The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 42

Raelyn’s POV

I can’t believe I’ve already been at Diamond Star pack for two weeks, the full moon is fast approaching and I both crave to stay here where I finally feel like I’m just another member of the pack. I’m also worried about staying, my growing feelings for the Beta terrify me. It’s been five days since our date and I’m managed to dodge him completely. Being an Omega means it’s quite easy to move around the pack and learn where the high ranking members might be at any given time. It’s actually scary how loose lipped members are around us as though we are merely part of the furniture.

I’m currently holed up in the library that I discovered on the second floor a few days ago. There are rows and rows crammed with books, from science fiction to thrillers to historical tomes about our history.

I’ve started to research wolves like me, those of us that are born wolfless, wondering just how common my issue is in the Werewolf world.

Curled up in one of the huge armchairs that faces the fire that glows softly, the heat keeping the chill of the room at bay, I’m deeply absorbed in a chapter regarding an Alpha whose son was born wolfless.

‘You are avoiding me’ comes a deep rich voice that frightens me so badly I scream loudly, jumping about a foot in the air as the heavy book slides off my lap and lands on the floor with a heavy thud.

Snapping my gaze to the door, I find Isaac leaning against the door, staring at me, those strong muscular arms folded tightly across his chest.

‘No I’m not’ I stammer as I lean forward and retrieve my book with trembling hands, dragging it back onto my lap and pressing it to my chest like a shield.

‘Yes you are Rae’ he replies lightly, stepping into the room and pushing the door shut behind him, sealing us inside together.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

My heartrate picks up and I want to convince myself it’s because I’m caged in a room with a man who could easily break me in two and he is standing between me and my only way out. Really it’s because all that muscle prowling toward me makes my insides flutter, his gaze makes him look like a predator who is stalking his prey, and I want nothing more than to be caught.

I’m glad I’m sitting down because the heat in his eyes would have turned my knees to mush by now.

‘Why have you been avoiding me Rae’ he growls, taking another step toward me as I press my back into the plush fabric of the chair.

‘I told you, I haven’t’ I reply, trying desperately to keep the tremor out of my voice as I relax my grip on the book, opening it up as though I’m extremely busy and he’s disrupting me.

The book gets whipped out of my hands as I squeak in shock, glaring up at the huge warrior who towers over me, perusing the chapter that I was just studying.

‘Wolfless Alpha?’ he questions, raising an eyebrow at me.

‘Yes, and I hadn’t finished reading so I would appreciate it if you would give me back my book’ I flare, holding my hand out expectantly.

Instead, Isaac closes the book, placing It down on the chair across from me before leaning over my chair, a hand on each arm, his face inches from my own.

‘I think I’d prefer to have that talk first’ he replies simply.

I swallow thickly, ‘I uh . .I have nothing to talk to you about’ I mutter, gripping my hands together in my lap, my nails digging into the sensitive flesh.

‘So you don’t think we should talk about how my tongue was tasting you last week?’ the Beta growls. ‘How you came all over my fingers and how I fell asleep with my own shirt pressed to my face because it carried the faint scent of your sweet body?’

My mouth falls open as my eyes widen, ‘what are you doing!’ I hiss frantically, looking around the small room like the Alpha might suddenly jump out from between the shelves. ‘Don’t! . . You can’t just . . anyone could hear you!’

Isaac shrugs, not taking his eyes off mine, ‘if you hadn’t been hiding from me, I wouldn’t have to go to these measures Omega’ he grumbles.

He tilts his head slightly, those deep brown eyes swallowing me, ‘I’ve never had to hunt a woman down Raelyn’ he murmurs.

‘Well I’m honoured to be your first’ I quip sarkily, a small smile breaking out on my own face as the Beta’s head throws back as he barks out a laugh.

Sobering up, his warm gaze returns to me, ‘how can I love your sassiness so much?’ he mutters. ‘I should hate it, Indigo should be clawing to get out and force you to submit, but your fire seems to call to me.’

I nod slowly, ‘I hate to be bossed around’ I whisper, ‘but I kind of like your dominant streak.’ I bite my l*p, heat crawling up my neck, ‘it’s kind of hot to have a man tell you what to do.’

A self satisfied smirk crawls across the warrior’s face as he crouches down, placing his hands on my crossed legs, tingles running through me.

‘Is that so?’ he growls, those dark eyes like chocolate pools, ‘you like to feel a little out of control do you baby?’ His hands slide up my legs, my breath catching as I still, unable to move, waiting to see where those talented fingers are heading.

‘Answer me Rae’ he commands, a rough edge to his voice as his fingers reach the edge of my shirt and tease the hem, sliding just underneath but not quite far enough to reach bare skin.

‘Yes’ I whisper, my voice barely audible.

‘Yes what?’ Isaac coaxes, ‘say the words Rae, I want to hear you admit it.’

‘I like to feel out of control’ I murmur hoarsely, ‘I like it when you tell me what to do.’

The growl of approval that vibrates from his chest causes every nerve in my body to light up as he leans closer, his lips finding mine in a soft, sensual k**s that I instinctively lean into.

‘We enjoyed hunting you baby’ Isaac growls against my lips, the rough edge telling me that his wolf is close to the surface, adding his own voice to the words. ‘You should know, if you ever hide from us again, we will find you and then we’ll punish you in the most delicious of ways.’

I squeak in shock, pressing my head back into the chair as my eyes widen, ‘why?’ I stammer, ‘why would you punish me if you like it?’

Isaac’s smile widens, his eyes darkening as his wolf pushes further forward, ‘because, we’re a dominant wolf and chasing prey feeds our desire to hunt and subdue. So when you run from us, and we catch you little wolf, we want to bring you to your knees. We want to have you begging us to give you what you want, what you hunger for, as we tease and torture your body with the worst pleasure you have ever felt.

Every part of you will be wound tight with unspent need, your body craving a release that only we can give you but still we’ll make you wait . . .’

I can’t breathe, my heart is pounding against my chest as I stare into the wolf’s eyes in front of me, and I am under no illusion that it’s anyone but Indigo. Isaac is gone, pulled back into his mind and his wolf is in control.

Indigo’s words should scare the hell out of me but I’m so turned on it hurts, I want it, what he’s saying, I want it all.

I bite down on my l*p nervously, because part of me wants to run, wants to see if he will really chase me and make true everything, he just promised me. My panties are damp and as he inhales deeply, his dark eyes flashing, I know he can smell me.

Pressing his lips to mine, Indigo pushes his tongue between my lips, dominating my mouth. His k**s is harsher than Isaac’s but I find myself grabbing his shoulders, pulling him closer, loving the roughness of Isaac’s animal side.

I submit completely, giving the wolf control as he reaches a hand up behind my head and cups the back of my head, his grip just tight enough to remind me that he’s in control.

Just as I begin to lose myself in the k**s, Indigo pulls back, his hand still on my neck as a smirk crawls across his face.

‘Run’ he murmurs, a wicked glint in his eye.

I freeze for a second, not sure if I heard him correctly, ‘w . . w. . . what?’ I stammer.

Indigo smiles, his canines sliding down, making Isaac’s familiar face look much more dangerous.

‘RUN!’ he growls, the sound reverberating through me, making me jump at the force.

I stare at him for a split second before I shove at his shoulders, the Beta falling backward easily, which, if i had been thinking straight, I would have realised meant he was letting me go as with my strength I wouldn’t have been able to move him an inch let alone push him over.

Instead, all that races through my mind as I scramble across the room, is that I need to run and hide, the energy coursing through me, is a mix of fear and want. I want to be hunted, something deep inside of me craves it, needs this man to track me down like prey.

‘I’m counting to twenty little wolf’ Indigo growls from behind me as I dart toward the door, and yank it open violently, fleeing down the hall toward the stairs without a backward glance.

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