The Second Marriage Chance

Grip of Unseen


I’m not to blame for how the gathering mirrored the darkness of my blouse. Auntie Marietta felt embarrassed in front of her friends, and Philip’s family appeared perplexed, their frustration seemingly aimed at me.

I excused myself from Philip, stating, “I’ll be right back; I just need to step away for a comfort room.”

He glanced at me, perhaps assuming I needed the restroom after indulging in so much food.

“Hmm…” he murmured, nodding in understanding.

Assistant Alex coincidentally messaged him, diverting my ex-husband’s attention to urgent office matters.

Jane’s absence raised questions. Where could she be? Perhaps her flight was delayed, causing her to arrive late to the gathering.

In the restroom, I checked Jakob’s message.

“Ten minutes, doll!” it read.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

I quickly shot a message to Jane, firm in my decision not to depart the gathering without catching sight of her. As I typed, my attention was drawn to my ex-mother-in-law’s deliberate retreat from Auntie Marietta’s birthday festivities. Though I told myself I shouldn’t be concerned, my determination to unravel her intentions grew stronger as I resolved to keep a cautious eye on her.

Driven by curiosity, I discreetly followed Madam Cornell as she made her way down the garden path.

‘Was she meeting someone?’ My curiosity intensified when I overheard a familiar voice filled with anguish.

“Madam Cornell! Please, don’t do this to Sarah! She’s innocent,” Jane pleaded urgently.

‘What’s going on?’

What’s happening that I’m not supposed to know about? My curiosity took over, drawing me into the conversation.

Madam Cornell casually lit her cigarette before responding, “If that’s the case, would you marry Mr. Olsen?”

Jane’s expression tightened with confusion.

‘Who on earth is Mr. Olsen?’

“Listen, Jane. I understand you’ve tried to break free from my influence. But don’t mistake independence for freedom. Despite your graduation and my husband’s leniency in allowing you your apartment, your connection to me remains. Because of your mother’s actions and your status as my husband’s illegitimate child, I must use you,” Madam Cornell explained coolly.

“I’ve done nothing to deserve this!” Jane protested tearfully. “What more do you want? I’ve promised not to interfere with my dad anymore; just leave Sarah alone!”

“Then marry Mr. Olsen. That’s all I want from you!” Madam Cornell declared firmly, her resolve unwavering.

As an observer, I found myself confused by the exchange unfolding before me.

“Come closer,” Madam Cornell commanded, her voice cutting through Jane’s sobs as my friend complied. She was reluctantly drawn into Philip’s mother’s orbit. What was she planning now? I knew Madam Cornell was unhinged at best.

Jane with tears streaming down her face, obeying Philip’s mother. What could be her intention? It’s no secret that my ex-mother-in-law has a penchant for the bizarre. It’s no secret she didn’t treat Jane kindly, which ultimately led to Jane’s decision to escape Highland Hills and seek refuge as an exchange student in London.

Before my thoughts could stray elsewhere, Jane’s struggle to hold back tears caught my attention, accompanied by the acrid scent of burnt hair permeating the air. There, amidst the shadows, stood Madam Cornell, a lighter flickering in one hand while the other clutched Jane’s hair, threatening it with flame.

“Let me make one thing clear, Jane,” Madam Cornell’s voice dripped with venom, “It infuriates me how much you resemble your mother!”

Unable to stand idly by, I advanced toward them with purpose, seizing Madam Cornell by the shoulder. Surprise registered on her face; she hadn’t anticipated an audience in this secluded corner of the garden.

In a swift motion, she raised her hand to strike, venomous words poised on her lips, “Another, slut!”

But before she could unleash her fury, I intercepted her hand and delivered a resounding slap across her cheek.

“You’ve lost your mind!” I exclaimed, my voice raw with anger.

“Keep your distance from my son!” Madam Cornell retorted, her voice escalating to a scream.

“Sarah!” Jane’s urgent plea halted my advance toward my former mother-in-law.

Yet, in that moment, fury surged within me, igniting a desire to confront Madam Cornell once more. Witnessing her cruel treatment of my friend fueled my rage. If I was Maleficent’s daughter, then she’s a wife of a demon!

Madam Cornell’s sharp gaze bore into mine.

“Philip will hear of this,” she declared.

“Please don’t, Sarah! She’ll ruin your life! My brother is already angry with you… please…” Jane began as she held onto my arm.

“Jane, they’ve long destroyed my life!” What that monster did to me wasn’t simple!”

Madam Cornell hurt my unborn baby! She wasn’t satisfied, and she really planned to kill me too! My chest tightened, and I began to struggle to breathe. ‘Sarah, you must calm down…’

“That’s exactly the reason! That’s why, please, calm down…” Jane said, tears welling up in her eyes.

I stared at Jane before embracing her tightly. I forced myself to close my eyes and regain my composure.

“What did she say to you, Jane?! What did Madam Cornell ask of you to marry that Mr. Olsen?”

“Y-you heard it?” Jane asked.

“I did! So, tell me what it is?” My voice rose. I knew that Madam Cornell was using me to control Jane.

That lady is a pathetic psychopath!

“She told me she has connections with BM Technologies, and she’ll make it hard for you even if you’re not here in Highland Hills anymore… Sarah, I know you love your job! I’m so guilty that you already had to sacrifice the offer from London. And I know that BM Technologies accepted you because of your capabilities. But s-she’s doing everything even though you’re already separated from Philip. I don’t want you to end up like me. She still managed to control me even when I was in London…”

As tears streamed down Jane’s cheeks, I shot a piercing glance in Madam Cornell’s direction.

“Wow,” I muttered, clapping with sarcasm, then turned my attention back to Jane. “Jane, you’re fully aware she’s manipulating everything, but have you considered she might be using me to manipulate you?”

My friend halted, tears brimming in her eyes. “What should I do?”

I know! Madam Cornell understood Jane too well. Whatever she desired, she could effortlessly implant it in Jane’s thoughts.

Madam Cornell smirked. “Indeed, I can manipulate both of you. Especially you,” she jabbed a finger in my direction, rising from her seat and starting to leave.

I called after her. “Serena Blake!”

Madam Cornell stopped abruptly, her eyes narrowing as she turned towards me.

A smirk tugged at my lips. Her reaction confirmed it; Serena Blake was indeed Madam Cornell’s real name.

“I’ll be waiting for your next move,” I stated, my words laced with deeper implications.

She sneered before departing the sheltered garden.

Turning to Jane, I noticed half of her hair was singed, the ends stiff from Philip’s mother’s actions. “Oh, Jane. What did that wicked woman do to you? Why didn’t you report her to Philip or even your dad?”

Despite Jane’s status as an illegitimate child, I recognized the significance of her connection to Mr. Cornell.

“Brother Philip is always busy…” She wiped her tears as they continued to fall. “Furthermore, what Madam said is true… I’ve become a stain on their family. Sarah, my father only acknowledges me as his daughter. While I may appear as a spoiled daughter outside the Cornell Mansion, my father agreed to marry me off to Mr. Olsen because it would benefit him. And he only agreed because of Madam Cornell’s suggestion.”

The realization that Philip’s mother could manipulate situations hit me hard. That psychotic lady!

“I’ve been begging Madam Cornell to end her deal with the Olsen Family because I never agreed to the marriage, but she’s using your name, Sarah. She claimed she’s tampering with your medication and could do worse to you.”

That conniving woman really infuriated me! I can’t blame Jane for not understanding my situation. I can’t confide in her the real me because I fear she might be put in danger, too.

As we embraced, we were interrupted by Philip’s father’s assistant.

“Ms. Jane, your father is waiting for you!”

“Oh! He’s back?” Didn’t Mr. Cornell leave Auntie Marietta’s birthday party? Now, it turns out Philip’s dad didn’t leave the hotel after all.

I have a suspicion that Mr. Cornell simply doesn’t enjoy family gatherings. Regardless, if I were in his shoes, I’d decline to attend the Cornell Family events!

“I’m going,” Jane announced.

“I’m headed back to Henderson. Drop me a message. Let’s catch up soon!” I embraced her once more.

Jane nodded. I need to help her, but for now, Amir comes first!

As Jane and I went our separate ways, I saw Philip engaged in a heated argument with his mother.

Frantically, I scoured the hotel for an escape route until I finally met Jakob.

“Argh! I’m utterly drained,” I remarked, collapsing into the car seat, exhaustion consuming me.

“Sarah, it appears we have a tail,” Jakob noted.


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