The Princess Slave

Chapter 11

Violette’s POV

“I don’t know what he’s talking about! You must be wrong Beatrice. There’s no way I found my mate and didn’t realize it!” I cried into my hands. Did I miss the chance to run away and be with my mate before everything fell to shit?

“He doesn’t like lies, Ms. Violette. He is very upset with you.” Beatrice said. They didn’t believe me.. I don’t understand how this can be possible! I’ve met several men in these last couple of months. None of them I felt the bond towards. That instant connection that every wolf feels.

“I’m not lying! I have not found my mate! I wouldn’t be here if I did, I’d be with him! Your tests must be wrong. There’s no chance!” I cried.

“The tests aren’t wrong, Violette. You might as well just drop the charade. We know you’ve found your mate. You may just be lying because you’re fearful the King would punish him.” Beatrice said. My eyes widened in complete shock. Everything they’re saying is absurd!

“I’m not lying, Beatrice. And I hope one day I get to prove you all wrong when I do find my mate and he takes me away from this living hell!” I cried.

“The king wouldn’t allow it and you know it.” Ms. Beatrice said.

“I didn’t find my mate. You can choose whether to believe me or not, but I won’t try to prove myself. I’ve done nothing wrong and he’s a damn fool for thinking so!” I screamed in anger.

“Watch your tone, slave! I do not like to think of what he would do to you if he heard you.” she snapped.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest and stomach and winced in pain. Why have I been feeling these lately? These pains make my stomach swirl.

“May I have something for these pains, Beatrice?” I asked, softening my tone a little as the pain rolled through me.

“What pains, Princess? Are you okay? Is there anything I can do for you?” Lillian asked.

“What pains are they?” Beatrice asked, now intrigued.

“In my chest and stomach. I get them every now and then, I can usually swallow the pain but as of late they’ve been a little more painful. I’ve been having them since I got here.” I said.

“Hmm.. let me see,” Beatrice said. She pulled a few herbs out of a box she brought in with her and handed it to me.

“This should help. I can get them for you whenever you’d like.” She said.

“Thank you,” I replied and she nodded.

“Come on, Lillian. We must go to the maid’s quarters.” Beatrice waved Lillian on.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“I cannot! Please.. please just let me stay with the Princess! We can work together!” Lillian begged. She clasped her hands together and batted her eyelashes at Beatrice.

“I don’t think the King will appreciate-“

“Please! I’ll tell him I snuck in if he finds out.” Lillian pleaded.

“No, Lillian. You will get in big trouble if he finds out. Please, just stay safe and stay with Beatrice.. I’ll be okay.” I said.

“No! I’ve been away from you for too long, you’ve slept alone with no lady as company. What if you get thirsty? Who will get your water?” Lillian asked.

“Lillian.. I will.” I said, but she shook her head as if that weren’t an option.

“I cannot leave, and I won’t.” She crossed her arms and sat on the edge of my bed. I went to be speak but was cut off by Beatrice.

“Fine. You tell the King it was your idea if you get caught. Once his anger dies down I’ll see if you can maybe permanently stay.” Beatrice said.

“Beatrice she’ll get punished if he finds out!” I squealed.

“Then make sure he doesn’t. Goodnight girls. I shall take my leave. Get some rest. Tomorrow, if your fever has stayed down, you will work. I’ll have a maid bring in maids dresses and the both of you will work.” She said. I nodded my head. I won’t be working for the King again will I? Maybe he’ll just forget I’m his slave and leave me be.

I don’t understand how I’m in heat. It makes no sense whatsoever, cause I’ve clearly not found my mate. And the King doesn’t believe me because of my Father and that infuriated me. I’ve not lied to him once.

The look in his eyes chilled me to the bone. He looked dangerously angry. For a moment I thought he would rip me into little pieces. I’m sure at that moment that’s exactly what he wanted to do too..

Beatrice left the room and Lillian looked at me.

“I know you’re telling the truth, Princess. We talked for countless nights about you finding your mate.. I know how often you prayed to find him.” She said sadly. I patted the bed beside me and she climbed in front of me. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close.

“I missed you dearly, Lillian. It’s been dreadful not being able to speak to anyone for weeks.” I said. I gripped my stomach tightly as the pain continued.. but didn’t make a sound about it.

“They didn’t hurt you.. did they? I don’t remember much after I tried to stop that man.” She said.

“I.. killed him,” I whispered. Lillian jolted and almost flipped herself off of the bed.

“My Princess, killed a man?” She asked, her voice was laced with worry and it made my eyes sting with tears.

“I did. And it was the worst thing I’ve ever done in my life. Oh, Lillian! It has truly been awful! They kept me in the dungeon for weeks.. barely fed me, and wouldn’t allow me to speak to anyone.” I cried. She pulled me into her chest and held me.

“I tried every day to get back to you..” she cried.

“What about Sylvia? Have you seen her?” I asked.

“She was in the hospital for the first week.. that man beat her pretty bad.. but she’s healing and now she’s been working at the orphanage. She worried about you constantly. She said that if I were to ever get to you, to tell you thank you and that she loves you dearly.” Lillian said she pulled back and wiped my tears away.

“Thank you, for that.” I cried. I had missed my ladies severely. I’d worried about them every day since I’d arrived.. I hardly thought of anything but them. I thought.. maybe, the King would allow me to see them, but he wouldn’t. He wouldn’t even see me for weeks.

“You’re much welcome, Princess,” Lillian replied. She tugged the blanket down the mattress and pulled me to lay down.

“You should rest. The herbs should kick in quickly, so the pain won’t last too long.” She said.

“It’s already going away, thank you.” I said. She climbed beside me and under the blankets, spooning me from behind and running her fingers through my hair.

“This place is horrible, Violette.” She said softly. I nodded my head in agreement.

“It truly is, Lillian. But at least now, we have each other.” I said.

I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off into the darkness of sleep.


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