The Princess Slave

Chapter 60

Violette POV

Master said today is the day my father is holding the banquet to find a wife. I haven’t seen him much this past week.. not since that night with him. But he was sure to stop by yesterday morning before he left.

He didn’t say where he was going.. only that he would be gone for a few days. He put extra guards by my room and even has Sylvia staying with me for the time being. Lillian is also staying with me because Cedric left with Viktor.

“I.. would li-ke.. to ba-the.” I said the words slowly. I’ve gotten better at speaking.. though every now and then my words cut out and it’s all breath.

“I shall have them ready it for you,” Sylvia said with a smile. She opened the door and told Loren who was standing nearby. When she was done, she came back and sat in front of me.

It didn’t take long before Loren began bringing in buckets of hot water. I was grateful to him.. to everyone who’d been so kind to me lately. When Loren stepped out once again.. I heard a familiar voice talking down the hall.

“Why are you bringing water to the dead slaves’ room?” Minerva asked. My breath hitched in my throat and I looked at Sylvia and Lillian.

“That is none of your concern, Minerva. Now, leave. You know the King said to stay out of this part of the castle.” Loren said.

“Goddess, you even smell like her. That doesn’t make any sense.” She said angrily.

“Minerva, don’t make me get in touch with the King,” Loren growled.

“She lives.. doesn’t she? She’s alive in there right now.” Minerva pushed.

“Minerva, leave!” Loren growled.

“I can’t believe it. She had her throat slit.. how the hell is she alive?” She growled.

“What do you care?” Loren growled in response.

“I don’t! I just can’t believe it..” Minerva said.

“Minerva, go. I’m going to call the King and let him know of this.” Loren said.

“Fine! Fine.. I’m going.” She said. My heart stopped racing once I knew she was gone, and Loren walked in.

“We have a problem,” Loren said.

“I heard.. what do we do?” Sylvia asked.

“Just.. we need to keep her hidden. If her Father finds out..” He said. He looked worriedly at me.

“I don’t trust that woman! She’ll tell everyone!” Lillian squeaked.NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

“I..I’m fiiine.” I urged my voice to come out.

“Surely she wouldn’t tell anyone.. she hasn’t seen Violette so she has no proof,” Sylvia said.

“She would! She’s a little snake.” Lillian growled. She really didn’t like Minerva, and with good reason.

“S-she wo-on’t. Sh-e has n-no pr-proof.” I said.

“You’re right.. I’m just being paranoid.” Loren huffed. He dumped the last bucket into the bath and hesitantly stepped out.

“Let’s get you bathed,” Sylvia said. Her and Lillian held my hands as I stood up and helped me to undress. I stepped into the bath and sunk into it.. the warmth covered my body and relaxed me instantly.

“How does it.. feel?” Sylvia asked as she eyed my scar.

“It.. hurts some-sometimes,” I said as I rubbed it. She nodded her head and continued to look at it.

“I can make you something to soothe it.. Ms. Beatrice and Lillian taught me.” She said. I smiled at her and nodded.

“That.. would be.. nice,” I said. Lillian began to drench my hair with water and lather the soap in as Sylvia stood up.

“We’ve.. heard some rumors around. About the King.” Lillian said. I eyed her curiously and waited for her to continue.

“When you were attacked.. many of the people saw him running in the castle with you.. and b***d all over him. Word spread quickly about what some people saw.. and some were talking about it. I heard that he threatened to kill anyone that spoke of you.. and they say he wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t have feelings for you.” Sylvia spoke as she began to mix herbs into my drink. I furrowed my brows and shook my head.

“That-that’s absurd.. Sylvia. The king do-es not.. haaave feelings.. for m-me.” I said.

“I don’t know.. I think he does, Violette.” Lillian said.

“You did not see the way he was, Violette. When I arrived after the news.. he looked heartbroken.” Sylvia said.

“He.. does not h-ave fee-lings for me..” I said once again.

“Are you certain?” Lillian asked. I nodded my head.

“H-e has a ma-te.. somewhere out th-ere wait-waiting for hi-m. He c-annot. He may care.. for me. But that’s j-ust it. No.. roma-ntic feelings.” I said. I was beginning to stress myself out with conversation.. my throat was searing in pain and my head was pounding.

“I think you’re wrong.” Sylvia said softly.

“Syl-via please.. stop,” I said.

“You helped him. You saved his life. He may not know it.. but he cares for you more than you believe.” She began to raise her voice as she spoke.

“S-top Sylvia. I cannot.. do not bri-ng that up. You must n-ever tell a so-ul.” I growled lightly. I began coughing as my throat burned with pain.

“Sylvia her throat is hurting. She’s done enough talking, please don’t stress her.” Lillian scolded her.

“I’m sorry, Princess.. I won’t.. let me finish this.. I’m sorry.” She began to cry. Once she walked over with the cup in her hand, I grabbed her free hand and held it tightly.

“Pro-mise me. He.. mustn’t kn-ow.” I said.

“I promise..” she said.

I let her go and she handed me the cup and wiped her tears.

“You care greatly for him..” Lillian said softly. I eyed her but did not say another word. I do care for him.. as much as I hate to admit it. But I will never tell him. Because I am not his mate.. and he is not mine.

After I finished the drink my throat began to calm. Lillian rinsed the soap from my hair and Sylvia stayed quiet for the remainder of the time.

A knock on the door made us all jump. Sylvia walked to it and cracked it, looking through. She let out a sigh and opened it.

“It’s just me,” Beatrice said. I looked over at her and smiled.

“So.. I have news.” She said. The girls and I were silent as we waited for her to further explain.

“First.. king Viktor is making an early return.. and second.. Your father has picked a wife.” She said. I opened my mouth and spoke.

“Who.. is it?” I asked.

“Princess.. Amelia.” She said. I snapped my mouth shut and stared blankly at the wall. He picked a wife.. a replacement for my Mother.

“Violette, dear. Did you hear me?” She asked sweetly. I nodded my head.

“I.. pray for Prin-cess.. Am-e-li-a.” I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

“Oh, my dear.. I’m sorry.” Beatrice walked over to me and put her hand on the side of my face. I leaned into her hand and closed my eyes.

“I pray.. she doe-snt.. have to go.. thr-ou-gh what I.. did,” I said. Most of it came out in breaths but she understood every word.

“This will make things more difficult..” she said.

I said “I know” but not a sound came out.

“Your father will pay.. King Viktor will make sure of it.” She replied.


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