The Marvelous Elijah’s Return

Chapter 125

Chapter 125

99.9 percent his father's child The bartender flinched when Jacob suddenly slapped the counter, clearly wasted, and shouted, “Give me one more shot?!”

“Who’s paying for all the first sevenrolls that you and those guys drank? The bartender asked, eyeing Jacob warily.

A snarl crossed Jacob's face before he took Peach's ring from his pocket, pushed it towards the bartender’s face, and said, “Do you see these stones…

real diamonds…

worth millions of dollars…

I need to get it off my hands soon…

I got a buyer already though, and they are supposed to meet me here…

so don't worry your head about if I can pay you.

Just make me another damn drink. Not trusting the sketchiness of Jacob’s words, or what they seemed to imply, the bartender frownedslightly and said, “I will need a credit card or cash...

not some ring.

Do you have those just in case your buyer doesn't show up?” “Of course he does…

But there will be no need for that…

his buyer is here. A guy with long black hair pulled into a ponytail came up next to Jacob, smirking.” Serve us moredrinks.” A sigh left the bartender's lips as he turned his back to them, reached for his stash of alcohol, and started mixing another batch of shots.

Gill, Jacob blurted out with a smirk as the fellow took a seat beside him.

“It looks even more beautiful in person than in the photos you send me,” Gill said, trying to reach for the ring, but Jacobslapped his hand, making him chuckle.

“I will let that slide because you are wasted.” “My four million,” Jacob replied, still grinning widelyas he leaned forward.

“3.5, “Four million, or I move to my next buyer. The club door suddenly opened, and abunch of men walked inside, and the group entering was so long that people's attention slowly started getting drawn to the doorway..

Men didn't stop coming, and when the bartender turned around to serve Jacob and Gill, he froze with the shots in his hand, seeing how crowded the club had gottenwith more men walking in.

When Jacob and Gill saw the shock on the bartender's face, they both turned their heads to look back, and asense of confusion washed over them, But then Jacob saw Scorpio and his face immediately hardened, knowing his history with him.

After Rick walked in, Jacob's jaw tightened as he locked eyes with Elijah, and when he saw Scorpio whispering in Elijah’s ear, he knew whatwas coming next.

Immediately, he reached behind his back for his gun but remembered that the club had no weapon policy, and the bouncers searched them at the entrance for all weapons.

I need my wife's ring back, Jacob, Elijah spoke loudly as he looked directly at him.

You got guts coming here, boy, knowing what you have done.” Jacob hissed, standing up.

Where's her ring,Fuck off!” Civilians hastily started leaving the club, knowing what was about tohappen as Jacob's men stood up, ready to attack.

Intoxicated, Jacob pointed the ring at Elijah, letting out as he swung it right and left, mockingly whispering, “Come here…

Come get it…

bring your ass here.” The calmness on Elijah's face didn't fade as he took off his shoe, met Jacob’s eyes, and before it could clickto Jacob's mind what was about to happen, the shoe flew towards him, smacking him in the face before falling to the ground.

“You bastard!!! Jacob screamed, rushing from his chair with rage glowing in his eyes.

“Good boy,” Elijah whispered, a smirk tugging on his lips, as Jacob ran towards him.

0 The moment he got closer, Elijah jumped into the air, his right foot aiming for Jacob’sforehead, whipping his temple hard, immediately knocking him to the ground. Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Immediately, chaos broke out as Jacob's goons rushed toward Elijah, But Larry, Scorpio, Rick, and the others didn’t hesitate to rush to their boss’sdefense, splitting themselves up into groups and fighting off the men, leaving Elijah along with Jacob.

His visions were blurred because of the force of Elijah's kick.

But then he managed to get himself on both of his hands and knees, groaning out the painin his head.

“Take out the ring and hand it over,” Elijah ordered, looking at him from above.

Annoyed, Jacob turned his head to look at Elijah's one foot with a sock on and then hisother pair of shoes before spitting towards him, making Elijah step back.

Where are Cora and Amelia? Jacob groaned, shutting his eyes to calm the buzzing noise in his ears.

Between the tipsiness from the alcohol and the pain from Elijah’s hit, his brain was hazy and he wasn’t in any positionto think straight.

Sighing, Elijah squatted, reaching into Jacob's pocket for the ring, believing he was too wasted to react, but he suddenly got collared by him, and Jacobused all his might to hit Elijah to the ground, landing on top of him.

Eyes full of anger, Jacob grabbed Elijah's neck with both fists and squeezed it as he growled, “Where the fuck aremy girls?! After a bit of struggle between the two, Elijah managed to raise his leg, slamming his kneecap into Jacob's groin before shoving him off.

Groaning in pain, Jacob held on to his crotch and tried to stand up, when Elijah attacked again, kicking him in the chest hard, sending him rolling backward andhitting a chair leg.

“Don't fucking touch my wife again, or else I will find you and kill your sorry ass myself,” Elijah shouted as he took a step towardhim.

Resting flat on his back, Jacob tried to breathe through the pain, closing his eyes briefly before looking back at Elijah, standing over himas he coughed out slightly.

“It’s not a damn threat…

it's a promise. Elijah stiffly said before reaching down and taking the ring out of Jacob’s pocket.

“I don't know what your deal is with the Hayes, but if you try that shit you did with my wife,that will be the last thing you do on this earth.” After glaring at Jacob, Elijah turned on his heel and that's when Jacob grabbed his ankle, asking out loud, Have you are-leased my daughters...? Is Coral and Amelia home...

with their mother…

Because if they are hurt, you should just kill me now, because no one fuck with my kids and gofree.” “What did you say? Elijah asked, yanking his foot out of Jacob's grasp.

For a moment he stayed on his back before raising his head, staring at Elijah with dizzy eyes as he mumbled, “Did you keep yourend of the bargain? Did you release Coral and Amelia?” You said they were your daughters? Elijah asked, sounding confused.

“Where are my daughters…

Are they safe with Jewel?!You are being serious... S A frown crossed Elijah’s face, doubting the words he heard,and yet, he stepped over Jacob's body, ignoring the sound of the fight happening behind him, and looked at the bartender who had frozen from fear.

Give me a napkin.” Elijah ordered, holding out his hand to him.

Slowly, the bartender placed a napkin on the bar, and Elijah picked it up before walking back to Jacob.

Then he reached for his hair, plucking out a couple of hair strings, ignoring Jacob groaning out with every pluck, and thenput it in a napkin before shoving it into his back pocket, mumbling, Thank you, intoxication. 1 One of Jacob's men saw Elijah's back turned toward him and rushed for him with one of the beer bottles, but at that exact moment, Elijah suddenly turned, his body reacting immediately, making him dodge his attempt easily while throwing a punch at the man's face, knocking him out cold.

A small smile graced Miss Grace's face as she watched Peach go back and forth in front of her, her pace increasing with every passing secondand her movements becoming wilder, almost as if she couldn't contain herself anymore.

“It's just business he's attending. Miss Grace chuckled with a smile.

You are making me dizzy with all your pacing, honey. Knowing what kind of business Elijah meant, her mother’s words only made Peach more agitated as shestopped moving, turning to look at Miss Grace, wishing she understood more.

“I know that it's been a couple of hours since he left, but he will be back soon and you can see him all youwant.

So just take it easy,” Miss Grace added in a soft voice.

With a weak smile, Peach stared into her mother's eyes for a few seconds longer, before looking away.

Suddenly, the sound of a knock snapped Peach out of her trance, making her rush towards the door, opening it wide.

A look of relief immediately washed over Peach's face when she saw her husband, and before he even had the chance to fully enter, she was wrapping herarms tightly around him, squeezing her head into the side of his neck.

Sticking on Elijah's body, Peach gave him no choice but to lift her onto his waist, allowing her to wrap herarms and legs around his body tightly, tucking her chin into his shoulder.

When Elijah walked in, carrying her, Miss Grace couldn't help but laugh at the childishness of her daughter.

The moment he and his mother-in-law locked eyes, Elijah smiled, shutting the door closed, and then the thought thathunted him, all through the drive here resurfaced in his mind.

“Before his death, did Mr.

Hayes ever need a blood transfusion when he got sick? Elijah asked calmly, stroking Peach back.

It shocked Miss Grace that he suddenly had such an interesting question, but nevertheless, she answered, “Yes…

My father-in-law made my husband give a sample for a DNA test…

But at that time, we knew he needed a good amount of blood for the surgery, and never thought anything of it.”.

nd the result came back? Elijah asked slowly, trying to sound casual.

lbert was 99.9 percent his father's child, and that's why he was chosen by my father-in-law to be his blood donor…

But then he suddenly died.” “Did his other children do the test?” “We don’t know…

But since Albert was the first son, we thought since he was the first, his fathers chose himfirst to do the blood donation, and since he was a match, Mathew and the others didn't have to do the test.” Holding back his tongue, even though something felt off about Mr.

Hayes asking for a DNA test from his first son was bugging him, he knew Miss Grace wouldn’t understand sinceshe didn't know what he knew.

Did Mr.

Hayes find out about Amelia and Cora not being his daughter…

Was that what he was screaming about the day Peach visited?’ Elijah thought.

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