The Royal Maid And The Lost Kingdom



I could barely see him as the walls were dimly lit, although I could not see his face clearly he looked like he just survived an intense war. He was all dirty and icky and im pretty sure that he was starving as well, I felt tears swelling in my eyes when I realized that this was all my fault, I had no idea how but I knew it had something to do with me. The moment her saw that he was me he got up moving closer to the door.

“Alice???, how…… wait why and how are you here.” He asked, I gave him a sad smile.

“Do you not care for my presence?” I asked him, he shook his head instantly.

“No that was not what I said, I know that Edward had told the guards not to let anyone and most especially you through the gates. And I also know that you need a royal permission to see anyone held in prison by one” He told me, although I knew that already it still made me boil.

“I found a secret passageway by accident.” I told him the truth, after I considered making an excuse but I stopped. I told him about how I had gotten lost and I ended up following a weird door that led me there.

“That was one interesting discovery, but you can’t be here Alice.” He said to me.

“I wanted to come see you.” I responded quite stubbornly, I was after all worried about him.

“I know I know but it’s almost morning and the guards would be returning back to the dungeons but the ones on night shift would be waking up soon so you see that you must make your leave.” He whispered, then my brain booted that we had been talking in whispers all along.

“Why are we whispering.” I whisper yelled at him, he looked at me before he looked like he was trying to hold his laughter in. then he turned and pointed to the end of the hall, I turned and I saw the one guard who was supposed to keep guard was sleeping and snoring loudly in the corner, oblivious to my presence. I met his eyes and I also had a hard time of my own keeping my laughs in.NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

“What happened to you.” He asked me.

“I got released by Edward’s help.” I told him, his face got angry instantly.

“Really?” He questioned, I nodded and told him what Edward had said to me and he got angrier complaining in an agitated whisper.

“You do know that he would stop at nothing to have you at his feet begging for mercy right?” He said, I turned and looked at him curiosity nipping on my heels.

“Why though? I mean why is he so into running me.” I asked. He snorted and looked at me.

“Because he likes y…….” He stopped suddenly, I looked at him and he lets out a cough seemingly to be lost in a thought before he rubbed his head shaking it.

“Sorry, I did not come with any water.” I spoke concerned.

“No its aright. I think he is just looking for something to play with because you are the only one fierce enough not to back down to any of his troubles and even sometimes fight back.” He finished what he had wanted to say and I nodded, we spoke some more and I promised to get him out of this place as soon as possible.

“Do not bother about that, I won’t be in here much longer.” He soothed me, was it not meant to be the other way around? I was still feeling that guilt when he laughed, I looked to him and he pointed to my hair.

“Darling your hair is covered in loads of cobwebs.” He said and I laughed with him, we got quiet for the moment just enjoying each other’s company when I heard footsteps coming from the main door, I instantly hides in a dim part of the hallway. The guard walked away not stopping for a moment before he turned into another hallway, I got up and looked at Stuart, he gave me a sad smile and I knew it was time for me to leave.

I was already familiar with these hallways so I walked as quietly and as quickly as I could, avoiding guards on my way as I rushed to my room. I made it in before the first ray of the sun cast its beauty on the palace, I got inside and I realised with a sad and tired thought that I had spent hours walking through the dusty halls. My body shivered and I got up to go wash myself, one the perks of living near the Prince’s quarter was there is another bath chambers for maids near here and only for maids in his quarters like every other quarters have theirs, I entered and I was lucky no one was in yet. I washed up quickly and I got dressed, making my way to the kitchen to start my work for the day, I met Madam Teresa at the entrance and I just knew the day was up to a shitty start.

“Morning Madam.” I greeted and was about to walk past her when she held me.

“Step aside for a moment Alice.” She commanded and I instantly got worried about it.

“Yes Madam.” I did and waited for her to turn.

“Where were you last night?” She asked, I felt the blood drain from my face making me pale instantly. Does she know? Is that why she was asking me this.

“Why’d you ask me that.” I said pushing my limit, she gave me a look that shouted shut up and answer.

“We were in a rough situation last night and your assistance was needed urgently but alas you were nowhere to be found, so I will ask again and this time give me an answer. Where were you last night Maid.” She questioned using her full authority as the Head maid.

“I was feeling stuffy in my room and tired from cleaning it up last night. You know that I had been locked up so I was not totally convenient in a closed up environment and I needed fresh breath of air. That was why I made a trip to the backyard of the building to sit for a moment.” I lied smoothly, guess my talents that I picked up in the street would come in handy one day like this.

I knew that almost no one goes to the back quarters as it was a small deserted place that already sprung weeds and grass, it was the perfect excuse to say where I was and to remove any suspicion should they find out about any intruders in the Queen’s rose garden last night. After all none could enter the said garden without her permission, I saw her face stumped and surprised as to what I had said.

But I also saw how they slowly shifted into suspicion yet she could only do that and without proof she can do nothing, but I saw her school her face to a normal dull face. Perks of having lived in the castle for a long time, not an emotion to be out of line.

“The Queen have requested that you serve her breakfast this morning. Her meal is to be brought to her in the theatre and it would be better for you to hurry and get it done.” She said to me as she turned and went her way, but did I hear jealousy in her tone?

“Yes Madam.” I responded as she left, I went about my mini chores in the kitchen and grabbed a quick breakfast before I packed her meal into a food cart and made my way hurriedly to the Queen.

I was so thankful that I had not gotten lost as soon as I saw the theatre in sight, and I learned today that this was a room dedicated to let the Queen enjoy performances without the usual crowd at the theatre.

Guess she could do that because she had the power and the money, yet my heart aches when I remembered the people living in the alley and how Erin’s parent could barely afford medicine for her illness.

I got to the entrance and I knocked requesting for permission, I heard a quiet come in and I made my way in. I turned and I saw that the Prince was actually here sitting and staring at me in full distaste. As I entered the Queen’s private theater, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread wash over me. I had been tasked with serving the Queen her dinner, and I was not looking forward to it. I hated Prince Edward, and the thought of having to spend any time in his presence was almost unbearable.

The theater was dimly lit, with only a few candles casting soft light on the plush, velvet seats. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, depicting scenes from the kingdom’s history. In the center of the room stood a small stage, where the Queen’s court jester would often perform for her guests.

I approached the table where the Queen was seated, I saw that Prince Edward was already there, lounging in one of the plush chairs. He was deep in conversation with his mother, and they both seemed to be in good spirits. I tried to keep my gaze averted from him, but I couldn’t help but notice the way his dark hair fell across his forehead, and the way his broad shoulders seemed to fill the room.

I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what was to come. I had a job to do, and I couldn’t let my hatred for Prince Edward get in the way. I approached the Queen, curtsied, and began to serve her breakfast, all the while keeping my gaze firmly fixed on the plate in front of me.

“Good morning your highness, your grace.

I greeted both of them and served the Queen’s meal in front of her, the Queen smiled at me and accepted my greeting being her usual self. But Edward ignored me and I was really tempted to stab him with a fork.

“Edward, would you like to leave and return to your quarters to go have your breakfast?” She asked turning to her son, the ever so loving mother who gave birth to a demon’s spawn.

“No mother,” He said before he turned my way with a smile, that smile alone and I knew that he was thinking of another way to frustrate my life. “… you maid. Go bring my breakfast from my quarters here so I might be able to eat.” He finished still with his smile on. I felt my temperature rise because the Queen’s theatre was the highest room at the west wing of the castle while his royal nuisance’s room was the second floor of the east wing.

I curtsied as I rushed out of there, I heard his laughter behind me as I left rushing my way to the kitchen because I remembered that I saw some maids preparing the food and I was hoping I could catch them on time. I entered the kitchen breathing heavily as I made my way to the cook when I did not see anyone there.

“Where is Prince Edward’s breakfast.” I asked breathless.

“Ohh, the maids already took the food to the prince’s chambers upstairs.” He said giving me a short smile before he went back to cooking. I felt myself weakened, because the kitchen was the last floor on the west wing and they had already gone to the east wing. With no other choice I curtsied and said my thanks with a frustrated smile as I made my way there to get his food for him. I ran and climbed two stairs at a time so I could reach the chambers on time, I was also on the lookout and I saw no maids and I concluded that they had already left his meal there for him. I gave a heavy sigh and took a deep breath as I walked toward the entrance.

“Stop there, where do you think you are going.” One of his guards stationed at the door asked.

“Oh, the prince sent me to go get his meal for him. He is waiting in the Queen’s theatre room sirs.” I replied honestly.

“Why then did those maids drop his meal here and why would he ask you to bring his meal?” The other questioned.

“Why would I know that, can you maybe ask him when next you see him and stop delaying me?” I responded angrily as the frustration caught up with me. I tried going in but they stopped me again. I blew up and I started yelling and hurling words at them telling them that the prince in fact sent me.

“Why don’t I follow her to the room and make sure that she only carries the food.” The blue eye guard offered, their build looked the same and they are of the same height also cladded in armour. the other nodded and they finally allowed me in. I said nothing because I barely had enough sleep and I could feel the wariness in my bones, I saw the meal cart and I carried it turning to move out.

“So you really are a thief after all yeah? Stealing bitch who is trying to mooch off the Prince.” HE taunted me but I ignored him still setting the cart right.

“Hey I am talking to you slut, have he fucked you yet. Pretty sure he does not need much time with you because you would readily climb into his………… oh fuck.” He screamed out loud as I cut off his words by sending a very gentle kick to his groins and turning on my heels while pushing the cart forward, mission accomplished.

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