The Millennium Wolves

Book 2: Chapter 7

 Book 2: Chapter 7 


Three days had passed since the run, and the period afterwards was like coming down f rom a high,

which meant my emotions were all over the place.

At times I‘d experience a flash of euphoria, remembering the thrill of the chase, while other times I‘d hit

an emotio nal low, thinking I‘d never feel that way again.

Aiden felt it too. He‘d grown more distant over the past few days, burying himself in wor

k. Selene conveniently left out that the best experience of my life would be followed by a crippling

sense of unease.

I needed to do something to pull us both out of the funk, so I decided to bake Aiden his f avorite

dessert, apple pie.

Jocelyn told me the Alpha had a massive sweet tooth, and I‘d yet to use that weapon in my arsenal

against him. This time, though, I‘d use food for good.

I found myself humming and moving my hips as I sauntered around the kitchen, spilling flour

everywhere. I wasn‘t expecting a chorus

flour everywhere. I wasn‘t expecting a chorus of woodland creatures to pop through the window and

start wrapping me in silk or anything, but this feeling? It felt fucking great.

The oven timer dinged, signaling the apple pie was ready. It smelled like heaven. If I co uld‘ve chosen a

permanent scent for myself, it‘d be this one.

I excitedly texted Aiden to see when he‘d be home. I didn‘t know how long I could wait t o see the look

on his face.


Hey, are you on your way home?

Sienna I have a surprise Sienna

Aiden Still stuck at work

Aiden We got our own surprise today

Aiden A last minute VIP guest for the Yule Ball

Aiden Gonna be working late

Sienna Again?

Sienna That‘s the third time this week

Aiden I know

Aiden It‘s not ideal

Aiden That‘s just the way it is right now

Aiden The Yule Ball is in two weeks


Aiden It‘s mayhem here

Sienna Will you at least be back before I‘m asleep?

Aiden Don‘t know

Aiden I wouldn‘t wait up

Sienna Oh okay

Sienna Talk to you later, I guess

All the enthusiasm I had worked up instar drained from my body. I was suddenly mad.

Mad at myself, for putting so much effort into baking, like some submissive housewife.


I have nothing better to do than bake for a man? To wait for his validation?

But I was just as mad at how upset his texts made me. That his absence was affecting me so much.

I used to pray for this kind of distance between us. Hell, at times I‘d wished we were on opposite sides

of the Earth. But now I couldn‘t handle him being gone for a day.

And I didn‘t like it.

As the heat from the apple pie faded, so did its scent. Aiden‘s unmistakable odor— a mix of woodsy

and manly– filled the room again. It was apparently strong enough to do that, even when he wasn‘t h


The scent of him alone was enough to send a visceral pang of missing him through me. Ever since the

run, when we‘d gotten close as wolves, my inner

wolf had this constant urge to be near his. It was like he radiated something that connected us, and I

wanted to be tethered to that connection at all times.

Tears flooded my eyes. I placed my hand my mark as my body shook.

I knew I was being dramatic. I felt like a foolish teenage girl. But I didn‘t care. I just wanted him here

with me, holding me, kissing me, telling me everything would work out between us.

But instead I was here alone.


I dropped my phone back onto the table. “Dammit,” I muttered under my breath.

I hated doing this to Sienna. I‘d barely even seen her in the past three days because it felt like I was

living at the Pack House. Everything was in full disarray si nce the surprise announcement that the

Alpha of the Millennium would be attending our Yule Ball.

And when everything was in disarray, yours truly was working overtime.

On the one hand it was an honor to have a guest of that caliber attend our humble celeb ration. The

Alpha of the Millennium was the emperor of, well, fucking everything. He wa s the beacon of power that

everyone revered, and gracing us with his presence was an honor we might not get again.

But on the other hand, it was suspicious. Why would the

Alpha of the Millennium decide to come to our Yule Ball, and on such short notice no les s? Was he just

interested in the annual celebration, in visiting our Pack, or was there so mething more to his motive?

I couldn‘t tell. But I was planning to keep my senses heightened until the Ball ended to make sure I was

prepared for anything.

I had already ordered security to be increased tenfold, both at

the Ball and the days leading up to it. Being the most powerful man in the world— and that was what

the Alpha of the Millennium was— meant you built up an impressive roster of enemies. And with the

recent perimeter brea ch, it was clear that there were flaws in our system.

I was certainly not going to be taking any chances.

When I ordered the increased security, some Pack members looked at me like I was paranoid. But I

was will ing to fight for the U defensive team I knew we needed. Even if everything went accordi ng to

plan, I‘d rather be safe than sorry.

I had full confidence in my Pack, in their ability to follow orders and achieve results, but lately I‘d been

wondering if they had the same confidenc e in me.

I saw the way their eyes connected with each other when I gave orders, and I heard the whispers that

would float around m e on occasion.


Not as strong


It wasn‘t that they were disobeying me or disrespecting me. That would‘ve been unacceptable. They

would‘ve been punished and replaced immediately. I was Alpha, and I was in charge.

It was more like... they were worried about me. They wanted the best for their Alpha, an d they didn‘t

know how to help me get it.

It always came back to finding

a mate. Tha u much was clear. The looks, the whispers, none of it would happen if I‘d g et mated

already Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

But then again, maybe they were right to worry about me. I couldn‘t let my mind drift fro m Sienna for a

goddamn minute. I should be focused on the Pack, on the Yule Ball and the Alpha of the Millennium‘s

appearance, but instead I was worried about a few texts?

My inner wolf growled. Enough. I was Alpha.

The Alpha did not second–guess himself.

I turned to look across the boardroom table, where Josh was reading through some doc uments. We

had agreed to go through legal and get the signatures done, but Jeremy wa s running late.

“Josh, forget the paperwork. Call a Pack meeting. We have some things to discuss.” Jos h looked at

me then nodded.

He walked to the room‘s phone and pressed a button then barked into it: “Council to the boardroom.

Council to the boardroom. Alpha‘s orders.” Alpha‘s orders. That was goddamn right.


I‘d thrown myself under the bed covers several times already, but that activity did little to comfort me. It

made me feel only more isolated

I needed someone to talk to. Someone who would understand this separation anxiety. N ormally, that

someone would be Michelle, but we hadn‘t talked since shopping for Mia‘s mating ceremony dress.

I fiddled with my phone for several minutes, trying to work up the courage to text Michell e. My inner

wolf was doing somersaults in my head.

Just do it, you bitch.



Sienna How are you?

I paused. Staring at the screen. A minute passed, then two. I knew I couldn‘t pretend lik e nothing had

happened, like we hadn‘t had our biggest fight. I was certain that if I didn‘t apologize now, she wouldn‘t


And then how would I get my friend back?

Sienna Mich I know we aren‘t on the best terms right now

Sienna But I miss you

Sienna I should‘ve been there for you

Sienna I‘m sorry

Sienna Really really sorry

I took a deep breath. Waiting. Still nothing. So I plowed ahead, deciding to just leave ev erything out

there. I had nothing left to lose.

Sienna I know I have no right to ask this you

Sienna But there‘s so much going on between me and Aiden

Sienna And I just...I really need a friend right now

I dropped my

phone on the bed, pulling the blanket over my eyes. I‘d laid out everything in the open, b ut part of me

thought she wasn‘t going to respond, anyway. I hadn‘t been there for her when she reall y, truly needed


I‘d been too self–absorbed to even realize she had.

So I wasn‘t allowed to feel surprised, or sorry for myself, when she wasn‘t there for me either. Just as I

was repeating that over to myself, I felt my phone vibrate. My heart leapt out of my chest. I grabbed the

phone and turned it over, seeing the lit–up screen.

Michelle im sorry sienna

Michelle i just need some space rn

My stomach dropped like I was on a rollercoaster. All the hope that had welled up inside me just...

popped. Like a balloon.

I knew I couldn‘t blame her. I wouldn‘t let myself do that. But still, realizing that I‘d been the one who

pushed her away... it made me feel even more isolated.

It was like everyone around me needed space.

Away from me.

I glanced in the corner where all my unused art supplies and half– finished paintings were collecting

dust. At least my art supplies were there for me. I got out of bed, stretched a new canvas, and placed it

on an easel.


all these emotions were going to be swirling around inside me, I might as well put them t o good use. It

had been awhile since I’d started a new piece.

I had no idea what would come about, but at least painting would provide a temporary di straction from

how shitty I was feeling.

I started with black, which was fitting for how I was feeling. Long, wavy brush strokes.

Next, a creamy white. Soft and delicate.

Purple, I needed purple. Two circles. Piercing pupils.

Lastly, a thin, willowy frame washed out by the moonlight

I took a step back. I‘d painted a woman. A beautiful, but sad woman. She looked strangely familiar.

Why was she so haunting? I gasped as I made the connection.

It was the mysterious woman from the woods.

I‘d nearly forgotten about her, so why was she staring back at me from my canvas now? Part of me

wondered if she was even real. Maybe my mind was so desperate for interc onnection that it was

fabricating hallucinations that looked real enough for the rest of me to buy it. But I knew better than

that. She was real.

I could feel her, not physically but her energy. There was something unique about her. S omething I‘d

never sensed before.


I jumped up on the boardroom table that currently seated my Pack members. I paced back and forth

looking each and every one of them in the eye, asserting my dominance.

“Everyone, listen up,” I commanded. “Things are going to change around here, starting now. The One

True Alpha is coming, and I need this Pack to be a united front. So stron g that no threat can break

through. Understand?”

I looked around, seeing the solemn faces nodding back at me. “This Pack will always ha ve my full

attention, never doubt that. But if you don‘t trust my decisions, then we‘re all i n trouble. If any

of you don‘t feel my leadership is worthy of your obedience,” I said, pointing to the door, “there‘s your


I took a breath as I looked from face to face. Nobody moved a muscle. So I continued. “I f we‘re

divided, we‘re weak. And if we‘re weak, then something like the perimeter breac h will happen again.

That‘s not a possibility. Do you understand? This is the fucking Alp ha of the Millennium. If we can‘t

protect him, then we‘re no damn Pack at all,“? I barked.

I stepped over to Josh‘s seat and lowered myself down, so I was crouching. Looked him right in the

eye. “Josh, my Beta. I need to know that you are fully committed to your Alp ha. That you will follow my

orders, no questions asked.”

He looked around the room, trying to keep his expression neutral.

“What are you looking at them for? I‘m right here,” I said, snarling.

“Yes, my Alpha,” he said, eyes finally locking on mine. “I have full confidence in you as Pack leader. I

will follow you.” “Without question.”

“Without question,” he echoed.

“And the rest of you?” I asked, standing back up and looking around the table.

“Yes, my Alpha!” they shouted.

“Which Pack is the strongest from coast to coast?” I yelled, stomping on the table.

“East Coast Pack,” they echoed, stomping back.

“Fucking louder!”


The Pack howled like the warriors they were, and I felt a surge of pride that I hadn‘t felt i n months. This

was our house, and we‘d protect

it with our lives.

My phone began buzzing, and I whipped it out, adrenaline still pumping through my

Sienna A real Alpha wouldn‘t leave his woman alone

Goddamnit. I was all riled up, surrounded by pure wolf– fueled energy, ready to go into battle. And here

she was, questioning my Alphaness. Qu estioning my masculinity.

I wouldn‘t have it.

“Josh, as Beta, you‘ll run point on security for the Yule Ball. Are you up to it?”

“Absolutely. Absolutely, Alpha,” he stuttered Clearly he wasn‘t expecting a promotion a t he questioning

I‘d just pushed him throug

“You took initiative during the breach, and the lockdown was your idea. You deserve it,” I said with a

nod. Had to keep the soldiers proud, I figured.

“I won‘t let you down,” he replied.

“You won‘t,” I said back. And with a final nod to the rest of the Pack, I walked out of the boardroom with

my head held high. About to enter a whole other type of battle.

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