The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 37

Raelyn’s POV

I have to admit that it was really nice to spend time with Isaac’s family, the teasing and chatter reminded me so much of meals in the Alpha suite which was both wonderful and painful at the same time.

It was nice to remember what being part of a family is like, but it hurt to know that my own family are so far away.

As we say goodbye, Mrs Sparks hugs me one last time, her warm hug is how I imagine it would be like to be hugged by my own mother. That all encompassing warmth that I assume can only be felt from a mom.

Once she finally releases us, both laden down with Tupperware overflowing with food, we walk back to Isaac’s truck, the Beta balances his boxes on one hand as he fishes for his keys with the other. Once he’s unlocked the vehicle, he pulls open the rear passenger door, placing first his food and then mine onto the back seat in a box that look like it’s there specifically for this situation which tells me just how often his mother must send him home with leftovers.

Shutting the door, he quickly pulls open my door, helping me inside just as the Luna steps out of the front door.

‘Isaac, a word’ she calls out, her arms crossed over her body as she glares at her brother.

Giving me a wink, he closes my door before heading back to his sister, who says something I can’t hear. Isaac shrugs, cutting her off with a hand gesture when she speaks again. He shakes his head, pointing at himself and then the truck before turning on his heel and jogging back over, heading around the truck to the drivers side.

Once in, he starts the engine, fiddling with the heating to fight against the cold as the temperature has dropped even further whilst we were in his parents’ home.

I give him a grateful smile as he turns the blowers toward me, aiming the heat toward me instead of himself.

‘You can keep some on you’ I point out, ‘you’ll get cold.’

Isaac winks at me, ‘’I’m of Beta b***d baby’ he replies, ‘we don’t get cold.’

A shiver runs through me at the pet name and I don’t think he even realises that he said it.

‘Is everything OK?’ I ask gently, ‘your sister looked a little . . on edge.’

Isaac snorts angrily, his grip tightening on the steering wheel before he glances over at me and relaxes again. ‘It’s fine’ he replies, ‘she just wanted to make sure that you were settling in OK and that mum didn’t overwhelm you.’ He doesn’t quite look at me as he speaks and I’m pretty sure there is more to the conversation than that, but I let it go.

Pulling up to the pack house, Isaac backs into his parking space, cutting the engine and climbing out. Moving to my side, he opens my door, helping me out before reaching in the back and grabbing the huge box that now contains all the food we were given.

I try to take a few items from the top but the Beta merely chuckles as he moves it out of my reach. ‘I got it baby’ he murmurs fondly, ‘but if you could shut the door for me, I’d appreciate it.’

Doing as he says, I then lead the way back into the pack house, skirting the few people that are milling around and head up the stairs, Isaac behind me.

Heading to my room, I unlock it before turning back to him nervously.

‘Uhh, thank you’ I mutter awkwardly, ‘for inviting me to your parents’ house and carrying all the food.’

Isaac’s smile widens, ‘you are welcome Rae’ he murmurs, ‘but any chance you can let me in so I can put the box down?’

He winks as I flush in embarrassment, scrabbling with the door handle to open it and moving inside. I quickly flit around the room, picking up the clothes I had thrown on the floor earlier when I spent over thirty minutes agonising about what to wear.

I unceremoniously shove them into the closet and shut the door, turning back to find Isaac by my small coffee table in front of the tv, pulling out boxes and placing them in the mini fridge that is built into the dresser underneath.

Straightening up, he looks around the room that now has the few items I had shipped from my old pack scattered around.

‘Nice room’ he comments, his gaze hesitating for a fraction of a second too long on my double bed.

‘I’m sure yours is way nicer’ I reply, wrapping my arms around myself, suddenly very conscious that the huge, muscular werewolf is in my room with me.

He turns to me and shrugs, ‘it’s OK’ he replies, ‘just a bit big for one person.’

I tilt my head, ‘you get lonely up there?’ I ask, my voice coming out a little breathless.

His gaze pins me in place, that unreadable expression flickering across his face.

‘Sometimes’ he murmurs, ‘it’s somewhere to live, but it’s not really a home.’NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

I nod, swallowing thickly, ‘maybe you need a female’s touch’ I say quietly, ‘just to add a little warmth?’

A growl leaves the warrior’s lips before he takes the two steps between us, his hands landing on my h**s as he hoists me up. My legs wrap around his waist as my back collides with the door to my closet, Isaac’s mouth descending on mine as he k****s me like he is drowning.

I understand how he feels, being around him but not touching him is like having an itch I just can’t reach. I’m aware of him all the time and it’s all consuming.

He sucks my bottom l*p into his mouth, scraping his teeth lightly over the flesh as I m**n, wrapping my arms tightly around his neck, trying to pull him closer to me somehow.

Isaac doesn’t seem to mind, pressing his hard chest against me as his tongue pushes past my lips to tangle with my own. His hand skates up my thigh and under my dress, tracing the bare skin as I shiver from the contact.

Slowly he moves his fingers along my skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake as I grind shamelessly against him. The hard length that I can feel under his jeans does nothing to cool me down. I have a primal need to touch him everywhere my hands tugging at the hair at the base of his skull when instead of making his way where I want him, the Beta moves his hand the other way, cupping my a*s in his palm as he g****s into my mouth.

I don’t know how long we make out like horny teenagers before the werewolf reluctantly rips his mouth from mine, leaving me dazed as I lick my swollen lips.

‘Go out with me’ he growls in a strangled voice.

‘what?’ I mumble distractedly, ‘I’m not your mate . . ‘

‘I don’t give a sh*t’ he snarls, ‘I want to take you on a date, to a restaurant. I want to eat some nice food, drink some wine and get to know you.’

I force my eyes to his, seeing the earnestness in his gaze as he studies me.

‘I can’t . .’ I turn my head away slightly, refusing to allow the tears I can feel behind my eyelids, to fall, ‘I can never be your mate’ I finally say quietly.

Isaac’s grip tightens on me at my words before he lets out a long slow breath, resting his head against mine. ‘I didn’t ask you to be’ he replies sadly, ‘but that doesn’t mean I can’t take you out to dinner.’

He moves slightly, so he can bring his eyes in level with mine, making me meet his gaze again. ‘Please Rae’ he murmurs, ‘you drive me crazy, when I’m away from you, I want to be with you, when I’m with you I want to touch you. I don’t know what’s going on but I can’t keep pretending that I’m not attracted to you, and I’m pretty sure that you are attracted to me too.

Go on a date with me, you never know, maybe we’ll have a terrible time and can move on from whatever this is, but if we don’t do something, we might end up in a situation we can’t have.’

I gaze into his eyes, seeing that same l**t and confusion that swirls in my own mind mirrored back at me. He’s right, we need to do something because if we don’t, we might just end up giving in and sleeping together which can never happen. I cannot be his and he cannot be mine, so if we actually spend time together, realise how far our differences reach, it might just get our bodies on the same page as our brains.

Slowly, I nod, ‘OK’ I whisper, ‘I’ll go on a date with you.’

Isaac’s smile lights up his face making me want to melt into a puddle at his feet. How can it be fair to be that attractive? Surely he must have something wrong with him, maybe an iffy mole or a wart on his a*s? Note for date, ask about any deformities or disgusting habits that might just make me like him less.

Kissing me chastely, the Beta lowers me to the floor, gently placing me on my feet before stepping back and dragging his fingers through his mussed hair. His lips are swollen and he has a slightly drunk look that I try not to feel to proud about the knowledge that I put it there.

‘I’ll pick you up tomorrow’ he says, cupping my cheek and brushing his thumb over the skin, ‘seven o’clock. Wear something nice but not too dressy, I’m not a fancy restaurant kinda guy.’

I nod, ‘neither am I’ I reply, ‘I mean a girl, I’m not that kind of girl’ I stumble, flushing again.

Isaac g****s softly, his gaze on my lips as I lick them nervously.

‘Once more’ he says more to himself than to me before cupping the other side of my face and holding me in place as he presses his lips to mine once more for an equally potent but way to short k**s. Moaning in frustration, he moves back, fisting his hands at his sides as he strides toward my bedroom door and pulls it open.

Giving me one last heated look, he steps out, shutting the door behind him as I slide down the door into a heap, my fingers pressing to my lips as I let out a nervous giggle, unsure if this date will be amazing or a disaster.

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