The Second Marriage Chance

Betrayal Within


“What are you doing here?” I asked Jane, my voice tinged with concern. I scanned the crowded lounge, wondering if she had come with anyone.

“I’m alone. I heard Bronn married your executive assistant,” she said sadly.

Jane and I hadn’t been in touch much lately, and I didn’t realize how deeply she felt. Jakob told me that she had confessed her love to Bronn, but I hadn’t grasped the gravity of the situation until now. I took Jane’s hand and tried to console her.

“Oh, love,” I said softly, “Maybe it was just an infatuation. There are so many wonderful people in the world who would love you deeply.”

Her reaction was immediate and intense.

“No, Sarah! I was in love with Bronn from the very first time you introduced him to me. He even saved me from Madam Cornell on the cruise! I worked hard to draw his character in LoveLogic because I love him!” Jane exclaimed, raising her voice.

Studying her face, I sought signs of alcohol’s influence. Her speech remained clear, yet her emotions appeared raw and unfiltered.

“Okay, sorry. I had no idea it was so serious,” I admitted.

Jane said, her mood shifting abruptly. “I’m sorry for raising my voice… Stay and drink with me!”

Before I could stop her, she stood up and headed to the bar area. I watched her go, feeling helpless and conflicted. Since the incident with Madam Cornell, there has been an invisible barrier between us. According to Philip, there hadn’t been any noticeable change in their relationship, which only added to my confusion.

I called Trey, discreetly observing from a short distance away.

“Find Jane’s bodyguard. Also, call Philip and tell him we’re here,” I instructed my bodyguard. Philip and I had made plans to meet tonight, and this unexpected encounter with Jane could offer him valuable insight into her current state of mind.

As Trey nodded and moved away to carry out my instructions, I pulled out my phone and composed a quick message to Jakob: ‘Hey, are you busy? Could you please investigate the Eclipse Club Lounge for me? The owner, Arthur DeLuca, invited me here for a potential business partnership.’

The club’s location was excellent, and I couldn’t help but notice the number of high-profile individuals scattered throughout the venue. It certainly seemed like a promising business opportunity.

Jane returned after a while, carrying alcohol.

“Let’s drink!” she said.

My first reaction was to decline Jane’s offer.

“Jane, I have a meeting scheduled with the owner of this establishment tonight,” I explained.

“Tsk! You can’t because your life is so perfect,” Jane whispered, her voice tinged with bitterness and envy.

I exhaled deeply, trying to make Jane understand.

Jane, of all people, should have understood. My life was far from perfect, and she had seen me struggle through many hardships. Yes, things had been quieter since the fake Sarah vanished, and I hadn’t heard much about Josh or Mariano lately. Philip hadn’t mentioned the man for a while. But that didn’t mean my life was problem-free.

“Just this once, alright?” I managed to say.

Picking up the glass, I gulped down the margarita Jane had given me in one go. The hot liquid burned down my throat, almost making me gag. It had been a long time since I’d had alcohol, especially during months of pregnancy. The waiter approached our table.

“Ms. Mitchell?” he inquired politely.

Assuming he was a staff member for Arthur DeLuca, whom I was meeting tonight, I said, “Hi! I’m looking for your boss. We have a meeting scheduled for tonight.”

The waiter briefly glanced at Jane, who raised an eyebrow.

The waiter continued, “Uh, yes! He’s requesting your presence in the VIP room.”

I felt uneasy. The thought of going to a private area without my security detail made me uncomfortable. Trey hadn’t returned yet to ensure my safety.

“Love, can you come with me?” I asked Jane, hoping she’d agree.

She frowned. “Why?”

“I asked Trey to find your guard,” I explained.

Jane considered for a moment. “I’ll tell Trey to head straight to the meeting, and you’ll be back soon.”

Against my better judgment, I agreed. “Okay. Thanks!”

As I stood up, the world around me began to spin alarmingly. I grabbed the back of my chair, struggling to maintain my balance.

“Are you alright?” Jane asked with concern.

No, I wasn’t all right. Something was very wrong. An intense heat rapidly spread through my body, followed by a cold sweat that broke out across my skin.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ms. Mitchell, are you okay?” the waiter asked, sounding worried.

“Sorry, Sarah. Did you get dizzy from the alcohol?” Jane asked casually. “Maybe you’re not used to drinking. I apologize.”

When I tried to focus on Jane’s face, my vision doubled, making concentrating difficult. “Please, just accompany me to the meeting…”

Shit! I’m wondering if this is another panic attack, but it felt different from my usual episodes.

Jane argued, “But I haven’t finished my drink yet.”

The idea that Jane might have spiked my drink was terrifying. We’d been friends for so long. But as the room kept spinning and I grew weaker, I couldn’t ignore the possibility. I needed to think fast to find a way out of this situation before it was too late.

Turning to the waiter, I managed to say, “Call your boss to come out, and we’ll talk here instead.”

“Huh?” he responded, clearly caught off guard.

I sank back into my seat, rubbing my temples, unable to sit still. With each passing moment, I could feel my energy draining away, leaving me increasingly vulnerable.

My phone, tucked in my sling bag, buzzed. I reached for it, hoping it was Philip calling. He needs to pick me up right away!

Instead, I instructed the waiter, “Tell your boss I’m canceling the meeting!”

But he just stood there, unsure of what to do. I could feel he was starting to panic.

Jane was saying something, urging me to go with the waiter and insisting that Arthur DeLuca was waiting. But her words sounded distant and distorted, like something from a dream.

With trembling hands, I answered the call.

“Hello!” I said, fighting to keep my eyes open.

“Sarah, are you at the Eclipse Club Lounge?” Jakob’s voice broke through. “I’ve been looking into it, and there’s something you need to know. They’ve been accused of offering prostitutes to VIP clients.”

He continued, noticing my silence. “Just this week, there was a report about the club. A woman claimed she was roofied and woke up in the VIP section, believing she had been assaulted. I’ve been looking into it, and I think her allegations hold merit. The club provides female patrons to their clients after drvgging them. So, in my opinion, getting involved with Arthur DeLuca could be dangerous…”

Jakob realized I wasn’t responding. “Hello?”

As Jakob spoke further, everything began to make sense: the drink, Jane acting strangely, her insistence on going to the VIP room-it all clicked into a horrifying realization.

“Jay… Jake… help…” I managed to whisper, but my voice was so weak I wasn’t sure he could hear me. It was just a few words before I ran out of breath.

Suddenly, someone grabbed my phone from my hand. Despite my blurred vision, I knew-it had to be Jane.

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