The Rogue Alpha’s Claim

Chapter 92

Ariel went back home, reeling with anger. She was furious that she wasn’t able to deal with him the way she best saw, and it was annoying her to no point.

“Gahhhh!” She groaned in frustration, wringing her hands as if she were squeezing his neck.

This was so frustrating.

“Are you alright?” The only friend she had managed to make here looked at her with squinted eyes, wondering what had become of her.

“Of course, something is just getting on my nerves, but I am alright.”

“Hmm.” Her friend nodded halfheartedly, unable to believe her, but she reluctantly let it go. “How do you manage to run so fast? You have only been a wolf for some weeks now, but you could easily outrun me.”

Ariel shrugged her shoulders, having no explanation to give her. “I don’t know; I guess my wolf is just dying to run after all those years of being dormant.”

The answer was enough to shut her up, and they continued their journey in silence, digging their legs into the snow.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

They got to the packhouse, and Ariel made straight for her room, the event of the day tiring her out. She just wanted to rest her head and forget about what had happened.

But who was she kidding?

The new scent in the room stuck out like a sore thumb, and this time she wasn’t alarmed anymore. She had come to the conclusion that he must be a ghost because there was no way he was going in and out without anyone noticing.

She lifted her nose in the air and took a long sniff, letting it guide her where the scent was most overwhelming, and it led her to her wardrobe, where she saw the familiar envelope.

Ariel tore the envelope open, eager to see what he would write there, but as she read through, her eyes continued widening until it was almost humanly impossible, and her hands trembled until they could no longer hold the paper and it fell to the ground.

“No! This can’t go on any longer.” Ariel screamed. She had kept quiet for too long, and he had thought he had the upper hand, but that is ending today.

She stormed out of the room and went to meet the guards that have been keeping watch over her; it was useless asking them if they had seen him because it was only going to be the same answer.

She had to change tactics.

“I would like to see the alpha.”

The men exchanged glances among themselves, but they nodded their heads, and Ariel waited, her foot tapping furiously on the floor.

“The alpha would come and see you when he is free.”

“Alright, thank you.” Ariel went back into her room and waited for him, but she had begun to plan her escape. In case things didn’t work as she wanted them to, she was going to leave.

Her door opened and the alpha entered in, taking in all the air in the room; he wasn’t even bothered to knock, and Ariel was going to take offense, but she remembered it was never her pack and swallowed whatever she wanted to say.

“I received this letter from Kane.” She said, handing the envelope to him and watching as he read it, repeating the words after him.

Kane had written to tell her that he would be coming back for her on the eve of the new year so she could spend the new year with family.

She had scoffed at the word ‘family’-what a joke. She had lost her family a long time ago, and none of them could be considered as one.

“I see.”

Ariel’s eyebrow rose in question, and she looked at him pointedly, “Is that all you have to say? Kane is coming in a few days. This would be the best time to capture him and enact your revenge.”

The old Alpha broke into laughter that didn’t sit right with her. “Of course. You don’t have to worry about this; you will be fine; we will be here for you.”

Those are the words she wanted to hear, yet they didn’t do anything in reassuring her.

“Alright, I believe you.” Maybe saying the words out would prompt him to action.

“You have nothing to worry about, Ariel; you will be safe.” This time, his words sent a wave of relief down her spine, and she nodded.

“Thank you.” She lowered her head as a sign of respect until he had left, and she collapsed on the bed.

Ariel reached for the table calendar, and she marked the date. Something big was going to happen that day, and it was going to be one of the two, but she had to be prepared for whatever outcome.

The pack was a beehive of activity as they prepared for the new year; apparently, it was something to be celebrated, and there have been a lot of renovations and decorations going on.

Everyone seems to be happy and excited, but she has yet to catch the fever. All she could think of was what was going to happen on the 31st.

Kane was either going to capture her, or he was going to die, or she would have to run away, and none of the options were favorable.

Days seemed to run by when there was a lot on your mind, and soon it was the night of the 30th. Ariel had stayed awake for a long time because she knew that once she closed her eyes to sleep, she would be waking up the next day, and she wasn’t ready for what was going to happen.

But you cannot cheat nature, and she had fallen asleep; waking up passed her awake time.

Ariel had confined herself to the bedroom, locking the door and not even coming down for breakfast. She didn’t even have any appetite to stomach anything.

She sat on her bed, glancing at the wall every minute as the time ticked. Kane was going to arrive any minute now, and she had to be prepared.

But it was noon now, and there was no sign of her mate. Another hour passed, and nothing was out of the ordinary.

Ariel had decided to take a short nap and had woken up by 4 p. m., and she had looked out the window, but there was nothing that indicated that he was coming.

“Maybe he had lost interest.” Ariel mused, a little smile on her lips.

And with each time that elapse, she began to drop her guards. He must’ve been bluffing, trying to see how she was going to react.

The sun had long gone down, and it was already past 9 p. m., and Ariel had completely dropped her guards. There was no way Kane would come by this time; it was already too late.

And she was starving.

She had had anything in her stomach, and it has been protesting; a little food wasn’t going to hurt.

It was 45 minutes past 9 when Ariel decided that Kane was probably pulling her legs and he wasn’t going to come again, and she decided to go down for a late dinner. Lucky for her, there was some leftover food, and she hurriedly scarfed it down, chasing it with water.

She could think well with food in her system, and she headed for her room, humming a random tune under her breath.

Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary except the lack of guard around her door, and she hesitated for a moment.

They have never left their post before, and this should have been a warning sign to her, but she ignored it and continued to forge ahead.

Even when she began to perceive the scent of pine cones and oranges, she had dismissed it, believing that it was only a figment of her imagination.

But she should have known.

Because she opened the door and her eyes met with a pair of green ones.

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