The Rise of the Omega Supreme

Heirs, 33

( POV: Scarllet )

Deniel’s truck slowed down as it navigated a curve and then turned onto a dirt road. I repeated his movements and watched his car stop a few meters away. I parked my car next to his and saw the exact moment he exited the vehicle, crossing his arms with that alpha male pose I’d never forgotten.

Deniel had always been a very handsome, masculine, and virile man. A terror to my psyche, I could never have this man on top of me, or below, I’m not picky. I sighed wistfully and stepped out of my car. What I saw in his eyes was pure surprise, but he quickly controlled his emotions, as always.

“Scarllet?” he pronounced in disbelief. “How did you find me?” he questioned with a menacing voice that would have frightened me if I didn’t know him.

“Deni,” I said emotionally, “I missed you so much. I thought you were dead.”

“As you can see,” he opened his arms, “I’m alive and well.”

“We need to talk,” I said, trying to control my emotions.

“You can say whatever you want, I’m all ears,” he said, leaning against the car door.

“Can we do it in a more comfortable place?” I asked, and he sighed.

“Follow me,” he requested, and then got back into his car.

I followed him along a steep path and noticed that, like me, he had taken refuge in a mountain. It took us about thirty minutes to reach the top. I parked my truck under a tree next to Deniel’s and got out of my vehicle.

I felt a pain in my chest and a palpitation where my heart should have beaten. I still loved this man, and this time apart hadn’t diminished my feelings at all. I followed him to the entrance of his new home, a simple and humble house. It was impossible not to compare the difference between this shack and the enormous castle where he used to live, like a handsome scientist prince.

“Please, come in,” he said as he opened the door and gestured for me to enter.

I observed the small living room, devoid of a television but filled with a large bookshelf and a fireplace in the center. The wooden walls were well-polished and beautifully crafted, providing a rustic yet cozy contrast to the place.

“Did you build this yourself?” I asked, it was a simple place, but I would be happy to live here with him. These polished walls would bear witness to our love. I sighed, imagining Deniel and me sprawled completely naked in front of that fireplace on a rainy day, a strong desire washing over me.

“Yes, I built the entire house and the furniture,” he said, placing the keys on a small table. “Would you like something to drink?” he asked, and I raised an eyebrow.

“Sure, it’s been a while since I had visitors, and the last one was a human, so I got a little confused,” he explained.

“A human?” I asked, curious.

“Yes, a young woman who was trying to climb this mountain without any protection, very dangerous,” he shrugged. “I took care of her and her injuries.” Something I couldn’t identify passed through his eyes, leaving me intrigued.

“Tell me more,” I requested.

“There’s not much to tell. I took care of her, and then she left, and I never saw her again,” he walked to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.

“Was she beautiful?” I couldn’t resist asking.

“Gorgeous,” he said and then coughed. “What brings you to these parts?” he asked, changing the subject, and I felt a surge of jealousy.

“We need some supplies,” I said simply. “Did you build this house with your magic?”

“Yes, it’s very useful.”

“You’ve gotten really strong,” I walked closer to him and touched his chest. “As solid as I remembered,” I said, running my hands down his arms, and he pulled away.

“Where have you been all these years?” he asked, while walking to the living room and sitting on the couch. I sighed in frustration and followed him.

“Here and there,” I replied vaguely. “Why did you disappear without giving me any explanation?”

“I wanted to leave the past behind, forget the man I once was, evil and unscrupulous,” he said seriously. “I wanted a fresh start.”

“You left me behind, alone,” I yelled, upset. “Even after the promise you made when we first met, you said I would never be alone again,” I let all my hurt show. “I trusted you! I spent months looking for you, thinking they had killed you.”

“I’m sorry, Scar, I’m so sorry,” he said, visibly shaken.

“Don’t call me that!” I yelled, and he fell silent. “You have no idea of the suffering and anguish I went through, all the loneliness. Why didn’t you take me with you?” My voice came out weak and high-pitched.

“I couldn’t. I always knew about your feelings for me, I didn’t want to hurt you even more,” he offered a vague justification.

“Did I never measure up to you?” I took off my blouse and stood there in just my bra. “Don’t you find me beautiful? Don’t you desire me?”

“Please, Scar, get dressed,” he asked, looking at my face.

“Look at me, Deni,” I said softly. “Desire me,” I requested, taking off my bra and revealing my ample breasts.

“You’re just a friend, don’t make this harder,” he didn’t even look at my exposed body, and I began to feel humiliated.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well then, my dear friend,” I emphasized the ‘dear friend’ with disdain. “I’m going to do something for you that you couldn’t do.”

“What are you going to do?” he asked, alarmed.

“I’m going to end that damn wolf, that failed project from hell. She’s going to pay for stealing your love.”

“I never loved Lina,” he said hurriedly.

“But because of her, I lost everything,” I said loudly. “And she’s going to pay dearly for it.”

I didn’t say anything else. With my vampiric speed, I left the house and got into my truck without putting my blouse back on. I started the engine and drove back to my hideout, humiliated, hurt, and above all, even angrier at that damn failed project.

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