The One He Claimed

The One 45

The One 45

Chapter 45: Allison and Letti Sophie I took Letti and Allison inside the packhouse. I felt their fear the moment we stepped in and the room went quiet. Rather than pretend that nothing was happening, I decided to address the pack straight on. “Everyone, this is Letti and Allison. These are she-wolves who have been on the run, the first to request our assistance. There is one more in the pack hospital getting medical attention, her name is Nikki. I hope there will be more she-wolves asking for our assistance in the near future. Please make them feel welcome and help them with anything they need,” I say before. nodding for the two women to follow me. “So, what’s most important to the two of you? Food, shower, or bed?” I ask just as Kinsley walks up. “Hello ladies. I’m Beta Kinsley,” she says, and both girls’ noses go up in the air. “You’re the one who brings the food,” Allison says. “That’s correct and you read the note that Sophie wrote and decided to trust us?” she asks. “Well…” Letti says, looking at Allison. “They have another girl with them who was injured pretty badly. Hunter took her to the pack hospital,” I tell her. 0.00% 11:53 288 (ouchers Chapter 45 Alison and Latii “Right. So, how about some food?” Kinsley asks them. “We’re really hungry,” Letti says. “Yeah, that wasn’t a lot of food for three hungry females,” Allison says. “Maybe I need to start leaving more…” Kinsley says, more to herself than to us. “Kins, will you help them get food and I’ll make sure we have two rooms ready for them?” I ask! “Absolutely, follow me, let’s get those bellies filled so that after you shower, you can crash.” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Why are you being so nice to us?” Allison asks. “Yeah, really.” Letti says. “Because it’s the right thing to do. Not everyone realizes that, but we do, our Alpha does and obviously, so does our Luna, since she’s the legend,” Kinsley says. “I’m not a legend,” I say. “Oh, but you are!” Allison says. “Yeah, everyone knows you. I came across multiple girls on the run. I asked them all if they were Sophie, or they asked me. Honestly, I feel a little flustered because I’m finally getting to meet you. You’re like a celebrity…only, legend sounds better,” Letti says. “All I did was survive on my own,” I say. 10.47% 11.53 Allison and i afli “No, what you did was give all of us hope. And for that, we can never repay you,” Allison says. “Yeah, I’d have been mated off by now, if not for you,” Letti says. “Well, you don’t owe me anything, except maybe to live your best life,” I say, embarrassed. Kinsley smiles at me as Allison turns to her. “Is she for real?” “She is. She doesn’t realize what an influence she’s had, that she’s still having.” “Anywho, how about I go check on those rooms,” I say, skirting away before I become even more embarrassed. Without consciously realizing it, I reach out to Hunter, feeling his steadying emotions which help calm me. I can tell he’s focused and concerned about Nikki, so I don’t bother him. Instead, I check to make sure we have two bedrooms beside each other that are ready for guests. Then I make sure they have everything they need to shower, and some clothes to wear to sleep in and for tomorrow. I’m sure Hunter has a plan for making sure these girls have clothes, but if not, Kinsley and I will manage. I’ve just returned to the dining hall where I can see that Lucas has joined our new she-wolves. They still seem a bit cautious around Lucas, but at least they’re talking to him and even smiling a bit

which is good. When I step up, they’re just finishing eating. “I can show you to your rooms. They’re beside each other. I assumed you’d want to be close to each other.” “Yes, Luna. Thank you. And thank Betas for helping us. It’s not 20.10% ။ 1153 Cuter 45 Allon and Lett 288 (Vouchers what I expected, but I’m really glad you offered us this place to rest, even if we don’t stay for long,” Allison says. “Why wouldn’t you stay?” I ask her. She shrugs. “We’re from another pack. Won’t you eventually have to tell our families that we’re here?” “No. Not unless you want us to,” say confidently. Hunter and I haven’t discussed it, but what’s the point of offering sanctuary if we’re just going to send them home or tell the ones their running from where to find them. “Well, we’d like to at least do our part while we’re here,” Allison says. “Why don’t you join us for warrior training in the morning? We have some of the warriors from Luna Sophie’s pack who are going to help train our pack members on some new techniques. You both are welcome to join in. I’m pretty sure Alpha Hunter is hoping that if we’re attacked, that you’d be willing to help fight to maintain the pack’s safety.” I watch the two of them look at each other. “But it’s not required. You don’t have to fight,” I tell them. “No, of course you don’t have to,” Lucas says quickly. “You’re really serious, aren’t you?” Letti asks. “About what?”

“Keeping us safe. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be expecting a battle.” 33.36% We were seleut about it ve tend to keep you safe, even if man going ** war againgt are of the packs.” They took at each other again, thin back at Lucas When time warrior maining Here at them. Five in the morning. “We’ll be there,” Allison says, and Letti node. “I will too,” I say, before directing our new quests to their rooms. When I finally get back to my room, Hunter is still gone. I shower and fall into bed, only waking when he slides in behind me, wrapping his warm body around mine. “How is she?” I ask sleepily “In surgery. How are the other two?” “Hopefully sleeping. They’re coming to warrior training in the morning.” “Interesting,” he says. I want to ask why that’s interesting, but I’ m too tired and I fall back to sleep before I can. I’m not sure how much later it is when I feel Hunter getting up. “Is it time for training?” I ask. “No. Nikki is out of surgery. I’m going to go sit with her. I told her I’d be there when she woke and I want to keep my word. I’ll hopefully be back for warrior training,” he says, kissing me softly before I hear his feet padding away and the door closing quietly. The next time I wake, it’s to warm hands sliding over my body. I take a deep breath of his pine scent and let my mate wake me slowly first with his mouth and then with his body buried inside of mine. By the time I have to get up for warrior training, I’m wide awake. “Please feel free to wake me like that every morning,” I say to him. He chuckles as we get dressed.

“How’s Nikki? I’m assuming she woke up?” “She did. She’s going to need some recovery time, but she’s an Alpha, so once she’s healthy, she’ll begin healing fast.” “She’s an Alpha?” I ask. “She is, Alpha Alaric’s sister. Do you know him?” “No, my father didn’t think much of him, if I remember correctly,” I say. “His sister doesn’t think much of him either,” he says. “However, he’s now part of our Committee of Alphas.” “Was he part of your original numbers?” I ask as we walk outside, wondering if this skews the balance out of our favor. “He was, and I had him against us since I didn’t know where he’ d fall. Looks like I was right.” When we walk outside, I see Allison and Letti. “We need to get them new clothes,” tell Hunter. “Have them order some online. It’s not safe for them to leave 55.00% 11:54 the pack lands.” “I’ll let them know,” I say as we walk up. “We don’t really have any clothes to spar in. Do you mind if we just watch?” Letti asks. “That’s fine. Sophie will work with you today to have you order some clothing. I’d rather you didn’t leave my pack lands as I can’ t guarantee your safety if you do. “No problem, Alpha. We were wondering how Nikki is doing? Allison asks. “She’s awake. I saw her this morning. When I left she was getting some food, but because of the extent of her injury, she’ll be in the pack hospital for another day or two. After training and breakfast, I’d be happy to take you both over there. You’re welcome to sit with her.” “We’d like that, thank you, Alpha,” Letti says, and they find a place to watch the warrior training while I go to stand with the others and begin warming up. The moment we start I realize how out of shape I am. Unlike most of the she-wolves out there, I wasn’t on the run. I was waiting tables, barely getting by. So, I can feel my muscles and lungs complaining as we begin. However, I’m a

Luna and I have a responsibility to lead this pack, so I don’t complain out loud, I just keep pushing myself knowing Hedda will heal me. Once we’re warmed up, Hunter pairs off with me. “Okay my love, let’s see what you’ve got,” he says, taking a defensive stance. 111 I shake out my shoulders, knowing there’s no way I’m defeating my mate today, but I’m going to give it my best shot. I like some of the positions we’ve tried, and want to try them again, so I want to win our wager. In three moves, he has me in a hold against his body. He nips at my ear “You have to be faster than that, my little Luna,” he teases before releasing me. This happens three more times, one after the other and I’m getting frustrated. ‘So am I,’ Hedda growls. If I’m out of shape, it means she is too. I bounce on my feet, trying to remember my training from back home. I throw a fake punch and when Hunter moves to block, I slide into a crouch, swinging my leg around, trying to knock his Megs out from under him. He realizes my intentions and leaps over my leg, just in time, but he uses my momentum to take me to the ground, pinning me. Both of us our panting, his grey eyes sparkling with our sparring and the fun he’s having, even though this should be serious. “That was a good one,” he says. “You almost brought me down. Instead of responding, I lean up, my arms still pinned beside my head and I run my nose up his neck to his jaw, nipping at it. I can feel his body responding to me, and as he looks down, I press my lips against his. It has the desired effect, and he loosens his grip on my arms, sliding one under my head and holding me for the kiss. In an instant, I scissor-kick and flip our positions, straddling him and pinning his arms beside his head. “Gotcha,” I say. 788 Woud He smiles up at me. “That’s cheating.”

“I’d say that’s knowing your opponent’s weakness.” “Are you saying you’re my weakness?” “Mmhmm. So, does this mean I win?” I ask. He starts laughing. “No way, I pinned you four times to your one.” “A fifty-fifty split then, for our wager?” I ask, biting my lip. His eyes travel to my mouth, then back to my eyes. “You have something in particular in mind?” he asks, his voice deepening. “I do,” I say. He slides his arms over his head, pulling my arms along with them until I’m lying on top of him. “Fifty-fifty split it is,” he says before capturing my mouth in a kiss that promises all sorts of pleasure for me tonight. When we finally stand, I realize that the entire field has gone quiet, and everyone is staring at us, including Allison and Letti. “What, you’ve never seen two mates kissing before?” Hunter asks, taking my hand and walking me inside for breakfast. 91.50+

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