The Mating Rules

Book 4 – Chapter 2

Lauren’s POV

As I reach the old tree with the huge branches that bend toward the ground due to their weight, I glance around, trying to spot my best friend but he’s nowhere to be seen.

I pull out my phone, frowning, he wouldn’t have left yet would he? If he had he would have sent me a text but of all the chats I have replies too, no doubt from my friends with birthday wishes, Ty’s has no new notifications.

My mouth turns down as I lean against one of the boughed branches, kicking at the leaves underneath. Tyler always makes sure to see me on the morning of my birthday, it’s like a tradition.

‘Aww is my Rennie pouting’ suddenly calls my best friend’s voice before the tall, blond haired warrior jumps down in front of me from the tree as I scream loudly.

Laughing at my fear, he shakes his head, ‘what was that?’ he goads, ‘I thought you were a Beta Ren, you just screamed like a frightened little girl!’

I punch him in the stomach, the warrior doubling over with an exaggerated g***n of pain, ‘a*****e!’ I growl, ‘you scared the wolf out of me!’

Straightening up, Tyler grabs my bag, holding it in one hand, as he slings an arm around my shoulders, the two of us walking side by side as we head toward the pack house together.

‘Aww sorry Ren’ he coos, ‘I forgot what a sensitive pup you are.’

I glare up at him, ugh, I hate that he had that growth spurt at sixteen, he went from the same height as me to towering over me like a giant. Ever since, he’s loved to tuck me under his arm just to remind me about how much shorter I am than him. I’m five foot nine, but even I look like a short a*s next to the six foot three warrior beside me.

‘Happy birthday little Ren’ he sing songs, smiling widely as he pulls me tighter into his side, ‘the big two one! We should go drinking to celebrate you actually being legal!’

I snort at his enthusiasm, ‘you know my mum will have planned something’ I grumble, ‘plus I’m pretty sure my sister, Caden and Hadley are at our house more to get mum to make me move to the pack house rather than coming to see me on my birthday.’

Tyler grins, ‘I still don’t know how you wrangled staying at home’ he grumbles, ‘there was a room two doors down from me last year, I was sure that you’d be taking it.’

I shrug, ‘I’m the baby’ I reply, ‘Mum was more than happy to argue about letting me stay in my room, so she didn’t have an empty nest.

As we exit the treeline, my gaze moves toward the training ground where some of our higher-ranking warriors are currently working out on the outside gym equipment.

Following my gaze, Tyler frowns, ‘so, full moon is in fourteen days’ he reminds me, ‘any inkling on who your Mate might be?’

I sigh, shaking my head, ‘nope’ I grumble, staring a little too long as Koa, the eldest son of one of our Elite warriors, starts to do pull-ups, his naked chest glistening in sweat, his muscles tightening with each rep.

A growl of annoyance leaves my friend as he says, ‘are you hoping for an Elite warrior? Secretly wishing to the Goddess that Dolta appears through the trees?’

My gaze snaps to Tyler’s face, ‘his name is Koa’ I correct him, ‘and as if! I don’t like him like that!’ I try to stop myself blushing because I’m lying through my teeth, most of my nighttime fantasies have had the black-haired warrior front and centre in my mind.

Tyler looks at me sceptically, ‘are you sure, you seem to be drooling badly right now, do you need a napkin to wipe your mouth?’

I shove at his chest, surprised at the rock-hard body that’s underneath the plain white t-shirt he’s wearing.

‘I am not drooling’ I huff, ignoring the strange flutter in my chest that has appeared from nowhere.

‘Are too’ Tyler crows, ‘Lauren and Yoda sitting in a tree . . ‘

‘His name is Koa’ I hiss again, my eyes darting back to the warriors that we are passing on the way to the pack house, suddenly worried my voice has carried. I do not need Koa knowing about my crush on him, I would die of embarrassment!

Tyler chuckles, poking me in the ribs, making me squeal before pushing open the door to the packhouse and letting me enter first.

‘OK, I got to go and see the Gamma and my Dad’ my best friend informs me as he hands back my bag, ‘I’ll see you later?’

I nod, waving, ‘lunch?’ I suggest, ‘will you be done by then?’

Tyler gives me a stunned look, ‘what? The princess of the pack, Lauren Felicity Sparks is going to eat with the rest of us in the pack house?’ he demands loudly. ‘What is going on? Who are you and what have you done with my best friend?’

I shake my head as he laughs, waving back at me before jogging down the corridor to our left toward his father’s office.

Checking my watch, I decide to go up and see my brother and his Mate before I must head out for training.

Taking the stairs two at a time, I reach the Beta floor, making my way to Isaac’s room and knocking loudly before stepping back and waiting.

The door opens seconds later, my brother looking out in confusion before his gaze falls to me and he throws the door open, sweeping me up into a hug.

‘Littlest sis’ he growls, hugging me tightly, ‘happy birthday!’

‘Thanks’ I gasp, rubbing my sides when he places me back on the ground again.

Peeking past him, I spot Raelyn, his Mate, sat on the couch in front of the TV, a cup of tea in her hands. Pushing past, I hurry over, giving the she wolf a quick squeeze as she smiles up at me tiredly.

‘Happy Birthday Lauren’ she croaks as I study her, frowning with worry.

‘Are you OK?’ I ask, placing a hand on her forehead as she smiles weakly.

‘Yeah, this pregnancy is kicking me a*s’ she replies, ‘when they tell you about morning sickness, they don’t mention that it starts at five am. I don’t even get to eat breakfast before I’m throwing up.’

I wrinkle my nose, ‘gross’ I mutter.

Raelyn nods, ‘you’ve got that right’ she agrees, ‘whoever said that it’s a magical experience when you are pregnant is a big fat liar!’

I smile at her outraged expression, taking a seat next to her as the smell of mint wafts from her cup.

‘I look like I’ve been run over by a truck, the driver has got out, checked me and decided it wasn’t bad enough, climbed back into the cab and backed up over me again’ the she wolf mutter.

‘You look beautiful baby’ Isaac replies, moving to the couch and pressing a k**s to her hair as she gives him a small smile.

‘You have to say that this is all your fault’ she grumbles waving her hand at the barely visible bump under her shirt.

‘Pretty sure you weren’t saying no at the time babe’ my brother winks, in fact if I remember correctly, you were screaming yes! Oh yes! More babe, right there . . .’

‘Eww! I’m in the room’ I g***n, pulling a face, who wants to know about their brother’s s*x life? Ick much?

‘Sorry Lauren’ Raelyn soothes, reaching out to pat my arm.

‘I’m not’ Isaac shrugs, ‘if you don’t like knowing that my Mate gets me hot and bothered, don’t come over. Hell, if you had come ten minutes later, there is a good chance you would have walked in on me on my knees with Rae’s legs wrapped . . ‘

‘OK I have to go!’ I growl, jumping up quickly and grabbing my bag that I dropped by the door when I entered.

‘You don’t have to leave Lauren! You just got here’ Raelyn calls out, reaching out a hand to me.

‘Yes she does’ Isaac replies firmly, ushering toward the door, ‘we’ll see you later at mum’s for your birthday tea, it was great to see you, so sorry you have to leave so quickly.’

I scoff, turning to the door and pulling it open, ‘way to make your sister feel unwelcome douchebag’ I grumble stepping outside, ‘you have all night to get in her pants you know.’

My brother grins, glancing back at his Mate who blushes, ‘who says I didn’t spend all night doing that?’ he asks wickedly, ‘maybe four times just wasn’t enough.’

‘Yeah, I’m going, before you scar me any further’ I mutter, waving under Isaac’s arm at my sister in law before pushing up on my tip toes to smack a k**s on my brother’s cheek.

‘Make him do all the work Rae’ I call back over my shoulder as I hurry down the hall, smiling as my brother’s laugh follows me before he shuts the door again.

Stopping on the first floor, I turn toward Tyler’s room, fishing in my pocket for the spare key he gave me when he moved into the pack house. He gave it to me so I can change into my workout gear without having to go home and I fully intend to take up his offer.NôvelD(ram)a.ôrg owns this content.

Reaching his door, I slide the key into the lock just as the door three down opens and Ellie steps out, her gaze narrowing when she see’s me.

‘What are you doing here Sparks?’ she asks haughtily, ‘you don’t live here, breaking into someone’s room is against the rules, even if you are friends.’

I raise an eyebrow at her, before pulling out the key again and holding it up with a sarcastic smirk.

‘It’s not breaking in if the owner of the room gives you a key’ I reply sweetly, ‘you see, Ty trusts me, more than anyone else in this pack I’d bet.’

‘I’m not sure he’ll be so keen to have a random she wolf having access to his room once he’s Mated.’ Ellie replies with fake concern, ‘Oh, aren’t you having your first claiming this full moon? Me too, looks like we’ll be calling out together, I can’t wait to see which warrior hears me. I wonder if Tyler will hear someone this month, I have a feeling that this month might just be his month. Don’t worry if you don’t get called, there is always next month, I’m sure Ty and I, ahem, I mean his Mate will try not to rub their relationship in the face of your disappointment.’

I shrug, ‘when we find our Mates, that will be cool, but regardless of who they are, Ty and I will always be tight, our friendship goes deeper than the Mate bond’ I reply with more confidence than I feel.

Ellie sneers, ‘yeah you can keep pretending you’re his number one girl if you want too, but that will all change when he hears the call.’

Shutting her door, Ellie stalks down the corridor, intentionally bumping my shoulder as she passes, ‘oh, when you see Ty next, tell him I can’t find my favourite black and pink bra, ask if he can look under his bed in case I left it there last night’ she calls back, smiling at me maliciously before disappearing down the stairs, leaving me outside of Ty’s room, a horrible twisty ache in my chest.

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