The Mysterious Demon

Chapter 87 News


I smirked looking down from the door of the jet. The wind barely letting me breathe but it was a thrill nonetheless.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“You’re not scared are ya?” I looked back at Harry who, like the rest of the members on board, had his gear ready to go.

I scoffed at his question, “Sure I’m the one you’re supposed to be asking?” I asked back with a confident look on my face. He laughed and turned to glance at the rest before coming back round to look at me.

“I guess you’re right, the only reason they’re here is that they trust you know what you’re doing.”

I raised an eye-brow, pointing to the backpacks strapped to us, “About this?” I asked and he nods, “Oh, I’ve actually never done this before.”

I watched in amusement as his face turns white. “What?! Dominic you’re going to get us killed!”

I laugh out loud at his expression. The rest of the crew seemed to have heard my laughter over his concern which was for the best. Having one person panic was fine but having the whole place know I’ve never actually skydived yet am making them do it for the first time with me would then actually get us all killed.

“Just do as we trained and you’ll be fine! Trust me, I was taught by a professional.” I reassured him while patting his back.

The truth was, Xavier was the one who told me about how to skydive during one of our training sessions. We had gotten sidetracked from a physics lesson and he just happened to have experience which he liked distracting me with by giving me a whole synopsis on ‘how to skydive’ only to kick me from behind and scold me about pausing my consecutive punches.

I shook my head. What was I doing? Having my life flash before my eyes? I didn’t have the pleasure. I had to give our team back up as soon as possible.

“Ready?!” I shouted, and everyone got in their positions. “WOO!” I exclaimed, jumping out of the plane first, instantly having my breath knocked out of me. For a moment, life, death, fighting, walking, living, breathing, it was all forgotten and I felt amazing. For the first time, I felt at peace. Falling through the air.


But unfortunately for me, peace wasn’t really my scene. I let out my parachute and glided towards where Nick was. I had already planned beforehand that London would help the outer right, Sydney would help the outer front and Texas would help the inner right. That left me to help Nick deal with central.

After what happened to Tyler, most of the Texas division had started to fear or respect me slightly. That in itself allowed me to get to talk to them. I knew I didn’t have a lot of time so planning an escape wasn’t easy. The best way to do it was to have Harry and I convince them to join our side.

We came to realise that the reason this division specifically went against Nick was because of the lack of involvement. They wouldn’t be involved in shipments, in plans and weren’t told everything that they should have been told which then led to a lot of lack of trust. Florida promised a tighter relationship, it was more beneficial for both of them which had them agree.

Aside from that though they all had a tight friendship with Nick and the rest of the divisions and for the most part, didn’t even want this to happen in the first place, rather, they needed something while Nick was away.

I used that to my advantage, convincing them that they were needed, how much Nick cares for all of them, so much so that even I -someone who didn’t know any of them- could understand. Which was all true. I then ended up promising them that they’ll be satisfied with the outcome of this war if they joined our side. They hesitated but ended up agreeing.

Through them, I was able to know what Florida was planning, where they’d be and what strategy they’d be using. I informed them of our plan and we made a separate one. The one we’ll be using now.

“Dominic!” Nick called as I landed. I grinned at him, getting out of my parachute gear before making my way towards him.

“Hey!” I then looked to see there was a guy behind him already tied up but he wasn’t unconscious like the plan said Nick would end it. He was awake and looking down at the floor. “That him?” I asked and Nick nodded back at me.

I walked up to him, crouching down in front of him which made him look up at me with confusion. “He’s a little young isn’t he?” I ask Nick again while flicking the kid’s forehead, making his eyebrows furrow but he didn’t talk back.

“He turned 23 a couple days ago, he’s not that much younger than us,” Nick answered which seemed to make the kid’s ears perk up with surprise, turning to look at Nick

“You remembered?” Despite Nick telling me, he wasn’t that much younger than us, the way he said that made me soften. It reminded me of a ten-year-old child who had thought everyone forgot about him and from what I know about Nick and his gang, I probably wasn’t too far off.

This instantly made me protective over him like he was my little brother or… like a son.

Nick laughed back at him, “Of course I remembered! I buy you a new blade every year! Well, except for the last 10 years because I was in prison of course.” He then reached into his backpack before taking out a long box. “Here.”

I untied Liam and let him reach for the box, taking it gently before unwrapping it. I watched as a smile formed on his face, looking down at the knife that had his initials engraved on it. “Your first knife?” He asked Nick to which Nick nodded positively. He tried to hide it from Nick but I saw a few tears streaming down his face in happiness making me ruffled his hair with a grin.

We then heard someone running in our direction and I brightened up when I saw Blake emerging from the forest. He seemed battered but overall fine which was a relief. When he saw me, his worried expression turned to one of happiness. “D!” He then ran up to me as if going in for a hug which I was ready to accept but then an image flashed in my head.

Tyler. The way he touched me.

“Let’s save the hugging for when this is done, alright Love?” I said casually which made him pause, slightly confused but respected it anyway which I was thankful for. Instead, he stood next to me and I took that chance to slowly put my hand in his, enjoying the warmth that came from it. He squeezed my hand back in reply.

Suddenly, Nick and Blake both put a hand on their ear-pieces, listening in to the radio from who I assumed was the other members. “Most of the opposing members are down. We had some surrender. It won’t be long until this is finally over.” Nick announces which makes me sigh in relief.

“By the way sis,” Nick starts,


“How the hell did you get London and Sydney here?” He asked, truly bewildered which amused me all the more, but apart of me was concerned.

I tilted my head to the side to emphasise my worry. “Have you forgotten that I live in a mansion, Nick? I’m rich!” I start laughing when I see the look of realisation hit his face. “When you first said that London and Syndey wouldn’t be able to make it with the costs and distance, it was in my house! Maybe it was the stress, I don’t know, but I knew right away that getting a private jet and having them arrive wasn’t a big deal and since you were completely out of it, I decided to surprise you!”

This time all three of us burst out laughing, I caught Liam chuckling along too.

It was safe to say that after hours of fighting, our side finally won. Everyone who opposed us was knocked out safely and fortunately we had some people come with us willingly.

It was 7 pm when we got back to the meetup sight where we set up camp and waited for everyone to wake up. As soon as they did, this was going to turn into a huge stepping stone for Nick. He talked to me before about what he was planning but whether he’ll play it out or not, I’m not sure.

I sat down in a private little area, away from everyone for a bit, drinking some water and clearing my thoughts when someone took a seat next to me.

“You okay?” Blake asked calmly. I wanted to tell him I was fine but… I couldn’t. I knew the guilt would eat me up inside if I didn’t tell him about how Tyler had touched me, even if it meant it would change things between us.

I shook my head negatively in reply, sighing slightly, before telling him. I told him the truth about what happened, how it happened, what I had to do as a result of what happened and although, for the most part, I didn’t care, after I told him my hands were shaking.

I didn’t want to look up at him because if he was disgusted or angry, I didn’t want to see those emotions in his eyes but he made me look up anyway. I shut my eyes tightly but,

“Look at me,” he says which makes me open them and I see nothing but love.

“What he did to you was disgusting and cruel, he deserved everything he got back and that doesn’t make you any less strong and beautiful. You don’t need to worry, you will always be mine, okay?” He whispers before kissing my forehead.

It took everything in me not to cry as I smiled and said, “Okay.”


I almost jumped out of my skin, letting my reflexes act and swinging a punch at whoever had tried to scare us. To no surprise, it was Jake who was now holding a bloody nose, moaning in pain.

“Sweeetheaarrrrtttt, it was just a joke. This hurts you know! I hurt all over!” He complained his whole body swinging towards us again. I chuckled a little,

“Should have thought about that before you decided to scare us, but I’m sorry J,” He grinned back at me after that.

“It’s okay! Also, I was meaning to tell you that the gang is awake and Nick is going to talk to us all now.”

I nodded and together all three of us made our way to the giant campfire where Nick was now standing in the middle. Nick turned back and looked at me for confirmation. I nodded back at him, giving him my full support. He then turned and looked at all of his members, all of who whether they liked him or not, was listening intently, waiting for what he was going to say.

“As of today, I am disbanding The Skulls and Bones Gang!”

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