The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 6

Lauren’s POV

I spent most of the night crying, I’m still not sure how I got the car back to the pack house but somehow, I did before I rushed up the stairs, hesitating only for a second outside of Tyler’s door before throwing myself into my room and onto my bed, kicking my door shut behind me.

I cried until there was nothing left, my eyes were swollen, and I could barely swallow from the sobs that choked through me. I cried until I fell asleep, fully clothed on my bed, only waking up when the sunlight through my window landed on my face.

Dragging my sorry self up, I head into my bathroom, turning on the shower and stripping out of my wrinkled clothing, leaving it in a pool in the middle of the floor, as I stepped out and into the harsh sting of the water spray.

Standing under the droplets, I allow the water to wash over me, running down my body as I try to understand how I went from the excitement of a car to losing my best friend.

I wash slowly, having no desire to get to breakfast where I’m sure it will be noticed in seconds that Tyler and I are not sitting together and only minutes for rumours to fly around our peers.

When my fingers are all wrinkly and there is physically no other areas that I can wash, I turn off the taps and reach out of the shower to grab a towel that I use to rub the excess water from my hair, before I wrap it around myself.

Stepping out, I walk back into my room, heading into my closet where I dry my body before pulling on underwear, a pair of leggings and a sleeveless top.

Drying my hair, I throw it up into a messy bun before pulling on my running sneakers and heading out of the door to face the rest of the pack.

My traitorous eyes stray to Tyler’s closed door once again as I pass, but I force myself onwards, he was pretty clear last night, I’m not going to make myself look needy by grovelling to him.

No matter how much it hurts, the truth is that we will find our Mates, and they will take precedence in our lives. It is better to deal with the inevitable separation now rather than mar our happiest moment by doing it when we have no choice.

I step into the dining room, keeping my head down I hurry my way to the line that snakes from the hot plates. The smell of outdoors and sweat tells me that we must have just had a shift change and everyone in front of me was most likely on patrol. I send up a silent prayer to the Goddess that they won’t clear everyone out before I reach the front of the line, the Omegas try their best but there is only so much food they can cook at once.

Grabbing a plate as I pass the stack, I let out a relieved breath as the warrior in front of me drops the serving tongs into the cradle and moves along allowing me access to the remnants of food in the trays.

Loading up my plate with sausages, bacon, scrambled egg and toast, I also grab some mushrooms before heading toward the long tables and taking a seat.

I avoid looking around, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, and I especially don’t want to see a certain someone if they are here as well.

I shovel the food into my mouth as fast as I can, I no doubt look like an uncivilised animal but right now I don’t care, I just want to get out of here.

Once finished, I shove back my chair, deposit my plate and fast walk back outside. Instinctively, my feet head toward the pack’s gym, I need to burn off some of my frustration and after yesterday I don’t think sparring is a good idea.

I shove through the door, grabbing one of the towels from the rack and throwing it over my shoulder before glancing around the room. A few machines are in use, it seems I’m not to only one who thought working out alone would be a good idea.Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

As I sweep the rest of the room, my gaze lands on the warrior who is running on a treadmill, his muscular legs pounding on the belt as his arms move in rhythm. Even from the back, I know it’s Tyler, he’s wearing the t-shirt that I bought him for his birthday last year along with some shorts that flex with his movements.

As I stare, he presses the button to slow the machine, his steps slowing until he comes to a stop, grabbing the towel from beside him and wiping his face before turning around to step off.

As he steps down from the belt, his head comes up, eyes connecting with mine and I see him hesitate for a second before he walks toward me.

‘Lauren’ he mutters as he passes me, averting his gaze toward the door like he doesn’t even want to see me.

‘Tyler’ I reply, forcing my legs to move, brushing past him and heading toward the treadmill he just vacated. At the last minute I veer to the left, climbing on to the one next to the one he was using. Petty? Yes, but for some reason I can’t bring myself to use the same machine as the man who only yesterday was the most important person in my life.

Hanging my towel over the hand rail, I start the machine, speeding up to a brisk walk as I peek up into the mirror in front of me to see Tyler now by the door, Ellie crowding him as she giggles loudly.

She murmurs something quietly that I don’t catch but there is no missing Tyler’s grin as he nods, ‘sure Ell’ he replies to whatever she said, ‘I’ll come by around four?’

Ell? Suddenly she’s Ell and I’m relegated to Lauren? Tyler hasn’t called me Lauren since sixth grade when I let his pet frog escape by accident, and he was so mad my whole name came out.

I punch the speed button angrily, starting to jog as the belt moves faster under my feet. Ell, I huff to myself in annoyance, putting on a high pitched voice in my head.

‘Oh Tyler, can you come up to my room so I can stick my breasts in your face?’ I snarl as my mind continues to spew out thoughts of what Ellie might have whispered to him that he so readily agreed to.

My thumb hits the speed button again, my feet slamming into the belt as I push myself harder.

Ellie’s loud girlish giggles cut through me and I’m now running flat out, my muscles are burning from the lack of warm up time but I don’t care it’s almost like I can run away from the two people behind me if I just push the speed up high enough.

The rumble of Tyler’s laughter washes over me and with a strangled growl, I hit top speed on the machine. The belt is spinning under my feet so fast, I can’t keep up, I grab for the handles but I’m seconds too late and with a scream of shock, my legs fly out from underneath me, my head slamming into the control panel before I land on the belt and am shot backwards off the end.

I hear shouts of worry before two strong arms wrap around me, turning me over so I’m staring up at a sea of faces.

Behind me, one of the other warriors slams the emergency stop on the machine as I blink a few times, trying to get my eyes to focus.

‘Lauren? Ren? Are you OK? Say something?’ comes a worried voice as I turn my gaze toward the voice, frowning slightly through the fuzziness.

‘I . . so . . . tired . . ‘ is all I manage to get out as my eyes start to close.

‘Ren! Open your eyes, don’t you dare go to sleep’ the voice demands before I’m hoisted into the air and pressed into a warm chest. Whoever it is smells amazing and I snuggle closer, wanting to press my nose into the fabric that is rubbing my cheek, but as soon as I turn my head slightly, I whimper in pain.

‘Tyler’ another, high-pitched, annoying voice whines, the sound aggravating me and I want to tell whoever it is to shut up but I can’t seem to make my brain communicate with my mouth. ‘Just let one of the others deal with her, come on, she’ll be fine’ the whiney voice continues as I rock slightly in the person’s arms as though they are being tugged.

‘Just stay still baby’ comes that worried voice again, ‘don’t move, OK? We’re nearly at the clinic, don’t fall asleep OK, just stay awake for me, we’re nearly there.’

‘OK,’ I slur, gripping feebly to the material beside my face, something deep inside me wanting to do what the owner of the voice wants.

I huddle closer as a blast of cold air wraps around me, groaning softly, I don’t like it, it’s making me shiver but the warmth from the person carrying me makes it bearable.

‘Help!’ the voice calls out desperately as the cold cuts off suddenly before I’m laid down on something soft and hands start to poke and prod me.

I want to push the hands away, I don’t want to be poked, I just want to sleep, but my arms are too heavy and my head really hurts.

‘Lauren? Can you hear me?’ a gruff voice calls out, but it sounds further away now like I’m hearing it through a tunnel.

‘Don’t go to sleep Lauren’ another voice orders but it’s just a whisper, what did they even say? Go to sleep? I really want to, just for a minute or two.

Muffled sounds are all around me, all mixing together like a lullaby as darkness tugs at the edges of my mind.

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