The Mating Rules

Book 3 – Chapter 27

Raelyn’s POV

I nibble on my bottom l*p nervously as I clasp my hands tightly in my lap, staring resolutely out of the window of the SUV I’m currently travelling in, trying to ignore the suffocating male strength coming from the man beside me.

I don’t even really know how I got here, one minute Im cleaning a table and the next I’m agreeing to leave my pack and relocate to a whole new area. I’ve never even been to the boundary line of our pack, what the heck was I thinking?

Oh I know what I was thinking, I was thinking about the sexy wolf next to me whose one k**s had turned my knees to jelly. I was thinking about how I can still feel his fingers digging into my h**s as he hoisted me up and pinned me to the door. I was also thinking about the fact that I can’t be me at my old pack, no matter what, I will always be the broken wolf that needs treating with kid gloves.

The thought of going somewhere that no one knows me was an aphrodisiac and I wanted it badly, but now I’m in the car and the edge of our territory is coming into view, l’m panicking. Can I really keep my wolflessness a secret from these people for the rest of my life? What if part of their initiation is to shift and run with the pack? Why the hell didn’t I think about this?

I glance toward the front, and out of the windscreen, watching as our boundary moves closer, our guards standing either side of the road as we approach.

This is my last chance, if I want to change my mind, I need to say something now. I am still a part of the pack, I can mind link the guards, they’ll stop the SUV, call the Alpha and get me taken back to the pack house.

My lips part, my voice ready to speak out, to ask the driver to stop but then thoughts of my life so far flash through my mind. Peoples looks of horror when they bump into me, the sympathetic glances, how I’m treated as a child by even the older children because I’m the weak link of the pack.

I stare at our guards as they come closer, our SUV slowing slightly as the first vehicle no doubt waves to the two wolves in greeting. One hundred feet, fifty feet, twenty feet and I still haven’t said anything. My head turns to watch as we pass between the warriors and the decision is made for me. We head toward the main road and my old pack house and all my family and friends disappear behind the treeline.

‘Are you OK?’ comes Isaac’s deep voice, snapping my attention to him to find that he’s watching me uncertainly.

Plastering on a smile I nod, ‘yep’ I trill, ‘absolutely fine, better than fine, so fine, I could be an advert for the after scene for medical care.’

Isaac frowns at me, ‘you don’t have to do that’ he huffs grumpily.

I fidget under his gaze, ‘what? I am fine’ I argue defensively.

‘It’s normal to be anxious you know, and you are allowed to be sad to leave your pack, you don’t have to pretend that everything is amazing.’

I blink over at him in shock as he literally just called me out on my sh*t, like stripped me bare and pointed at all the holes in my story. Who does that? Everyone knows that you just nod and agree, pretend that the other person isn’t falling apart!

‘Are you calling me a liar?’ I growl, straightening up as the Beta faces me fully.

‘Are you lying?’ he counters, those piercing brown eyes drilling into me as though he can see into my soul and knows exactly what’s is going on in my mind.

No’ I snarl, I’m fine, I agreed to come to Diamond Star pack, I wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t fine with it: Isaac’s eyebrows rise at my tone, but rather than reprimand me, as is his right now as I technically now belong to his pack even if I haven’t been initiated, a slow smile crawls across his face.

‘Feisty, always so feisty’ he murmurs, and I can feel the heat in his gaze as it runs over me. I suppress a shudder, I am not letting this man know how he affects me! I am an independent she wolf, I am not led around by my libido.

‘But here you are in a car going to his pack just because he asked youuuu’ sing songs my conscience. Yeah, you can shut up and all, I’m going so I can be a real werewolf not a half-wolf like I’m viewed at home.

I turn away from him with a huff and glare out of the window, studiously ignoring the man beside me as we eat up the miles between my old pack and my new one.

I must fall asleep because the slowing of the vehicle jolts me awake with a start. I’m leaning against something hard and as I open my eyes I find myself staring at the back of the drivers seat. Turning my head, my gaze moves upward to the firm body behind me. Up and up my eyes move till I’m looking into the smirking face of Isaac.

Squeaking in embarrassment, I push up with my arms against a leg that is much more muscular than should ever be allowed, lifting my head from his lap as his grin widens.

‘Sleep well?’ he asks softly, those eyes staring at me with a hunger that I can’t even begin to handle right now.

‘Uhhh’ I reply eloquently, my own eyes widening as he reaches over and brushes his thumb down the side of my mouth.

“You drooled’ he whispers conspiratorially and my traitorous gaze drops to his lap where there is a small wet patch halfway up his thigh. Oh Goddess, please kill me now, I swear, you don’t even have to allow me into the garden! I’ll sit outside and watch all the other wolves through the gate but I beg you, let me die of mortification.

‘It’s OK’ Isaac murmurs, leaning closer to me so his lips are barely millimetres from my ear, his warm breath tickling me, 1 like to change after I travel anyway, and I won’t tell anyone that you drooled on me.’

Flushing deeply, I drop my head so my hair falls over my face, blocking me from his amused gaze.

Our car slides to a stop and I peek up through my tresses as the driver rolls down the window and a stern looking man leans in, nodding to Isaac.

‘Beta’ he greets my travel companion, ‘the Alpha is aware of your return, he has said that he will be waiting for you in his office and to bring any new members with you so that he can meet them.

Isaac nods, and I feel his aura intensify slightly, ‘ understood warrior’ he replies gruffly before the window is raised again and we are traveling down a sweeping road that is surrounded by trees.

Minutes pass before the treeline breaks and I get my first real view of my new pack house.

My voice leaves me as I take in the beautiful building, our pack house was nice and I always thought it was impressive in size, but now I realise just how small our pack is compared to Diamond Star.

“Quite a sight isn’t it’ Isaac murmurs beside me, and I turn to find him also looking at the growing building as we approach, his whole body relaxed as though his burdens have lifted.

‘It’s beautiful’ I agree breathily, returning my gaze to the pack house.

“Yes it is’ Isaac agrees, but as I peek over at him from the corner of my eye, I realise he is no longer looking at the impressive structure, his gaze is firmly on me.

The car glides to a stop in front of two huge doors that are guarded by two massive warriors who scare me a little bit.

I’m thankful that Isaac climbs out of the car immediately, Jogging around and opening my door before the driver can beat him to it.

I step out nervously, glancing toward the rear of the vehicle where my suitcase is, but I find a hand around my arm, tugging me gently toward the front doors.

‘Don’t worry, the boys will sort out your belongings and have them taken to your new room. We need to go straight to the Alpha’s office so everyone can meet him.’

I nod, feeling very small as a few warriors cage me in, their new mates beside them. In total three of my pack have joined me in moving to Diamond Star, two females and one male. I silently thank Alpha Grant for the special b***d oath that he placed on all of our members when my missing wolf was discovered. Even though we have moved packs and now will answer to a new Alpha, the b***d oath is unbreakable and they cannot breathe a word to anyone outside of our old pack about my condition.

We walk past the guards who both bow to the Beta, welcoming him back in solemn tones as they step aside.

Once inside the door, I have no time to appreciate the interior as I’m swept up the stairs to the top of the huge house and marched quickly to a solid door that has a small plaque stating the words ‘Alpha’s Office.

Isaac knocks loudly, before reaching out and opening the door, sighing in frustration to whatever is inside as we all stand back, waiting to be allowed to enter.

‘Really?’ the Beta huffs, ‘you knew I was back AND you insisted that I come straight here!

A feminine laugh reaches my ear just as a strong authoritative voice replies, ‘did you wait for me to tell you to come in? No? Well then you are going to see things that you do not want too.’

Isaac moves to the side, and I peek through the bodies around me to see a formidable man behind a desk, a beautiful brunette perched on the wooden top between his legs as his hands grip her thighs possessively.

‘Come in everyone’ Isaac grumbles, waving a hand toward the desk so we can line up in front, each newcomer placed in front of the pack member they are mated too.

Reluctantly letting go of who I assume is the Luna, Alpha Caden stands up, smiling at us warmly as he studies each face in turn.

‘Welcome to Diamond Star pack’ he says as he walks around the desk, bringing his own mate with him. 1 am Alpha Caden and this is my mate Luna Jamie-Lee, it’s wonderful to see so many pack members have found their fated other this full moon.’

The four pack members all grin happily at the man who leads them, the two men wrapping their arms around their females in the same possessive move that Caden was just displaying with his own mate. A pang of sadness cuts through me, which I quickly squash, a mate isn’t in the cards for me and that is fine, I can be happy for others who do get that special bond.

Caden walks down the line, shaking hands with each of my old pack mates, asking their name and rank before congratulating them.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

When he reaches me, his eyebrows raise in surprise as | give him a meek smile.

‘Raelyn’ I introduce myself, my voice unnaturally high, I’m an Omega, I uh .. don’t have a mate’ I add lamely, hyper aware that I’m standing here alone.

‘Beta?’ the Alpha calls out to Isaac who grimaces before moving closer to me, his body heat washing over my back as he crowds me.

‘Maybe better to discuss this when everyone is released’ he mutters under his breath.

I watch the Alpha’s gaze narrow at Isaac before nodding once and turning back to the rest of the group, ‘well we will sort out the ceremony to initiate you all into the pack tomorrow’ he calls out loudly, ‘until then, I’m sure your mates would like to show you around your new home and get you settled in so I’ let you all go about your day!’ The six mates all bow to Alpha Caden and turn to leave, I go to do the same, taking a step toward the door even though I have no idea where I should go, but I’m halted by my new Alpha’s order.

‘Not you’ he growls and I can feel his aura wash over me, sending a slight shive down my back but nothing I can’t handle.

I turn back to him and keep my head down, but I can feel his surprise, yeah sorry Alpha, your Aura doesn’t work on me yet.

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