The Princess Slave

Chapter 62

Viktor POV

Marry? It offended me greatly that she would even suggest that. I will never marry.. not as long as I have her.. Goddess. Why do I feel these things for her? It kills me daily to have to look at her and not be able to say the things I want.. afraid she would not feel the same. It angered me to hear that from her.. saddened me that she would even bring it up.

It only made me believe for certain she didn’t feel the same.

I’ve even attempted to make contact with a witch to help with my predicament.. The problem is.. witches are incredibly rare these days. I’ve had Cedric try to find one as well.. but neither of us has had any luck.

If I find one.. they could help me locate her mate.. maybe even lift my curse so that I could claim her after I force him to reject her.. or kill him if he refuses.

I left for a few days when I heard rumors of a witch.. it turned out that the witch was not actually a witch. But a fake. I was also planning to assassinate Violette’s Father.. but that did not go according to plan either. He decided to take princess Amelia as his wife before I could even arrive. And with her people there.. I wouldn’t have made it even close to Arthur.

Did I not make it clear that she was mine? I cannot explain to her exactly how I feel.. because I myself do not even understand. But one thing I do know.. is I will never let her go.

Cedric opened a mind link with me.

“Hey man.. can we talk?” He asked.

“Yes,” I replied. Hopefully, he has news.

The door opened and he walked in.

“So.. I’ve not found anything. I know you hate to hear it.. but that’s just how it is. Also, her Father has announced the wedding is next month. It seems as if he’s not in a rush because he believes Violette is dead.” He said.

“Well.. I guess that’s good news.” I said.

“But the witch situation.. I can’t find anything. I even traced it back to the witch that cursed your family. She never procreated and she was executed by Arthur long ago for some crime against him.” He said. I let out a sigh of annoyance.

“That’s just great,” I growled as I slammed my hand on the desk.

“So.. what has you so angry? I know of course, what I just told you.. but I know there’s something else.” He said.

“Violette told me I should marry,” I said in an annoyed tone. He looked at me with shock on his features.

“And what did you say?” He asked. I scoffed.

“I told her I will not. Because I won’t. That’s just ridiculous. Why would she ever come up with such a thing? It infuriates me.” I said.

“Why not? It makes sense.. you would have the numbers to defeat her father and end this war once and for all.” He said.

“Goddess, not you too,” I growled.

“I’m sorry, man. I’m just being honest. Even Violette sees it. It’s a smart move to make.” He said as he shrugged his shoulders.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“I hate to admit it but I don’t want a woman that isn’t her. Crazy, right? My enemy’s daughter.” I said.

“Have you ever thought maybe she’s your mate?” He asked. I chuckled.

“No. There’s no possible way. She’d already found her mate before she met me.” I said.

“Well, in that case, I’m sorry.” He said. I have thought about it before.. I won’t lie. But her heat doesn’t add up to the time we met. She must’ve found her mate at least a month before meeting me.

I’d give anything.. for that to be true. But Beatrice assured me it was not possible. The time frame is wrong.

“If you’re so sure about this.. about “keeping her” as you say.. show her. I’ll continue to search for a witch in the meantime.” He said. I nodded in approval.

“Thank you. You’ve done a lot for me these past weeks, and I’ve never actually thanked you. If it wasn’t for you.. I don’t think I’d have made it this far.” I said.

“You’re my best friend, man. I will always be here to help.” He said.

“I think I should go. Lillian mind linked. Oh.. and when can we do the whole transferring ceremony? She’d like to be unlinked from Arthur’s kingdom as soon as possible. That way she can mind link Beatrice as well.” He said.

“I guess we can set it up for this week unless you want to wait,” I said.

“Works for me. She will be pleased.” He said. He stood up and waited for my dismissal.

“You may go,” I said. He walked out and left me to my thoughts. My mind began to race left and right as I thought about things to say to Violette.

Should I tell her I’m looking for her mate? Should I tell her.. how much I crave her? How I want her to be mine forever? I’ve not fully come to understand my feelings for her.. but I know that much.

The mere thought of her makes me feel all kinds of emotions.. it’s like one day, I just woke up and felt them. Or maybe I always have.

I stood up and walked to my door and opened it. I need to see her.

I walked down the hall and opened the door where guards stood there minding their business. When I poked my head in, she was curled in her blanket fast asleep.

I quietly snuck in and sat in the chair across from her bed and watched her. No voices plagued my mind.. no worries. No hate. Just peace. And of course arousal, but I would not wake her to satisfy my needs.

She’s been through so much.. yet she’s the strongest person I know.

I wonder constantly if it’s all in my head.. do I really feel for her? Does she feel for me? I wish I could just ask her but the truth is, I couldn’t burden her with more things.

She tossed and turned on the bed a few times.. I even got up to calm her, kissing her forehead and moving her soft white hair from her face.

Everything inside me wanted to lay with her.. to feel her in my arms and just let go. But I knew I couldn’t.. not yet at least. Not until I’ve figured everything out.

I finally took a seat back in the chair and closed my eyes. Maybe I’ll just rest for a while. Being near her makes it easy to sleep. She makes everything.. easy. I hadn’t really come to understand anything until I’d almost lost her.. and I won’t let that happen again.

She’s mine.. and I will make it so.


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