The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 24

Lauren’s POV

“For the Goddess’ sake child, will you sit still’ my mother growls as she battles my hair with a brush and a curling iron.

‘Ow’ I growl, reaching up and grabbing my scalp as it feels like half my hair was just yanked out by the roots.

‘Stop being so dramatic’ my mother scoffs, ‘I’m hardly touching you.’

“Yeah? Let’s swap places and I’ll do your hair then’ I retort bitterly, fidgeting on the small stool in my old bedroom.

‘T’ve already been claimed thank you very much’ mum replies primly, ‘and I’m very happy with my Mate.’

I roll my eyes, ‘oh so once you get a man you don’t have to bother to look pretty anymore?’ I ask with sugary sweetness.

Your mother always looks perfect’ my father states as he steps into the room and leans against the doorframe. ‘She doesn’t need any of this stuff to be the most beautiful woman in the world.’

I pick up one of the pins that is laid out in front of me, handing it to my mother who is using to fix my hair into some ridiculously extravagant half updo.

‘Ahh, so you are saying that this is all unnecessary?’ I ask pointedly, ‘if my Mate hears me, he won’t give a damn about how my hair looks as I’ll automatically be perfect to him.’

I feel my mother still behind me and from the colour draining from my father’s face I know she’s glaring at him.

“Well obviously, I think she’s beautiful no matter what, but .. uhh. making an effort is for you not for us. When I saw your mother for the first time, she had so much confidence and it just shone through her making her like a star. She was so bright I couldn’t look at anything but her. Of course I loved her immediately, and I love her every day since but in that moment, with her hair done up and a dress hugging every curve, she was … spectacular. This isn’t for us men pumpkin, all the primping and dressing up, it’s for you, so that you can see yourselves as we see you, as Goddesses that we are lucky to get to stand beside for the rest of our lives.’

‘Nice save I murmur, though I can’t stop the small smile turning up my lips, knowing that my father does believe that. His love for my mother is never ending, but he is always so complimentary of her when she does dress up, boosting her confidence constantly so she shines.

Dad winks, ”II be downstairs’ he says, ‘when you are ready, we can head to the pack house.’

I nod as much as I dare with the red hot curling iron by my scalp and turn back to the mirror on the vanity in front of me as mum slides one last pin into my brown locks and places the iron down.

“You look beautiful’ she sighs, grabbing a tissue out of the box and patting under her eyes, ‘my last baby, all grown up.’

I smile back at her through the reflection of the mirror, ‘I bet you thought this day would never come I tease.

Mum shakes her head chuckling, If anything, I knew it was going to come too soon’ she mutters tearily. ‘I just can’t believe that tonight might be the last night I have an unmated child left, i hope you find your Mate, I really do, but I’m going to miss you so much.

I turn around, wrapping my arms around my mother as she pats my back, ‘mum, I’m going to the claiming, I’m not leaving’ I giggle.

‘But you might!’ Mum whispers, look at Bailee, she was claimed and now lives in another pack, miles away and we barely see her!’

I shake my head, pulling back to look up at the woman who has always been the rock of our family. ‘I am not leaving’ I huff, ‘and I can guarantee it because l’ve heard the others talking about the pack that are here to join our claiming, and the highest rank is an elite warrior so I will outrank my Mate if he comes from there.’

Mum laughs, slapping my arm playfully as I grin up at her, ‘ oh you she huffs, ‘always have to be right about everything don’t you.’

I shrug, pushing back my chair and standing up to head toward the bed where my dress lies waiting. ‘What can I say’ I reply, I’m my mother’s daughter and my mama didn’t raise no fool.’

‘To right she didn’t mum growls, tossing her short hair back sassily, making us both laugh.

‘OK, let’s get me into this torture device I g***n, picking up the long fern green dress and holding it up to study the intricate bodice. ‘Please tell me that this thing came with instructions on how to put it on and take it off again’ I add hopelessly.

Thirty minutes later, I’m heading down the stairs, my favourite sneakers on my feet. My mother and I argued over the ridiculously high heels she’d bought for me to wear for ten minutes before she gave in. Oh hell to the no! I am not breaking my damn ankle in the forest tonight, ‘ll wear this ridiculous dress to please her but I draw the line at shoes which will be hidden under my dress unless I lift it up, and that make my feet hurt to just looking at them.

My father meets me at the bottom of the stairs, running his gaze over me and stopping at my feet that are visible due to me having to hoist the skirt up over my arm so I don’t fall down the stairs.

‘Said no to the shoes huh?’ he asks in amusement.

I grin back at the older wolf, ‘she tried really hard, but I am not wearing those death traps’ I reply.

Dad chuckles as he holds out a hand to help me down the last two steps, ‘I did tell her that when she bought them, but she was adamant that she could talk you round’

‘She’s so damn stubborn’ my mother huffs from behind me as she follows me own, ‘she gets it from you.’

“Yes dear’ my father agrees, winking at me, “1 am a very stubborn man, you have me pegged.

Mum stops, raising an eyebrow at my father, ‘If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were being sarcastic’ she growls.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Dad releases my hand and holds it out to my mother, to help her down the last few steps. ‘Of course not my dear, I am merely a man who knows his faults and which of those faults he passed to his children”

My mother glares at him suspiciously, as he leans forward and places a k**s on her cheek, the show of affection immediately mellowing her.

Checking her watch, Mum gasps and hurries to the coat rack to grab the hooded cloak that she bought for Bailee’s first claiming and brings it back, wrapping it around my shoulders before pulling up the hood to cover my hair.

‘So much easier and less bulky than a coat’ she murmurs, fussing with the three buttons that fastened the thick material around my shoulders.

Standing back, Mum pulls out her tissue again, dabbing her eyes as she beams at me. “You look amazing’ she tells me,’ whoever your Mate is? He’s lucky to have been given such a beautiful and loving woman as his other half.

1 swallow down a lump as I nod, not trusting my voice to

‘OK, let’s get this show on the road’ my father orders, kissing my mother again and promising to, be back in the morning before ushering me out of the house and toward the family car.

Opening the passenger door, he helps me inside, making sure the expensive dress is tucked around me before carefully shutting the door and jogging around to the driver’s door.

Sliding in next to me, Dad pulls on his seatbelt, waiting for me to do the same before he starts the car.

You know’ he murmurs conversationally, ‘it only feels like yesterday that I was here, driving Jamie-Lee to her claiming and now here I am with my pumpkin, possibly doing this for the very last time.’

I wrap my hand around my father’s arm, resting my head on his shoulder as he crawls down the road, ‘at least you won’t have to sit up all night in your car’ I point out, ‘that’s a pretty big bonus to us all being older.’

Dad nods, throwing me a small smile as I release him and sit back in my seat watching the lights from fellow pack members houses pass us by in the darkness

Before I’m ready, we pull up to the pack house, where a small group of girls are already congregating. As the car slows to a stop, I open the door, climbing out, ignoring my dad’s protests about waiting for him to help me as he climbs out of his own side and hurries around to me.

Looking around the sea of faces, I spot a couple of she wolves from the visiting pack, as well as members of our own. Standing to the side, keeping to herself, I can just make out Ellie who glances my way before quickly staring down at the floor.

‘Lauren!’ a voice calls out and I turn to find Inaya waving wildly at me, beaming excitedly as I wave back.

Glancing at where I’m waving, dad smiles, ‘1 take it that’s your friend?’ he asks.

I nod, ‘Inaya’ I agree, ‘you met her outside the clinic yesterday.

Dad scrunches up his forehead as he tries to make out her face in the falling darkness, ‘oh yes’ he murmurs, ‘I remember her, well’ he sighs, turning back to me and placing his hands on my shoulders. You better get going, you don’t want to keep your friend or the Alpha waiting.’

Nodding, I stare up at my father before stepping closer and wrapping my arms around him. Thanks dad’ I mutter into his chest, holding him tightly as he envelops me in his familiar bear hug.

“No thanks needed” he replies gruffly, ‘now go, before you mess up your hair, your mother will kill me if it isn’t perfect.’

Giggling, I pull back, giving my dad one last smile before turning and heading toward Inaya who is waiting for me expectantly.

Reaching her side, I take in the sparkly silver dress she’s wearing along with some strappy silver sandals.

“You look fabulous’ I gush, indicating for the she wolf to twirl for me.

Laughing, Inaya obliges, spinning happily before encouraging me to do the same.

“You don’t scrub up half bad yourself’ she replies, waving at the dress I’m wearing, ‘Mama Sparks did you proud girl, look at you.’

I feign air and graces, ‘only the best is good enough for the youngest daughter of the previous Beta, not to mention, l’m the Alpha’s sister-in-law, I have a standard to uphold.’

We both laugh just as a throat clears, calling for everyone’s attention. Turning toward the sound, we find Caden standing near the pack house, the Alpha, smiling, approaches the group of excited women.

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