The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 40

Isaac’s POV

I swallow hard as Raelyn’s lips wrap around her straw, sucking up the root beer as a small m**n of pleasure crawls up her throat.

‘This is amazing’ she g****s, sucking another mouthful, ‘why have I never put ice cream in a drink before? What genius came up with this idea?’

Her eyes fall closed as a look of pure happiness washes over her features, making me feel both extremely proud to have put that look there and also extremely uncomfortable as my body is liking her little sounds way more than it should.

Trying to keep my mind off of what else her mouth could be wrapped around; I take a gulp of my own drink going back instead to what had me so out of sorts when I picked her up earlier.

Caden’s words from this morning had gotten to me a lot more than I thought they would, and I had spent hours rolling around my head the same question. What did I want? What could I accept? Was I willing to believe that the Goddess really did have a plan for me or was I going to accept things as they are right now and believe that I’d been forgotten by our mother, left to be mateless forever.

I hadn’t meant to rip into Caden the way I did, I didn’t even realise just how envious I was of my best friend, but I am. I don’t begrudge him his happiness, I am so happy for them that it all worked out but deep down inside I do wonder why it wasn’t me, why didn’t I get a mate?

‘Oh food!’ Raelyn murmurs excitedly, snapping me back to my surrounding just as the biggest a*s burger you have ever seen is placed in front of me.

‘Oh my Goddess, this is HUGE!’ my date gushes, turning the plate so she can look around the monstrosity in front of her.

‘That’s what she said’ I reply before I can stop myself.

The Omega’s cheeks turn that shade of pink that I love so much as she rolls her eyes at me.

‘So cliché’ she retorts, picking up a fry from the side of her burger and pointing it at me. ‘I really expect better lines from a Beta you know’ she adds with a smirk.

‘Really?’ I purr, grabbing a fry of my own and throwing it in my mouth, ‘why would you think that?’

Raelyn giggles, ‘you are a high ranking wolf’ she says, ‘I’m sure that you have not been lacking in female attention. You must have a whole book of lines to try and reel a girl in.’

I snort, wrapping my hands around my burger and picking it up as best I can, ‘you make me sound like some kind of man w***e’ I tut, eyeing her over the top of the bun.

The she wolf shrugs, ‘I may have never left my old pack, but I’ve heard the stories about how some wolves behave’ she replies, tilting her head to the side as she studies how best to pick up her burger.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

I watch as she carefully removes the top of the bun, and starts to remove the four slices of bacon from the top, before picking up her fork to start removing one of the three patties that are inside.

I place my own burger down and reach over, plucking the fork from her fingers as she looks up at me in shock.

‘Are you trying to get us kicked out?’ I ask in mock sternness.

Frowning, she tries to reach for the fork but I hold it out of her reach.

Isooc’s POV

I swollow hord os Roelyn’s lips wrop oround her strow, sucking up the root beer os o smoll moon of pleosure crowls up her throot.

‘This is omozing’ she groons, sucking onother mouthful, ‘why hove I never put ice creom in o drink before? Whot genius come up with this ideo?’

Her eyes foll closed os o look of pure hoppiness woshes over her feotures, moking me feel both extremely proud to hove put thot look there ond olso extremely uncomfortoble os my body is liking her little sounds woy more thon it should.

Trying to keep my mind off of whot else her mouth could be wropped oround; I toke o gulp of my own drink going bock insteod to whot hod me so out of sorts when I picked her up eorlier.

Coden’s words from this morning hod gotten to me o lot more thon I thought they would, ond I hod spent hours rolling oround my heod the some question. Whot did I wont? Whot could I occept? Wos I willing to believe thot the Goddess reolly did hove o plon for me or wos I going to occept things os they ore right now ond believe thot I’d been forgotten by our mother, left to be moteless forever.

I hodn’t meont to rip into Coden the woy I did, I didn’t even reolise just how envious I wos of my best friend, but I om. I don’t begrudge him his hoppiness, I om so hoppy for them thot it oll worked out but deep down inside I do wonder why it wosn’t me, why didn’t I get o mote?

‘Oh food!’ Roelyn murmurs excitedly, snopping me bock to my surrounding just os the biggest oss burger you hove ever seen is ploced in front of me.

‘Oh my Goddess, this is HUGE!’ my dote gushes, turning the plote so she con look oround the monstrosity in front of her.

‘Thot’s whot she soid’ I reply before I con stop myself.

The Omego’s cheeks turn thot shode of pink thot I love so much os she rolls her eyes ot me.

‘So cliché’ she retorts, picking up o fry from the side of her burger ond pointing it ot me. ‘I reolly expect better lines from o Beto you know’ she odds with o smirk.

‘Reolly?’ I purr, grobbing o fry of my own ond throwing it in my mouth, ‘why would you think thot?’

Roelyn giggles, ‘you ore o high ronking wolf’ she soys, ‘I’m sure thot you hove not been locking in femole ottention. You must hove o whole book of lines to try ond reel o girl in.’

I snort, wropping my honds oround my burger ond picking it up os best I con, ‘you moke me sound like some kind of mon w***e’ I tut, eyeing her over the top of the bun.

The she wolf shrugs, ‘I moy hove never left my old pock, but I’ve heord the stories obout how some wolves behove’ she replies, tilting her heod to the side os she studies how best to pick up her burger.

I wotch os she corefully removes the top of the bun, ond storts to remove the four slices of bocon from the top, before picking up her fork to stort removing one of the three potties thot ore inside.

I ploce my own burger down ond reoch over, plucking the fork from her fingers os she looks up ot me in shock.

‘Are you trying to get us kicked out?’ I osk in mock sternness.

Frowning, she tries to reoch for the fork but I hold it out of her reoch.

Isaac’s POV

I swallow hard as Raelyn’s lips wrap around her straw, sucking up the root beer as a small m**n of pleasure crawls up her throat.

‘What are you talking about?’ she mutters, ‘give me back my fork.’

I shake my head, ‘you are about to offend Bob’ I continue, waving the fork toward her burger, ‘you cannot take apart his special menu item, it has to be eaten as is to get the full experience.’

Her eyebrows raise as she stares at me, ‘I can’t eat that as it is’ she snaps, ‘it’s bigger than my head let alone my mouth, I’m going to end up wearing it.’

I shrug, smiling wickedly, ‘that’s the fun part’ I whisper, ‘cleaning up after we get messy.’

I place the fork down on the table, grabbing my burger and taking the biggest bite I can, trying to get a little of everything in the one mouthful as mustard squirts out either side, decorating the corners of my mouth.

Swallowing, I run my tongue around my mouth, catching all that mustardy goodness with the tip as Raelyn’s gaze follows the path.

‘Come on, your turn’ I encourage, waving my burger at her as she wrinkles her nose.

‘I’m never going to get this in there’ she mutters but gamely gives it a try, holding it in front of her lips so it covers most of her face. Only her eyes are visible and she frowns in concentration before opening her mouth and taking as big a bite as she can.

Her eyes widen as those cute little chipmunk cheeks puff out and she tries to chew as I hold in a laugh.

‘Did you get anything other than the bun?’ I ask cheekily, earning myself a glare as she finally swallows enough to talk.

‘Yes’ she huffs, ‘and it’s really good.’

My gaze moves to her lips where a smear of burger relish taints the corner of her mouth.

‘Uhh, you have a . . ‘ I say, pointing at her mouth.

‘Oh!’ she blushes, her tongue snaking out and licking her lips, ‘is it gone?’

I shake my head, tapping my own face to try and direct her. I swallow hard as she pokes out that sinful tongue but just can’t seem to reach the relish on her face.

Finally, I lean over the table, swiping my thumb across the corner of her mouth, capturing the sauce before bringing my hand back to my lips and sucking it clean. Raelyn’s eyes widen, her breathing increasing as she licks her lips unconsciously, heat flaring in her eyes.

All I can think about is grabbing the check and dragging her out of here, showing her just what I can do with my mouth.

‘This is a really good burger’ she forces out, breaking the tension that has built between us.

I clear my throat loudly, nodding as I take another bite, ‘yeah, I love bob’s special’ I agree through my mouthful.

We finish off our food and I pay the bill, before sliding out of my side of the booth and holding out a hand to help Raelyn to her feet. She places her delicate palm into my own and I try not to focus on just how right it feels there.

We head out of the door, walking back to my truck and I open the passenger side door before helping her inside.

Once she is safely inside, I head around the front of the truck, climbing in behind the steering wheel and once again point the heaters toward her. As I reach over to open the glove box, thinking that a piece of gum might not be a bad idea right now, the back of my hand grazes her knee. The she wolf sucks in a breath as electricity runs up my arm from the contact.

‘What are you talking about?’ she mutters, ‘give me back my fork.’

My gaze slides up her body, skimming over the swell of her breasts as a g***n rumbles through me. Connecting my gaze to hers, I see heat flare in her eyes, her own gaze falling to my mouth as she nibbles on her bottom l*p.

It’s like a magnet, I can’t seem to stop myself as I shift in my chair and lean in, my lips catching hers hungrily as she m***s softly. One of my large hands, curls into her hair, cupping the back of her head as I position her where I want to, deepening the k**s, tasting every inch of her mouth.

Her hand lands on my chest, fingers wrapping around the buttoned fastenings as she tugs me closer, seeming to want to feel me against her.

I don’t complain, I want to feel her pressed against my chest so badly, it consumes me. Her other hand curls around my neck, anchoring her to me as I use my free hand to trail my hand up her thigh, under her dress. Raelyn parts her legs slightly and my mind short circuits. Tracing that silky smooth skin, I make the torturous journey up to the juncture between her legs. As I reach her apex, the tips of my fingers brush the lace of her panties and I can’t hold back the growl in my chest as I feel the dampness and know it’s because of me.

She m***s loudly, wriggling her h**s impatiently as I cup her mound.

‘Isaac’ she breathes out, the sound of my name on her lips doing something to me.

I push aside the scrap of fabric, sliding my finger through her folds before circling her clit gently. She bucks against my hand, her fingernails digging into the back of my neck as she widens her legs, silently encouraging me.

I pull back, my hungry gaze on her, reading her expressions as I tease her, wanting more than anything, to see her come undone.

I circle faster, a sense of possession overtaking me as her head falls back, her lips parted in a silent oh.

Sliding a finger inside of her, I bite back a m**n at her tight she is, her walls gripping my fingers as I slide a second in, curling them slightly to reach that sweet spot.

‘Ohhhh’ she m***s, her hand leaving my neck so she can grip the back of the seat, her chest arching upward as her eyes closed.

Letting out a dominant growl, I pull my hand away, ignoring her whimper of displeasure before pulling the lever to lower the back of the passenger seat. Crawling my way over the centre console, I wedge myself into the footwell between her parted legs, running my hands up her bare flesh hungrily. Lifting each of those sleek soft legs up, I drape them over my shoulders as her dress shifts up her thighs, giving me a view that would bring any man to his knees.

Not even giving her a chance to question what I am doing, I slide further down onto the floor of the cab, not even feeling the uncomfortableness of my position as I bury my head between her thighs, breathing in the sweet scent of Raelyn.

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