

“What about your job?” Grandpa Mitchell asked with concern.

“I’ll continue working as usual. Still attending online meetings and everything…” I assured him.

Grandpa Mitchell settled onto the bed beside me, enveloping me in a warm, comforting hug as I cried, overwhelmed by the sense of my family’s love surrounding me.

“Don’t worry, my dear. Everything is going to be just fine…” my grandpa murmured soothingly.

“Thank you…” I whispered in return.

Twenty-four hours after returning to Dubai, I received word that Philip’s body had been successfully retrieved. I was overwhelmed with gratitude.

I hope he’s alright, but not until one week more has passed…

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