The Second Marriage Chance

Beyond Blood


Exasperated with Philip, I asked him to leave the room. Once alone, I tried to calm myself, still frustrated by his behavior. That annoying and utter jerk! Tss!

Exhaustion took over, replacing my anger. I quickly cleaned up and took a brief bath. Finally, I collapsed onto the bed, letting sleep take over and wash away the night’s turmoil.

Sunlight filtered through the curtains as I stirred the next morning.

Reading my unread messages, I found messages from Amir and, unexpectedly, my father-the illustrious Chairman Benner. As I made my way downstairs, I chose to address Amir’s message first.

Amir: Margarette might have questioned why you’re not flaunting your social status. After living in Benner’s mansion for years, people might even mistake Lila for Dad’s daughter. They had the nerve to use your name!

I replied: I’m not afraid of them. In fact, I plan to let them enjoy using my name for now. Let them feel the overwhelming attention of the public and influential figures, thinking I couldn’t do anything about it and helpless. Lila must be over the moon, drunk on the name and the fame she believes is coming her way.

In the kitchen, I saw Philip preparing his coffee.

“Babe,” he said, his voice a mix of concern and wariness, “how are you feeling?”

I briskly walked past him and methodically prepared my milk, feigning absorption in my phone to evade his pleading gaze.

His brow furrowed, lines etching deeper as realization dawned. “Babe, is this about last night? I’m really sorry… I didn’t mean to-”

After making the warm milk, I walked emotionlessly to the spacious living room of Serenity Pines Estate.

“Sarah!” Philip’s voice carried a note of frustration as he trailed after me.Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Just then, Alex appeared in the doorway, his tablet clutched to his chest.

“Hi, Alex!” I greeted warmly, “Why are you early today?”

“Good morning, Madam Sarah! I hope you’re well. I heard you attended the event last night,” Alex replied.

I relaxed on a plush couch, feeling the tension in my shoulders ease a bit as I leaned back. From my peripheral vision, I noticed Philip looking sour.

“Sarah, are you seriously ignoring me? You greet my assistant before acknowledging me?”

Sipping my hot milk, I continued to disregard Philip’s presence.

Alex cleared his throat. “I came because you were in the news, ma’am. Some individuals took pictures of you last night alleging you confronted Ms. Sarah Benner.”

“What happened last night?” Philip inquired, his curiosity palpable as he settled into the seat beside me.

I turned to Alex and said firmly but quietly, “Alex, please inform your boss that I’ll handle this situation personally.”

“Uh…” Alex hesitated, his hand rising to scratch his cheek nervously. His eyes darted between Philip and me, a somber expression settling on his face.

Philip leaned forward, his voice taking on a pleading tone. “Babe, if this is about last night… I’m truly sorry. I never meant to-”

But I wasn’t in the mood for his apologies. My irritation towards him had grown lately, and I couldn’t pinpoint why. Perhaps it’s the hormones of a pregnant woman? Geez!

“Alex, kindly let your boss know that he’s currently testing my patience. It would be better if he stayed at the company rather than adding to my stress levels.”

I turned to my phone and opened the message from my father, waiting for me to read it.

Chairman Benner: I thought you were disappearing from my life. Meet me in the afternoon at The Grand Hotel.

Staring at the message, my grip on the phone tightened involuntarily. Philip noticed the shift in my demeanor, the darkening of my expression as I held the device.

“What is it, babe?” he asked, concern evident in his voice.

“Alex-” I began, glancing up to where the assistant had been standing, only to find the space empty. Philip must have sent him away, likely to eliminate the middleman I’d been using to communicate earlier.

My hands trembled as I rubbed my temples, trying to hold back tears threatening to spill.

“Babe, talk to me. What’s going on?” Philip’s voice was gentle, his hand reaching out to envelop mine.

With a deep breath, I knew I had to tell Philip the truth. He needed to understand my plan.

“Lila has started using my name, Sarah Benner, at public events. She’s my dad’s illegitimate child with Margarette-his mistress who became his wife. They don’t share a biological relationship since Lila’s from another man. Lila and her mother have been living in the mansion for a while now, and I’m unsure if they know my history with Marcus.”

“You mean she’s openly using your name in public?” Philip asked incredulously.

“Yes. Philip, there’s a high chance they’ll tarnish my name as Sarah Benner, which scares me. I must closely watch them, monitor their every move to protect myself.”

“Come here,” Philip murmured, gently urging me onto his lap.

The couches were positioned side by side, a silent invitation for closeness. At this moment, I craved nothing more than unwavering support. Rejection had become a familiar sting, but nothing compared to the strain with my dad.

Right now, I craved support, especially from Philip. Feeling his touch on my back comforted me as I nestled against him, seeking solace like a cat.

“I’ll go with you to ensure you’re safe,” he assured me gently.

The dam burst. I buried my face in Philip’s neck, tears flowing uncontrollably. His shirt absorbed my sobs, releasing years of pent-up hurt and confusion.

“Shh…” Philip soothed me, his hand moving in slow circles on my back. “Everything will be alright, babe. I promise you that.”

“I just… I don’t understand why he abruptly ended our relationship,” I confessed.

Philip kissed my forehead tenderly. “Considering your dad’s situation, I understand his perspective. Finding out his wife had a child with someone else must have been deeply painful, especially if Chairman Benner truly loved your mom…”

I absorbed Philip’s words, finding a measure of peace in his understanding. Moments passed with gentle forehead kisses and his comforting hand on my back.

After composing myself, I urgently messaged Jakob, needing him at Serenity Pines immediately.

“I’m sorry about last night…” Philip began softly. “But… could you please limit your interactions with Josh? I can’t help but feel uneasy when I see you with that bodyguard.” A frown creased his brow.

“You don’t need to worry about Josh,” I assured him. “He’s saved my life multiple times, so my trust in him runs deep. He’s been instrumental in helping me manage my panic disorder.”

I hoped Philip understood the depth of my feelings for him. Surely, by now, he must know that he holds my heart completely.

A cough interrupted us. I glanced over to see Trey blushing as he spoke. “Boss, Jakob is on his way to the villa.”

Reluctantly, I shifted back to my own seat.

Philip stood, asking me, “What would you like to eat?”

“Anything is fine,” I replied, managing a smile.

Before Philip could leave, Jakob’s cheerful voice rang out from the doorway.

“Hello, friends!” he continued with a mischievous glint. “Seriously, you two! I know Philip’s long recovery has left you both… dry. But do you realize what people are gossiping about at the gate? They’re speculating about all sorts of kinky escapades!”

My jaw dropped, and I turned to Philip, who suddenly looked very guilty.

This rascal!

“I’ll get started on the food,” Philip said hastily, making his exit.

“Philip, you brute!”


My heart raced as Philip and I approached the hotel suite, with Trey shadowing us for security.

Despite Chairman Benner’s presence, I knew the actual threat lay with my biological father, Marcus, whose unstable state posed a far greater danger.

Stepping into the suite, a wave of tension gripped my chest at the sight of the man I once considered as a father. The last time we met was at Amir’s wedding.

Gathering my composure, I confronted him directly.

“Do you know about your wife and daughter’s plan for stealing my identity as Sarah Benner?”

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